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Source material for the history of medicine
catalogue 100
Amsterdam, B.M. Israël, [1988]
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v.d. Aa = Aa, v.d.. Biograph. woordenboek der Nederl. B.M. Israël, 1969.
Adams = Adams, Cat. of books printed on the continent 1501-1600, 1967.
Becker = Catalog of the Becker coll. in ophthalmology, 1983.
Bedford = Bedford Library of cardiology, 1977.
Billings = Billings, Hist. of surgery, 1970.
Baas = Baas, Outlines hist. of med. 1889.
Banga = Banga, Gesch. v.d. geneesk. in Nederl. 1868.
Barbier = Barbier, Dict. des ouvrages anonymes, 1872/9.
Bayle & Thill. = Bayle & Thillaye, Biographie médicale, B.M. Israël, 1967.
Blake = Blake, S.T.C. of 18th cent, printed books in the Nat.Libr. of Med., 1979.
Bloomfield = Bloomfield, Communicable diseases, 1958.
B.M.N. = Bibliotheca Medica Neerlandica, 1930-'80.
Boring = Boring, Hist. of exp. psychology, 1957.
Bracegirdle = Bracegirdle, Hist. microtechnique, 1978.
Bruckner = Bruckner, A bibliogr. cat. of 17th cent. German books publ. in Holland, 1971.
Bulloch = Bulloch, Hist. of bacteriology, 1960.
Caillet = Caillet, Manuel bibliogr. des sciences psych. ou occultes, 1912.
Choulant-Frank = Choulant-Frank, Hist. and bibliogr. of anatomic illustration, 1962.
Clarke & O'Malley = Clarke & O'Malley, The human brain, 1968.
Clay & Court = Clay & Court, Hist. of the microscope, 1932.
Cole = Cole libr. early med. and zoology, 1969/75.
Cole = Cole, Early theories sex. generation, 1930.
Cole = Cole, Hist. comp. anatomy, 1949.
Crowley = Crowley, Dental bibliogr., 1968.
Cushing = The Harvey Cushing coll., 1943.
David = David, Bibliogr. de l'art dentaire, 1970.
Dibner = Dibner, Heralds of science, 1955.
D.M.B. = Lindeboom, Dutch med. biogr.
Dobson = Dobson, Anatomical eponyms, 1962.
D.S.B. = Dict. of scient. biogr., 1970/80.
Durling = Durling, Cat. 16th cent, printed books in the Nat. Libr. of Med. 1967.
Duveen = Duveen, Bibliotheca alchemica et chemica, 1965.
Ellenberger = Ellenberger, Discovery of the unconscious, 1970.
Fasbender = Fasbender, Gesch. der Geburtshilfe, 1964.
Ferchl = Ferchl, Chem.-pharmaz. Bio- und Bibliographikon., 1937.
Ferguson = Ferguson, Bibliotheca chemica, 1954.
Fischer = Fischer, Biogr. Lexikon ... Ärtze, 1962.
Fishman & Richards = Fishman & Richards, Circulation of the blood, 1964.
Florkin = Florkin, Hist, of biochemistry, 1972.
Fulton = Fulton, A Bibliography of R. Boyle, 1961.
Garrison = Garrison, Hist, of medicine, 1960.
Garrison & McHenry = Garrison & McHenry, Hist. of neurology, 1969.
G. & M. = Garrison & Morton, Med. Bibliography, 1983.
Grinstein = Grinstein, S. Freud's writings, 1977.
Gurlt = Gurlt, Gesch. der Chirurgie, 1964.
Haller = Haller von, Bibl. anatomica, 1969.
Haller = Bibl. chirurgica, 1971.
Harvey = Harvey, Hist. of luminescence, 1957.
Haymaker and Schiller = Haymaker and Schiller, Founders of neurology, 1970.
Hirsch = Hirsch, Biogr. Lexikon ... Ärtze, 1962.
Hirschberg = Hirschberg, Gesch. der Augenheilk., 1899-1918.
H. of H. = Heirs of Hippocrates, 1980.
Horblit = Horblit, 100 books famous in science, Grolier Club, 1964.
Hunter & Macalpine = Hunter & Macalpine, 300 years of psychiatry, 1964.
Jones = Jones, S. Freud, 1953/7.
Jourdan = Jourdan, Dict. des sciences médicale, 1820/5.
Kelly = Kelly, Encycl. of med. sources, 1948.
Keynes = Keynes, A bibliogr. of W. Harvey, 1953.
Kiefer = Kiefer cat. of the hist. of urology, 1981.
Kirchhoff = Kirchhoff, Deutsche Irrenärtze, 1921/4.
Landwehr = Landwehr, Dutch books w. colour. pls., 1976.
Leersum = Leersum, Levenswerk Donders, 1932.
Leibbrand and Wettley = Leibbrand and Wettley, Der Wahnsinn, 1961.
Lesky = Lesky, Die Wiener med. Schule im 19. Jhrh., 1965.
Lieben = Lieben, Gesch. d. physiol. chemie, 1970.
Lilly = Notable medical books from the Lilly Libr.
Lindeboom = Lindeboom, Bibliogr. Boerhaaviana, 1959.
Long = Long, Hist. of pathology, 1965.
Lundsgaard = Lundsgaard, Schriften, A. von Hallers, 1959.
Malloizel = Malloizel, L'oeuvre de Cl. Bernard, 1881.
Manchester = Parkinson & Lumb, Cat. of med. books, 1972.
Medvei = Medvei, Hist. of endocrinology, 1982.
Mettler = Mettler, Hist. of medicine, 1947.
Meyer = Meyer, Hist. of cerebr. anatomy, 1971.
Mottelay = Mottelay, Bibliogr. hist. electr. and magnetism, 1922.
Murphy = Murphy, Hist. introd. to mod. psychology, 1949.
Needham = Needham, Chemistry of life, 1970.
Neuberger & Pagel = Neuberger & Pagel, Handb. der Gesch. der Medizin, 1902/5.
Nissen = Nissen, Botanische Buchillustration, 1951/66.
N.N.B.W. = Molhuysen & Blok, Nieuw Ned. biogr. woordenb., 1911/37.
Osler = Osler, Bibliotheca Osleriana, 1929.
Palau = Palau, Manual del librero Hispano-Americano, 1948/82.
Partington = Partington, A hist. of chemistry.
Peumery = Peumery, Les origines de la transfusion sanguine, B.M. Israël, 1975.
P.M.M. = Printing and the mind of man, 1967.
Pogg. = Poggendorf, Biogr.-liter. Handwörterb. z. Gesch. der exacten Wissensch., Vol. B.M. Israël, 1965.
Poletti = Poletti, De re dentaria apud veteres, 1935.
Poynter = Poynter, The brain and its functions, B.M. Israël, 1973.
Pritzel = Pritzel, Thes. literaturae botanicae, 1872.
Ricci = Ricci, 100 years gynaecology, 1945.
Ronalds = Ronalds, Cat. of books ... relating to electricity ... incl. the Ronalds library, 1880.
Rothschuh Tab. = Rothschuh, Entw. gesch. physiol. Probl., 1952.
Ruelens & de Backer = Ruelens & de Backer, Annales Platiniennes, 1866.
Semelaigne = Semelaigne, Pionniers psychiatrie franc, 1930/2.
Singer = Singer, Short hist. of biology, 1959.
Spillane = Spillane, Doctrine of the nerves, 1981.
Stevenson and Guthrie = Stevenson and Guthrie, Hist. of otolaryngology, 1949.
Strömgren = Strömgren, Zahnheilk. im 18ten Jahrh., 1935.
Sudhoff = Sudhoff, Bibliogr. Paracelsica, 1958.
Taton = Taton, Gen. hist. of the sciences 19th cent., 1965.
Thorndyke = Thorndyke, Hist. of magic and experimental science, 1964.
Thijssen-Schoute = Thijssen-Schoute, Nederl. cartesianisme, 1954.
Waller = Bibliotheca Walleriana, 1955.
Wangensteen = Wangensteen, Rise of surgery, 1978.
Waring = Waring, Bibliotheca therapeutica, 1878/9.
Weinberger = Weinberger, Dental bibliogr., 1929/32.
Wellcome = Wellcome Hist. Med. Libr., 1962/76.
Wheeler = Weaver, Cat. of the Wheeler gift, 1909.
Willems = Willems, Les Elzevier.
Zilboorg and Henry = Zilboorg and Henry, Hist. of med. psychology, 1941.
1vv 50vv 100vv 150vv 201vv
Acupuncture, moxa: 254
Alchemy: 168
Anaesthesia: 19, 239
Anatomy: 25/6, 28, 39, 56/7, 71, 81, 86,
120, 131, 161, 176, 180, 199, 206, 214,
231, 234/236, 242, 246, 257/8, 261,
263, 267, 275, 279
Anatomy, comparative: 32/3, 35, 36,
58/60, 167, 179, 233
Anthropology: 58, 59, 114, 118
Autographs: 92, 171
Bacteriology: 129, 153/6, 209/11, 221, 232, 278
Balneology: 47
Bibliography, biography: 21, 42, 43, 208,
213. 255
Bio-chemistry: 20, 43, 90/1, 140, 143,
180, 195, 209, 212, 222
Blood: 11, 12, 78, 92, 123, 134, 168,217/9
Bones & joints: 6, 123, 175, 205, 267
Brains, anatomy and surgery: 30, 56, 82,
161, 195, 207, 253, 264, 279
Brazil: 68
Cardiovascular system: 6, 8, 10, n, 14,
64, 70, 84, 92, 105, 107, 123, 135, 149,
164, 177, 214, 217/19, 223, 230, 243,
246, 249, 260, 270
Case-histories: 32, 40, 103
Chemistry: 122, 129, 152, 165, 168, 195,208
Chiropody: 162
Classics: 22, 86
Communicable diseases: 45, 63, 65, 80,
82, 129, 133, 151, 155/6, 164/6,
208/9, 210, 232/6, 246, 260, 278
Complete works: 43, 82, 123, 135, 164,
165, 223, 235/6
Deficiency diseases: 241
Dentistry: 24, 53, 104, 202, 264
Diagnosis: 70, 102, 178, 243, 257/8, 270
Digestive system: 10, 12, 13, 78, 123,
126/7, 165, 240, 275
Drugs, tobacco etc.: 24, 43, 69, 121, 266
Electricity: 2, 84, 87, 108, 143/4, 152,
183/93, 215, 238
Embalming: 34
Embryology: 13, 30, 33, 54, 82, 96, 136,
246/7, 268
Endocrinology: 8, 10, 12, 13, 31, 39,
46/7, 169, 202, 214, 246
Food: 3, 64, 95, 121, 166, 209, 266
Forensic: 138, 249
General: 7, 11, 16, 18, 22/4, 32, 37,
42/3, 47, 51, 60, 61/4, 65, 99, 102/6,
116/7, 120/1, 123, 124, 132, 140/1,
203, 223, 255, 256, 263/4, 277
Genito-urinary system (See also 'Sexual
generation'): 6, 11, 52, 56, 76, 82, 86,
98, 103, 157/8, 178, 222, 260
| Geriatrics: 35, 64
Gynaecology: 6, 9, 10, 29, 85/6, 126/8,
132, 237, 246/7, 250, 260
Hospitals: 89
Hygiene: 31, 43, 64, 89, 159, 163, 166,
Immunology: 153/4
Instruments: 84, 97, 107, 139, 152, 202
Japan: 51, 139, 205
Laryngology: 33, 71, 104
Lymphatic system: 8, 78, 202, 214, 227,
235/6, 246
Mesmer and mesmerism: 110, 152,
183/193, 215, 224, 238
Microscopy: 151, 153/6, 228
Military: 162
Naval: 89, 159
Nervous system: 13/14, 27, 50, no, 123,
125, 130, 141/3, 149, 164, 173, 197,
199, 201, 207, 238, 253, 257/8, 269
Non-European medicine: 45, 130, 159
Occupational diseases: 226
Oncology: 32, 105, 106, 261
Ophthalmology: 60, 71, 77, 104, 139,
142, 161, 199, 202
Otology: 71, 104, 202, 246
Parasitology: 200, 229, 246
Pathology: 4, 15, 17, 24, 93, 119, 190,
255, 264
Pharmacology: 43, 45, 63, 83, 93, 130,
182, 208/9, 260
Photography: 30, 152
Phototherapy: 100
Physiology: 5, 6, 12, 15, 18, 19, 44, 48,
54, 77, 84/5, 88, 106, 108, 124, 139,
141, 143/4, 152, 165, 171, 173, 197/9,
217, 223/5, 230, 233, 254, 266, 276
Psychiatry: 1, 11, 50, 55, 66, 67, 72, 87,
94, 101, 109/115, 125, 137/8, 147,
150, 160, 170, 181, 183/194, 196, 198,
207, 220, 271
Psychology: 84, 85, 145/7, 160, 171/2,
223, 276
Respiratory system: 5, 10, 49, 70, 194,
Radium: 73/75
Rheumatism: 6, 68, 163, 254
Sexual generation: 10, 96, 101, 103, 112,
126/8, 135/6, 167, 206, 216, 228,
244/5, 248, 250, 260, 262
Surgery: 29, 52, 56, 65, 93, 97, 99, 106,
121, 124, 131, 139, 152, 168, 174/5,
204, 239, 261
Surgery, plastic: 174, 251/2
Teratology: 32, 120, 206, 246, 268
Tropical diseases: 45, 130, 257/8, 260
Venereal diseases: 90/1, 105, 164, 260, 263
>> subject index
>> begin
[Estimated prices in Dutch guilders (1988)]
1. Adler, A., Studie über Minderwertigkeit von Organen. Berl., Wien, Urban & Schwar-
zenberg, 1907. Pr. wr. (very sl. discol.). (In a cl. box), (IV, 92 pp.). 950,-
Fischer 1, 9; Garrison, 703; G&M 4984: 'Adler, a disciple of Freud, introduced the concept of the inferiority com-
plex and the method of compensation needed to overcome it': First ed.: From the library of Ernest Schwalbe
(his stamp on the frontwr.).
Author's pres. copy inscribed on the titlepage. For Schwalbe, see Fischer n, 1424.
2. Aldini, J., Essai théorique et experimental sur le galvanisme avec une série d'expérien-
ces ... Paris, Fournier, 1804. 2 Vols, in 1, 4to. W. 10 fold. pls. Contemp. hlf. clf. w. back-
label. (Spine rubbed and wormholed). (X, 398 pp.). (Sl. yellowed). 2100,-
DSB I, 107/8: 'While Galvani ... remained silent during the growing controversy over the true nature of his ani-
mal electricity, the effervescent Aldini became his uncle's champion-so much so that Volta addressed his argu-
ments to Aldini instead of Galvani.' Ronalds 7: Wheeler 660 (8vo ed. only): 'The effects of the electric current
on the animal system; the velocity of electricity through water; electrical fishes; conductivity of flames. B. Mojon
of Geneva in 1804 magnetizes steel needles by inserting them for 20 days in a voltaic circuit ...' One of the first
demonstrations of electromagnetism.: First quarto ed., dedicated to Napoleon Bonaparte.
3. Appert, (F.), L'art de conserver, pendant plusieurs années, toutes les substances ani-
males et végétales; ... Paris, Patris, 1810. W. fold. engr. pl. (with the used tools). Wr.,
in a box, uncut copy, (XXXII, 116 pp.). 2600,-
Vicaire 34: First ed. of the first book on canning food. The French navy tested also his method for meat, fruit,
vegetables, milk etc. and found it so good that he was awarded a prize for it by the government in 1806.: Bulloch
45 a.o. pl.: 'In Appert's process the foodstuff was placed in clean bottles, well corked, and subsequently the
bottles were raised to the boiling-point of water. In this way the destructible material could be kept unchanged
for a long time.': Penso, La conquete du monde invisible: 273/3: 'Pasteur dit en 1861: 'Appert appliqua a l'éco-
nomie domestique les résultats des expériences de Spallanzani.': Bitting 12/3: 'This is the most important mo-
dern work upon food preparation. The art of canning and the development of the industry is based upon this
research.' See ill.
4. Astruc, J., Tractatus pathologicus. Geneve, haer. Cramer & fratres Philibert, 1743.
Contemp. mottl. sheep, back gilt (sl. rubb.). (II, VI, 232 pp.). 675,-
DSB i, 322/4: Metier 253 a.o. pl.: Bayle & Thill, it, 215/20: Blake 22: Long, 65/6: 'A celebrated Montpellier gra-
duate, J. Astruc (1684-1766), professor of anatomy in Paris and later personal physician to kings in France and
Poland, wrote important treatises on tumors and venereal disease, as well as a 'Tractatus Pathologicus' with
miscellaneous observations, and a book on diseases of women.' First edition.
5. Baglivi, G., De fibra motrice, et morbosa; nee non de experimentis, ac morbis salivae,
bilis, & sanguinis. Ubi obiter de respiratione, & somno. De statice aeris, & liquidorum per
observationes barometrica, & hydrostaticas ad usum respirationis explicata.
De circulatione sanguinis in testidine, ejusdemque cordis anatome. Epistola ad A. Pascoli.
Perusiae, Apud Constantium, 1700. Sm. 4to. W. some woodcuts. Old limp brds. (58 pp.).
Baglivi, a pupul of Malpighi, born in Dubrovnik, expresses the view that an equilibrium should exist between
the fluids and the solids in the body, that the movement of the blood and the fluids is caused by the motor fibres
of the heart and the blood vessels.: Comp. G&M 68, H. of H. 472: Fishman & Richards 555, 677: Partington
11, 448 a.o. pl.: DSB I, 391/2: 'He was able to distinguish between the smooth and striated muscles; and he disco-
vered the histological distinction between the two categories of fibers, which he called 'fibrae motrices seu mu-
sculares' (with parallel fiber bundles) and 'fibrae membranaceae' (with bundles running in various directions).
He believed that all physiological and pathological processes should be explained by the living properties of 'fi-
brae' ... His fundamental research concerning the fibers made him one of the most important students of muscle
physiology before A. Haller.': Rare first ed. of an epochmaking work, which was several times reprinted.
6. Ballonius (Baillou, G. (De), De virginum et mulierum morbis liber, in quo multa ad
mentem Hippocratis explicantur, quae & ad cognoscendum & ad medendum pertine-
bunt. . . Paris, J. Quesnel, 1643. 4to. W. titlevign, and a portr. Limp vellum (XXIV, 269,
XXXI pp.).
B.u.w.: idem, Opuscula medica ... Ed. J. Thevart. Ibid., Idem, 1643. (XVI, 299, XXVIII
pp.). 2400,-
1) G&M 6014. 2) DSB I, 399/400: 'Baillou attributed to rheumatism all pain in the external "habitus corporis",
that is, all areas situated between the skin and the internal parts of the body. The "habitus corporis" therefore
included cellular tissues, muscles, tendons, aponeuroses, bones, and joints. He went on to describe a rheumatic
diathesis ... with painful localizations in the limbs. This was in the form of gout, sciatica, and artritis or morbus
articularis ...': 2) Contains a.o. his 'Liber de rheumatismo ...' with a separate title (dated 1642), but with conti-
nuing pagination.: G&M 4485: 'De Baillou introduced the term 'rheumatism'. He was court physician in Paris
at the time of Henry IV': Contains further: 'De arthritide, de calculo et de urinarum Hypostasi'. Bayle & Thill.
I, 303: Nanninga, 266 a.o. pl.: Both first ed.
7. Barrough, Ph., The method of physick, containing the causes, signes, and cures of
inward diseases in mans body, from the head to the foote. Wherunto is added, the forme
and rule of making remedies and medicines, ... 7th ed. Lond., G. Miller, 1634. 4to. Mod.
hlf. clf. (XVI, 477, VII pp.). 1600,-
STC I, b 515: Not in Waller: Truman Blocker cat. 21: The 6th/8th book treats on remedies.
8. Bartholinus, Th., Opuscula nova anatomica, de lacteis thoracicis et lymphaticis va-
sis ... ab auctore aucta et recognita. Copenhagen, D. Paulus (Amst., J. Blaeu), 1670. 14
books in 1. W. 3 fold. pls. Mod. hlf. clf. (XVI, 726 pp.). 950,-
DSB I, 482/3: Comp. G&M 1096/7: Revised ed. 'Discovery of the thoraic duct ... B. was the first to appreciate
the significance of the lymphatic system as a whole".: Medvei, i.l.c.: This ed. not in BMN: Waller 742. This vol.
contains many reprints such as his reply to Riolanus, opponent of Harvey; his discussion of Harvey's discovery.
Sm. strip cut from title, stamp on title and some underl. See ill.
9. Baudelocque, (J.L.), L'art des accouchemens. Paris, Méquignon l'aîné, 1781. In 2
vols. W. 14 fold. pls. Contemp. clf. rebacked. (Text partly yellowed).
G&M 6255: 'Baudelocque invented a pelvimeter and advanced the knowledge of pelvimetry and of the mechanism
of labour. The external conjugate diameter is known as 'Baudelocque's diameter': Fasbender, i.l.c.
10. Bellini, L., Opuscula aliquot ad Arch. Pitcamium professorum Lugduno-Batavu.
(Continentur. De motu cordis intra, & extra uturum ... Digresso de ovo, ovi aere, & respi-
ratione. . . De motu bilis, & liquidorum omnium per corpora animalium. . . De fermentis
& glandulis. De missione sanguinis etc.) Pistorii, S. Gatti, 1695. 4to. W. 3 fold. pls. Vel-
lum. (XX, 215, IV pp.). (W. the erratalf. Title rep. without loss of text). 2900,-
DSB I, 592/4: 'The "Opuscula" developed Bellini's earlier iatro-chemical themes most fully. By the time the
"Opuscula" was published, Bellini had already begun to enjoy an international reputation, largely through the
influence of Pitcairne ... H. Boerhaave, ... studied with Pitcairne at Leiden and absorbed his enthousiasm for
Bellini's medical science. In England, too, B's theories enjoyed a considerable vogue from 1710 to 1730, when
such physicians as George Cheyene and Richard Mead tried to build a "Newtonian" theory of the "animal oeco-
nomy" and turned appreciatively to Bellini's writtings ... Bellini remained a major scientific authority until the
mid-eighteenth century.': Hirsch I, 446/7: Garrison 251 ...: Wellcome II, 140: This ed. not in Kiefer cat., nor
Bedford coll.: H. of H. 427 (2nd ed. only): 'He applied his mechanistic theories to the action of the heart and
respiration, the biliary system, the digestive process, and function of the glands.': First ed.
11. --, De urinis et pulsibus, de missione sanguinis, de febribus, de morbis capitis, et
pectoris ...
Dicatum Fr. Redi. Cum praefatione H. Boerhaave. Cum indice locupletissimo. Ed. quinta
prior, correction Lugd. Bat., J. a Kerckhem, 1730. 4to. Title printed in red and black.
W. vignette Clf. (rubb., 1 hinge split), (XXXIV, 689, XXVN pp.). 1475,-
Bayle A Thill., I, 549/51: Comp. G&M 4161: Lindeboom, Bibliografie 539: BMN I, 186: Cat. Bedford Libr. 24:
'... Bellini belonged to the iatro-mathematical school and explained the circulation in terms of mechanical and
hydraulic laws.' ...: 5th ed. of his important studies on the heart, the pulse, observations on insanity.
12. Bernard, Cl., Lemons de physiologic experimentale appliquee a la medecine faites au
College de France. Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1855/6. In 2 vols. W. num. ills. Hlf. mor. b.g.
(sl. dam.). (Text foxed) 1200,-
DSB II, 24/34: Waller 954: G&M 615: 'Cl. Bernard made strenuous efforts to introduce experimental methods into
physiology. The above includes his classical work on the function of the liver, pancreas and gastric glands..
H. of H. 969: 'This basic work. .. contains, among others, his memorable work on glycogenesis and expermen-
tal diabetes.' See Medvei, i.l.c.: Malloizel 352: Rothschuh, 880, 1044.
13. --, Memoire sur le pancreas et sur le role du sue pancreatique dans les phenomenes
digestifs, particulierement dans la digestion des matieres grasses neutres. (Paris, 1856).
4to. W. 9 pls. (on 5, fold., 4 col.). (185 pp.). (In: Comptes rend, de l'Ac. de Sciences.
Rothschuh, Tab. 857: Malloizel 353/5: Waller 964: First ed. of this memoir in which Bernard determined that
the pancreatic juice acts in a particular way on the fatty material and that it intervenes strongly in the chemical
phenomena of the digestion of intestines.: Lilly Libr., 159: 'A model of scientific writing and a classic in the
history of
physiology: .. .the problem of digestion ... led him to the pancreas, to the liver, to the nervous system.'
14. --, Leçons sur la physiologie et la pathologie du systeme nerveux. Paris, J.B. Bailliè-
re et Fils, 1858. 2 vols. W. text ills. 1650,-
Osler 1509; Rothschuh Tab,: 523, 882, 990, 1480, 2161: G&M 1399 a 5903: Waller 957: 'Bernard's third great disco-
very was the function of what are called vaso-motor nerves, which are put into motion involuntarily by sensory
impulses and control the blood vessels.' (Dampier 259). Contient la decouverte de Taction vasomotrice du grand
sympathique par laquelle se regie le calibre des vaisseaux.' ... the full exposition of his views, and even the state-
ment of some of the original facts, can only be found in his published lectures.' (E.B. 11th ed. Vol. ill, 789);
Duval, 356.
Bernard also described 'that the sympathetic governs the pupillary, vasomotor, sudomotor and pilomotor functi-
ons'. (See G&M 1328).: First ed.
15. --, Lecons sur les proprietes physiologiques et les alterations pathologiques des liqui-
des de l'organisme. Paris, Baillière et Fils. 1859. 2 vols. With numer. ill. Pr. wr. (wr. of
vol. 1 a tear restored.) 925,-
Malloizel 357: First ed. Fine unopened copy.
16. --, Introduction a l'étude de la médecine expérimentale. Paris, J.B. Bailliere et Fils,
1865. Hlf. mor. (frontside pr. wr. preserved). (400, 48 (cat.) pp.). (sl. loose).1850,-
Horblit IIb: Malloizel 363: Hirsch I, 486-8: PMM, 353: 'The "Introduction" ... was intended as an apologia for
such study (research in scientific medicine), as well as an exhortation to it. Here B. presented his own personal
analysis of scientific method in a manner which earned him commendation from the philosophers of science ...
His discussion of method is illustrated by examples drawn from his own researches ... the "introduction" was
an important didactic work which biologists of the last 100 years have found of great interest and value.
17. --, Leçons de pathologie expérimentale. Paris, 1872. Pr. wr. (shaken), (X, 604, 4,
48 pp. (cat.). 725,-
G&M 2301: Long 162: Osler 1513: An elaboration of his lectures on this subject at the Collège de France: First
ed. Not in Malloizel, see p. 368, 1871 only.
18. --, Leçons sur la chaleur animale sur les effets de la chaleur et sur la fièvre. Paris,
a.o., J.-B. Baillière, 1876. W. 8 ills. Contemp. hlf. mor. (VIII, 471 pp.). (St. on t.p.).
Waller 956: Malloizel 377: Fulton, 325/7: 'Little appreciated at the time, this far-reaching concept has no**
into its own, and as it will continue to exert a great influence on the physiology of the future. Bernhard's simple
description of the 'milieu intérieur' is here given, together with his application of the concept to temperature
regulation and his experimental production of hypothermia.': DSB II, 30: 'While he accepted Lavoisier's theory,
which attributed the origin of animal heat to a combustion process, Bernard insisted on two fundamental modifi-
cations: (1) this vital combustion. . . had to be a particular organic process, an indirect combustion taking place
with the aid of special ferments; (2) organic combustion could not occur in the lungs exclusively, as Lavoisier
had taught, but in all tissue'.
[19. not extant in the catalogue!]
20. --, Leçons sur les phénomènes de la vie communs aux animaux et aux végétaux. Pa-
ris, a.o., J.B. Baillière, 1878/9. In 2 vols. W. 4 pls. (1 col.) and 50 ills. Contemp. hlf.
mor., spine gilt. (XXXII, 404; XII, 564, 1 pp.). 1100,-
DSB, 11, 24/34: Fulton 327, a.o. pl. Florkin, Hist. of biochemistry, 208 a.o. pl.: 'In his last work, Lemons ...,
Tome I ..., Bernard formulates the theory according to which all the biological phenomena have a single object,
'that of keeping constant the conditions of life in the internal environment'. 'The organism,' he says, 'is an equi-
Very fine copy of the first ed. of his important lectures, published after his death. They are preceded by the
funeral orations of Vulpian and Bert.
As soon as a change occurs in the equilibrium, another takes place to reestablish it.' With these words Bernard
formulates the concept later called homeostasis by Cannon ..., and more recently further developed in its cyber-
netic aspects.': Rothschuh Tab., 810: Malloizel 379. First ed.
21. Beughem, C.A., Bibliographia medica & physica ... sive conspectus primus catalogi
librorum medicorum chymicorum, anatomicorum, chyrurgicorum, botanicorum ut &
physicorum, &c ... ab anno ... 1651. (inclusive) per universam Europam, in quavis lin-
gua, orientali tum Graeca, Latina, Gallica, Hispanica, Italica, Anglica, Germanica & Bel-
gica, ... auctiores typis prodierunt. Amst., Janssonius-Waesbergius, 1681. 12mo. Con-
temp. vell. (VIII, 503 pp.). 1950,-
Besterman, 2496: Fulton, 36: "... his most widely known compilation was his ... It is essentially a new edition
of the 1662 van der Linden with many of the errors corrected.'
22. (Beverwijck, J.) Beverovicius, I., Idea medicinae veterum. Lugd. Bat., Ex officina
Elseviriorum, 1637. W. woodcut pr. mark o.t. Vellum (VIII, 390, X pp.). 950,-
NNBW I, 327/331: DMB 128/130: Willems, 453: BMN I,1 Wellcome I, 835: Waller 12683 Bayle & Thill. I, 485: Intro-
duction to classical medicine, by one of the most famous Dutch medical doctors of its period. The work is divi-
ded as follows: Prolegomena, physiologice, diaetice, therapeutice, index authorum, index rerum.: Ex libris G.A.
23. --, A'YTA'PKEIA Bataviae, sive introductio ad medicinam indigenam. Leiden, J.
Maire, 1644. umo. Vell.. (162 pp.). (Libr. St.). 625,-
Not in BMN:
24. --, Wercken der genees-konste, bestaende in den schat der gesontheijt, schat der on-
gesontheijt, heel-konste; ... Amst., J.J. Schipper, 1672. 4to 6 vols. in i W. front, and
num. engrs. in the text. Vell. (sl. shaken). 1100,-
Bayle & Thill., 485/8: Hirsch I, 517: Baumann, 3 eeuwen, 78/9; 6th ed. of his famous book, profusely illustra-
ted after J. Cats, and with poems of his collected works, it is a popular textbook of medicine, and is considered
to be very valuable. Beverwijck was an erudite and sharp observer. Baumann quotes his description of silicosis,
the 'gindrinkers-liver' (200 years before Laennec), he mentions artificial teeth and he states that alcoholism gives
epilectic children.
25. Bichat, (M. Fr.) V., Anatomie générale appliquée a la physiologie et a la médecine.
Paris, Brosson, Gabon et Cie., 1801. In 4 vols. W. 2 fold, tables. Contemp. hlf. clf. (text
sl. foxed). 1950,-
G&M 403: 'One of medicine's most important books. Bichat revolutionized descriptive anatomy. Where Morgag-
ni and others had conceived Ot vhole organs being diseased, Bichat showed how individual tissues could be sepa-
rately affected.': Waller 1027: H. of H. 756: 'This is an important book, since it is a palpable step toward mo-
dern medicine.': Dobson 25: 'Bichat's fat pad, - fissure, - canal, - ligament, - fossa. Many other structures
are named in French literature after this remarkable man who lived for only 30 years.': Fine copy of the first
ed. in its first binding.
26. --, Traité d'anatomie descriptive. Paris, Gabon et Cie, 1801-03. In 5 vols. Contemp.
hlf. clf., b.g. 1550,-
G&M, 404; and Garrison 444: 'His ... opened out an entirely new field for anatomists, that of a detailed descripti-
on of the parts and tissues of the body in health and disease.' Dobson, 25: 'A pioneer in the study of tissues
as distinct from organs.': Rothschuh, Tab. 1716: Fl. of H. 757: '... his last great work'. First edition.
1315: 'Bichat was the creator of descriptive anatomy. Fie introduced the terms "animal" and vegetative system':
27. Bidder, F.H. and A.W. Volkmann, Zur Lehre von dem Verhältniss der Ganglien-
körper zu den Nervenfasern. Leipz., 1847. 4to. W. 2 engr. pls. Pr. wr. (rep.) (In cl. box),
(IV, 72 pp.) 1250,-
DSB II, 123/5: Comp. G&M 1318: Meyer, Hist. asp. of cerebr. anatomy, 65: '... Bidder and Volkmann (1842 dis-
missed Remak's organic (sympathetic) fibres not as nervous but as connective ('cellular') tissue. Subsequently
(1847), these workers developed a theory of their own about the relation between nerve cell and nerve Fibre; they
believed that the ganglionic corpuscles were enclosed within widened parts of large fibres.': Garrison & McHen-
ry, 167.
28. Bidloo, G., Ontleding des menschelijken lichaams. Uitgebeeld, naar het leven, ...
door G. de Lairesse. Amst., J. van Someren a.o., 1690. Large in fol. W. front., portr.
and 105 pls. Hlf. veil, (recased) a few sm. holes in front, and t.p.). 17500,-
DMB 139/2 First Dutch ed. Comp. G&M 385 (First Latin ed.). Choulant, 250/3: Comp. Fl. of H. 435: 'Bidloo,
prof. of anatomy at The Flague, was at one time physician to William of Orange. This large folio contains not
only 105 beautiful anatomical copperplates, but also a fine engraved portrait of the author. These plates are con-
sidered among the finest illustrations of the Baroque period, and the impressions ... are clean and bright, on
heavy ... paper.': One of the most beautiful anatomical atlasses ever produced.
29. Bieselinghe, J.H. van, Licht der medecijne ende der chyrurgie, in het welck ... goe-
den raet ende remedie tot alle gebreken des menschen lichaem, ... Haarl., A. Roman,
1641. W. 3 woodcuts (1 on t.p.). Vell. (CLXXIV pp.). (Sl. waterst.). 1500,-
DMB 142/3: '... fl. Middelburg, 16th century), medicine, surgery. (Fie) was a 16 th century physician who practi-
sed at Middelburg. He is only known by this work: 'Het licht der medecynen ... Antw., 1567. It has some passa-
ges on obstetrics.' Rare, as all editions. 3d ed.
30. Bischoff, Th.L.W., Die Grosshirnwindungen des Menschen mit Berücksichtigung
ihrer Entwicklung bei dem Fötus und ihrer Anordnung bei den Affen. Neu untersucht und
beschrieben ... München, Verlag der k. Akademie, 1868. 4to. W. 7 pls. (3 col.). Con-
temp. hlf. c. (Spine very sl. dam.), (IV, 107, 1 pp.). 1750,-
DSB II, 160/2: Hirsch I, 550/3: Meyer, Cerebral anatomy, 141: 'With the advent of the 1850s and 1860s, illustrati-
on of the convolutional pattern had reached a stage of adequacy or even of perfection which was fast approxima-
ting to modern standards ... Huschke, who, as Schiller (1965) informs us, was the first to use photography (of
the Daguerre type). Clarke O'Malley 408: Huschke's book is the first published medical work (1854) to contain
photographs.: For his book, Bischoff made use for pl. 1-3 of photography as he declares in the list of plates
on p. 104/5. This is one of the first medical books illustrated in photolithography. Printed in Germany. Not
mentioned by Taureck. See also Gernsheim, 545-547, a.o.: K.Bardeleben's copy.
31. Blaes, G., Medicina universa; hygieines & therapeutices fundamenta methodo nova
brev. exhibens. Amst., van den Berge, 1665. Sm. in 4to. Printer's mark o.t. Vellum, (XVI,
464 XVi pp.) Last pp. sl. watersp., some pencil underlinings. Name cut from title.)
DMB 156/7 BMN, I, 189: Hirsch, I, 559/60: Wellcome, II, 178: Bayle-Thillaye, II, 96/7: According to Bayle-
Thillaye the first description of the ducts of Blasius is found in this edition; the discovery is attributed to N.
Steno with whom Blasius worked together.: See Medvei, 128/9.
32. --, Observationes medicae rariores. Accedit monstri triplicis historia. Amst., A.
Wolfgang, 1677. W. printer's mark on title, and 12 pls, in the text. Clf. (sl. worn), (IV,
120, iv; 69, hi pp.). 1250,-
Kelly 176/7: Cole, Hist, of comp. anat. 150/5: DMB 156/8: 'In 1664 a group of Amsterdam physicians gathered
in order to study eomperative anatomy; (with a special interest in embryology), they chose B. as their guide.
In this society, later called 'Collegium privatum Amstelodamense', B. was the most prominent in social and
young Swammerdam in scientific respect.': This work is based on his observations and clinical work of various
diseases, disorders, tumors etc. and is illustrated with case histories. The 2nd vol. contains: three cases of mon-
sters described by M. Heiland and M. Hoffmann.: Rare first ed.
33. --, Anatome animalium, terrestrium variorum, volatilium, aquatilium, serpentum,
insectorum, overumque, structuram naturalem ex veterum, recentiorum, propriisque ob-
servationibus proponens, figuris variis illustrata. Amst., 1681. in 4 to. With front, and
65 pl. Vell. (1 hinge sl. dam.) (VIII, 496 pp). (sl. yell, and soiled. Some corners sl. wormh.
and rep., w. some loss at 2 pls.) 3750,-
G&M nr. 296: 'This work, the result of many years spent on a comparative study of the structure of vertebrates,
is a compendium of previous writings on the subject, with some original observations of Blaes. It is the first
general systematic treatise on comparative anatomy.' Cole pp. 150/5: '119 types are selected for treatment, and
as many as 78 of them are represented in the ills.' . .is particularly interested in embryology..'Blasius was
the first to associate the production of voice with the lower larynx'. H. of H. 361:
Complete copies due to the number of pi ..., are very rare.
34. Blankaart, S., Neue und besondere Manier alle verstorbene Corper, mit wenig Un-
kosten, dargestalt zu balsamieren,. . . Wie denn auch dabey.. . unterschiedliche Recep-
ten, kostliche wohlrichende Poma Ambrae.. . zu machen ... aus Holland ... übersetzt
von G.A.M. Hannover, a.o. G. Freytag, 1705. New brds. (96 pp.). (Sm. st. on t.p.).
Hirsch 1, 481: Waller 1117: Blake 50: Not in Wellcome: BMN I, 97 (with date 1707) Osler 2054: Latin ed. 1688:
Idem 2055 first German ed. 1690: Idem 2056 2nd German ed. (1705).
35. Blochwich, M., Anatomia Sambuci: or, the anatomie of the elder. Cutting out of
it ... specifick remedies for most and chiefest maladies; .. .Collected in Latine, by ...
Lond., H. Brome & Th. Sawbridge, 1670. 12mo. Old mor. (sl. dam.), (XVI, 130 pp.). (A
few lvs. sl. shaved and frayed). 1150,-
Wellcome II, 181: Wing 3200: Hirsch 1, 572/3: Ferchl 51: Excerpts in German, English and Danish: Waring 11,
1631: 'Sambucus Nigra, Linn. Common elder.': 2nd Engl. ed. (First 1655. Same collation)
36. Blumenbach, J.F., Handbuch der vergleichende Anatomie. Gottingen, H. Dieterich,
1805. W. titleportr. (Demokritos) and 8 pls. Contemp. brds. w. backlabel. (XVI, 549, pp.).
DSB II, 203/5: '... this textbook was without question a milestone in the history of this subject." Hirsch 1, 576/8:
C&M 312: 'Blumenbach, physiologist and anthropologist, was Professor of Medicine at Gottingen. He was the
first to show the value of comparative anatomy in the study of anthropology; his classical text went through
many editions;..Comp. H. of H. 694 (2nd ed.); First ed.
37. Boerhaave, H., Methodus discendi artem medicam in duas partes divisa ... cum tri-
plici indice ..., London, Sumtibus societatis, 1734. W. 3 pl. Wr. (dam.) (XX, $14, XXII
pp. 525,-
BMN I, 3: Lindeboom, Boerhaave nr. 94, informs us that the book is attributed to Boerhaave, his method of tea-
ching is used, but doubt on the authorship, see p. 35.
38. --, Aphorisms: Concerning the knowledge and cure of diseases. Transl. from the
last ed. printed in Latin at Leyden, 1728. Lond., A. Bettesworth, a.o., 1735. Mod. hlf.
mor. (Signed G. Allen Camb.). (XVI, 444, IV pp.). (sl. fox. and watersp. throughout).
Lindeboom 195: 3d Engl. ed.
39. --, Opuscula omnia, quae hactenus in lucem prodierunt. Ea quidem prius sparsim
edita, nunc vero in unum collecta atque digesta. 's Gravenh., J. Neaulme, 1738, 4to. W.
textengrs. Hlf. clf. (IV, 139 pp.). 1100,-
Lindeboom, 526: First complete ed. of his speeches (8), his 'Opusculum anatomicum de fabrica glandularum
in corpore humano..with F. Ruysch and the response of Ruysch and 4 other tracts.: Not in Osler, not in
Wellcome: Blake 54.
40. --, Consultationes medicae: Sive sylloge epistolarum cum responsis H. Boerhaave.
(Vol. 1) Hagae-Comitum, A. Johnson, 1743. Limp brds. (IV, 231, 34 pp.). (Uncut copy.
A few pp. very sl. wormh.) 750,-
DMB 179/186: Lindeboom Bibliographia 575: 'In the last decades of Boerhaave's life his fame was so great that
many of his correspondents carefully preserved his letters. This the more as these letters contained much valuable
advice. ... Boerhaave ... gave very many (consultations), often on the illnesses of highly placed persons,
. . Boerhaave always deliberated the cases thoroughly, and would often give broadly elucidated pronounce-
ments, with prescriptions. From these letters the consultations were collected.'
41. --, Aphorismes de... sur la connoissance et la cure des maladies. Traduits en Fran-
cois par ... Nouv. éd. rev. & corr. Paris, Huart, a.o., 1745. Clf., b.g. (rubb.) (XII, 550,
11 pp.). (sl. watersp., tear in p. 51/2 rep., no loss of text). 875,-
Lindeboom 190.
42. --, Methodus studii medici emaculata & accessionibus locupletata ab A. Haller.
Amst., J. Wetstein, 1751. 2 vols, in 1, 4to. W. front, and 3 fold. pls. Contemp. clf., spine
gilt. (sl. worn and stained (Upper margins sl. sp.). (XIV, 1118, VI pp.) 1800,-
DSB I, 224/8: Idem 61/7: 'His completion of Boerhaave's' Methodus studii medici' (1751) contains many additi-
ons of a purely bibliographical nature - a 100-page listing of works on physics, ... 15 pages of works on che-
mistry, 95 pages of references on botany and pharmacy, and more than 300 pages of literature on anatomy and
physiology.': G&M 6746: 'An introduction to medical literature. The edition of 1751, containing the additions
of Haller, is the best.': Garrison 909: 'The best of the 18th century contributions,' and a usefull tool of one
of the great medical bibliographers.: Lindeboom 98.: Lundsgaard 689
43. Bontekoe, C. (Dekker), Alle de philosophische, medicinale en chymische werken.
Amst., J. ten Hoorn, 1689. 5 vols, in 1, 4to. W. fold, portr., 2 pls. 2 engr. vignettes on
the titlepages. Mod. bl. st. pigskin, w. 2 claps (Ends of spine w. small tears), (LVI, 355;
402, 11; VIII, 432; 411; VII, 136 pp.). (Some tears repaired. Some pp. and innermargins sl.
dam., w. loss of a few words.). 2750,-
Hirsch 1, 626:. v.d. Aa, 266: NNBW VIII, 172/5: DMB 206/7: Bontekoe (1640-1685) graduated md 'more majorum'
('met de kap') on 6 May 1667.. . 1681 he moved from Amsterdam to Hamburg, where he found admirers again.
The Elector Friedrich Wilhelm called him to Berlin in 1683 and appointed him Councillor, Physician in Ordinary
and Professor at Frankfurt on Oder. B. was an independent thinker. He had little appreciation for the ancient
Greeks- (Hippocrates) and criticized Van Helmont rather roughly, but had much esteem for his teachers Van
Home and Sylvius; he accepted the latter's theory of fermentation and efferscence. B. was a very gifted, industri-
ous man with a wide reading; ...
Thorndyke VIII, 360: Sprengel VIII, 392/3: Thijssen-Schoute, 276-317: BMN I, 60: Partington it, 738: 'Bontekoe,
famous artesian, recommended the use of opium, the incessant smoking of tobacco, and the continual drinking
of tea, chocolate, or sometimes coffee, for health and prolonging life. He supported Sylvius's theory of acid
and alkali. This, only edition of his complete works was edited by S. Blankaart, who also wrote the biography
in the first volume (Kort verhaal).: Comp. Mueller, 24/7: Comp. Vicaire 892: Despite the defects to the pages
an acceptable copy of this rare book.
44. --, Opus posthumum sive oeconomia animalis. Das ist: Kurtze und ausfuuml;hrliche Be-
schreibung des gantzen menschlichen Leibes, und desselben Wuerckungen. Wie solche
fuuml;rnemlich in dem Umlauff des Gebluuml;hts bestehen, ... Aus dem Lateinischen und Hollan-
dischen ins Hochteutsche uuml;bergesetzet von H.H. Bremen, Ph.G. Saurman, 1692. Old hlf.
veil, (X, 174 pp.). 1150,-
v.d. Aa I, 266: Wellcome II, 201: BMN I, 113.
45. Bontius, J., De medicina Indorum. Lib IV. Leiden, Fr. Hackius, 1642. 121x10. W.
engr. title (mounted). Red gilt mor., edges gilt (VI, 212, IV pp.). 3750,-
Willems, 1621: G&M 2263 and 3736: 'Bontius was probably the first 10 regard tropical medicine as an independent
branch of medical science. He spent last four years of his life in the Dutch East Indies, and his book incorporates
the experience he gained there. It is the first Dutch work on tropical medicine and includes the first modern desc-
ription of beri-beri and cholera. English translation 1769.': Major, 604: umb 208/10: H. of H. 290: 'This impor-
tant and rare work is divided into four sections: 1) criticisms of the third book of Garcia de Orta's treatise on
Asian materia medica: 2) the maintenance of a healthy diet; 3) Indian methods of treatment; and 4) observations
from autopsies ... a milestone in the history of medicine.' See ill.
46. Bordeu, Th. de, Recherches anatomiques sur la position de glandes et sur leur acti-
on. Paris, Quillau, 1751. 2 vols. In 1. Clf., back gilt, (XXIV, 520; 86, 11 pp). 1900,-
DSB it, 301/2: Bordeu played a great role in the history of medical theories. (He) demonstrated that he considered
each organ as having its own life and believed that life was the sum of all these 'little lives' of the organs. Coordi-
nation among them was due to the mucous tissues. The organs and glands were set in motion by an irritation
termed 'sensibility.' These ideas opened the way for vitalism, a doctrine of which the school of Montpeller beca-
me the champion.': Bayle & Thill, n, 470/2: It contains at the end: 'Chilificationis historia' and 'Dissertatio phy-
siologica de sensu generice consideratio.' Bordeu first conceived the idea of internal secretion: Medvci 150,
a.o.pl.: 'In it, he attacked H.Boerhaave's mechanistic chemical doctrines: H. of H. 596. In some ways (he) was
a forerunner of the science of endocrinology, .. .his theories were rather widely held.'
47. Bordeu, A & Th., & Fr. de. Recherches sur les maladies chroniques, leurs rapports
avec les maladies aigués, leurs périodes, leur nature: & sur la manière dont on les traite
aux eaux minérales de Bareges, & des autres sources de I'Aquitaine. Tome 1. Paris, Ru-
ault, 1775. Clf., back gilt. (Some sl. imperf. on fore-side and bottom and spine). (592
pp.). 2200,-
DSB II, 301/2: 'The part that Bordeu played in the history of thermalism has caused him to be considered the
founder of modern hydrotherapy. It was through him that the baths of the Pyrenees became known throughout
the south of France and even in Paris. His ... and his Recherches ... (1775) are among his most important con-
tributions to this field.': G&M. i i 17: 'De Bordeu first conceived the idea of internal secretion by his hypothesis
that every organ, tissue and cell discharges into the blood products which influence other parts of the body.':
Comp. H. of H. 596: Medvei, 149-154 a.o. pl.: 'M. Neuburger (1868-1955), 'he medical historian of Vienna,
who had rediscovered de Bordeu, said .... that he (de Bordeu) was ... (The originator or - at least - forerun-
ner of the theory of internal secretion) .. .also'Supported by A. Biedl ... Be this as it may, de Bordeu came nea-
rest to the theory of internal secretion and certairtly influenced later workers in the 19th century, although his
contemporaries dit not seem to have paid much attention to him.': Waller 1304: All published.
48. Borelli, G.A., De vi percussionis, et motionibus naturalibus a gravitate pen-
dentibus, sive introductiones & illustrationes physico-mathematicae apprimé ne-
cessariae ad opus ejus intelligendum de motu animalium. Editio prima belgica.
Accurante J. Broen. Leiden, P.v.d. Aa, 1686. 4to. 2 vols in 1. With engrav.
fronts, and 20 fold. pl. Gilt black morocco, (XVI, 262, XXII, IV, 360, XXXII pp.)
Poggendorff 1, 240: Osler, 2088; Todhunter-Pearson 1, 874-875; Partington n, 443-448; The works
'De vi' and 'De motionibus', have separate titlepages, pag. etc. In the second part capillary pheno-
mena are discussed, a field where Borelli carried out some important new experiments. This edition
is the first edition in the Netherlands, arranged by J. Broen, a Swede who lived at Leyden and a fer-
vent adherent of Descartes. Broen considered Borelli's preceding works indispensable for its un-
derstanding. Easily it found its way into Dutch Cartesian circles. For Broen see v.d. Aa 1, 424; Hirsch
I, 711 and Thijssen-Schoute, Nederl. Cartesianisme, 273-276. See ill.
49. Boyle, R., Tracts, .. .containing new experiments touching the relation bet-
wixt flame and air. And about explosions. An hydrostatical discourse occasion'd
by some objections of Dr. H. More against some explications of new experiments
made by the author of these tracts: .. .annex't, an hydrostatical letter, .. .about
.. .weighing water in water. Lond., printed for R. Davis, Oxon, 1672. Clf. (re-
back., with use of old gilt clf. label (Innerhinge partly br.) (VIII, 142, 11, 18, 11, XX, 11,
II, 40, Xn, 176 pp.). (Lower margin of part III, p. 712, sl. frayed). 2950,-
DSB II, 377/82: Wellcome 1, 222: Wing B4060: Fulton 101: This work describes important observations on respi-
ration. 'It was in the present tract, however, that he gave special attention to the theme ('life was a slow-burning
flame'), insisting upon the term 'flamma vitalis' ... In many places he approached (he modern theory of oxidati-
on': The collation is very erratic. Our copy agrees with Fulton's and has the blank lvs. A1, X7 and 8 (at the back
of the vol.) First ed., first issue. See ill.
>> subject index
>> begin
50. Brodie, B.C., Lectures illustrative of certain local nervous affections. Lond., Long-
man a.o., 1837. Hlf. cl. (worn), (IV, 88 pp.). 1100,-
Zilboorg & Henry p 374: Ellenburger p. 90: Flunter & Macalpine pp. 860-64: '. . .Brodie's Lectures were the
first of the many nineteenth century contributions which opening a new field of psychological observation and
treatment, widened from the outside as it were the compass of psychological medicine': ... in his Autobio-
graphy, 1865 he wrote '1 believe that 1 am not wrong in stating that none of my publications have been more
useful to the world than this, ...: First ed.
51. Buchan, W., Huislijke geneeskunde, of verhandeling over de verhoeding en genee-
zing van ziekten. .. Met eene voorrede en eenige aantekeningen vermeerderd door J.E.
Lyklama a Nyholt. 2de verb. dr. Utr., G. v.d. Brink, 1780. In 2 vols. Hlf. clf., back gilt.
(Sides rubb.). 1750,-
Hirsch 1 744: BMN i, 174.: DMB 1244: 'L. a N. translated from the English the third edition of a book by W.
Buchan under the Dutch title ... The 2nd part of the 1780 ed. has been freely translated into Japanese (with
Chinese lettertype) by Komori Tou under the title "Rampou suki" in 1917 ...': See also Mestler, A galaxy of
old Japanese books, V, p. 183: 2nd Duich ed. of a very popular book on domestic medicine.
52. Buiaslky, E., Tabulae anatomico-chirurgicae operationes lithotomiae et lithotripsiae
exponentes, ad naturam depictae et aeri incisae, addita descriptione nec non brevi enchei-
resios operationum doctrina. St. Petersburg, 1852. Large fol. W. engr. front, and 10 pls.
Contemp. g. cl. (spine dam.), (LXIV pp.). 9250,-
Hirsch 1, 764: This work caused much stir and was published at the expense of Czar Nicolai 1. Text bilingual,
Latin/Russian: Not in Kiefer catalog.: Billings 116: 2nd and best edition.
53. Bunon, (R.), Experiences et demonstrations faites a THopital de la Salpetriere, & a
S. Come en presence de l'Academie Royale de Chirurgie. Pour sevir de suite & de preuves
a l'essai sur les maladies des dents, &c. et une pharmacie odontalgique; . .. Paris, Briasson
a.o., 1746. Contemp. mottl. clf., back gilt. (sl. worn), (XXXVI, 410, V pp.). (St. rem. on
title, strip miss, from bottom margin pp. 21/2, slightly yellow.). 3500,-
Weinberger, Bibliogr. 27: Poletti 19: David 46: Not in Stromgren: Weinberger, Hist. 313, a.o. pl.: Sudhoff, 196,
201: Guerini, 337/343: 'one of the important questions studied by Bunon concerns the hygiene to be observed
in order to obtain the developmeni of a good dentition ...
One of Bunon's merils is thai of having attributed 10 ihe first teeth all the importance they really have, and of
having insisted on the necessity of attentively curing their maladies. B. was .. .the first ... who studied dental
hypoplasia, and ... his ideas ... (have) remarkable worth even at the present day ... Erosion, as this defect was
termed by B. B. studied with great accuracy the means of preventing anomalous positions of the permanent
teeth, .. .he considers dental tartar as the most potent enemy to the vitality of (he teeth. Anyone ... reading
Bunon's works attentively cannot help admiring his depth of insight, his spirit of observation, his exquisite clini-
cal sense, and his ingenuity ... we may cite two cases of fracture of the lower jaw thai he succeeded in curing
in a short time by the method of binding the teeth ... (B. can be) considered one of the most illustrious forerun-
ners of modern scientific dentistry.' See ill.
54. Burdach, K.F., Die Physiologie als Erfahrungswissenschaft., Leipz. Voss, 1826/40.
6 vols with 10 colour, fold. pl. Brds. 2150,-
DSB II, 594/7: 'The discussion of development in vol. 2, prepared largely by Baer and Rathke, indirectly had
a profound influence on the development of modern embryology. Baer submitted an entire treatise on the forma-
tion of the embryo; Burdach, however a man convinced of the correctness of his ideas-rearranged the discussion
to conform to his larger system, breaking up Baer's treatise and distributing it throughout the work. Baer, an-
gry, ... proceeded to publish (it), as the first part of his "Ueber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Thiere": G&M., 599:
'Burdach's great text-book of physiology was planned to run to 8 vols, but the death of his wife quenched his
enthusiasm for the task. Part of the text was written by von Baer, Rathke, Johannes Müller, R. Wagner and
othersunder the direction of Burdach.: Neuburger & Pagel it, 371: . .ein Werk, welches als erstes des Verglei-
ches mit Hallers 'Elementa' wiederum würdiges Werk mit Recht gepriesen worden ist,..A very good copy.
Stamped on hlf. title.
55. Burrows, G.M., Commentaries on the causes, forms, symptoms and treatment, mo-
ral and melical of insanity. Lond., Th&G. Underwood, 1828. Contemp. hlf. cl., back
gilt, (XIV (of XVI. Hlf. title miss.), 716 pp). 1650,-
Hunter & Macalpine 777/783, a.o. pl.: 'Although not a "System of Insanity - a task which no one seems to
have accomplished" contemporary reviewers rated it "the most elaborate and complete treatise ... in the English
language"; it was reprnted in America and translated into German and a second edition was prepared but never
finished. The book brcught fame and the "frequent introduction of foreign physicians. . . who were commissio-
ned by their respective governments to inspect the hospitals for the insane in England":'
56. Cabrol, B., Chtleeding des menschelijcken lichaems. Eertijts in't Latijn beschreven
door.. . Nu verduijts*cht en met bij-voechselen als oock figuren verrijckt. Door vfp (lemp).
Amst., H. Laurents, 1633. Sm. in fol. W. front, portr., 4 fold. pls. and 123 ills. Vell. (re-
cased) (XIV (of XV' printed title in facs.), 262 pp.). (A fex pp. w. underl.). 9500,-
Bayle & Thill. 1, 389/90: BSiogr. nat. XVn, 803/6 (Plemp): Jourdan III, 108/9: DMB 1544/ 5 (Plemp): Gurlt it,
802/ 4: Parkinson Lumb 418, 2 pls. only.: BMN i, 79: Cabrol was a pupil of Paré. King Henri IV appointed him
to dissector of the royal count in 1595. The work of Cabrol is of more surgical interest as of anatomical. Cabrol
contributed to banish the prejudice of mortality from wounds to the brains. He well treated wounds to the blad-
der. He also believed in perforations of the intestinal canal caused by intestinal fluids. Plemp was an original
scientist. Though started as an opponent of Harvey, he later became convinced by him. On If. VII recto a poem
in latin by Plemp, with Dutch translation on verso. On If VIII a poem in praise of Plemp by J. v. Vondel.
Plemp, being a roman-catholic, he could not be appointed prof, at Leyden, but went to Louvain. See ill.
57. --, Idem, Ibid, idem, 1648. Sm. in fol. W. front., 4 fold. pls. (rest.) and 123 ills.
Vell. (Soiled and stained. Backside sl. incised), (XVI, 262 pp.). (Waterst., some margins
in the beg. neatly strength., a small hole in a few pages, some pp. rust stained). 2nd ed.
See preceding number. 5500, -
58. Camper, P., Over de wijze, om de onderscheiden hartstogten op onze wezens te ver-
beelden; over de verbaazenden overeenkomst tusschen de viervoetige dieren, de vogelen,
de visschen en de menschen; en over het gedaante schoon. Uitgeg. d. A.G. Camper. Utr.,
Wild en Altheer, 1792. 4to. W. Fine portr. by R. Vinkeles and 12 engr. pls. Pr. brds. (X,
95. 11, ui pp.). 1100,-
Choulant, 286: 'These lectures on the methods of representing the different passions in the human face; on the
astounding similarity between quadrupeds, birds, fish and man; and on the beauty of form were given at the
Academy of graphic and plastic arts in Amsterdam..Comp. G&M 158 (first German ed. of the same year):
'Camper is chiefly remembered for the "facial angle" of his own invention, ...: This is the rare first ed., edited
by his son, with the portrait. The outline-drawings are reproduced, as it seems to be, by the process of Ploos
van Amstel.
59. --, Discours ... sur le moyen de représenter d'une manière sure les diverses passions
qui se manifestent sur le visage; sur l'étonnante conformité qui existe entre les quadrupè-
des, les oiseaux, les poissons et Phomme; et enfin sur le beau physique: publ. p. son fils
A.G. Camper. Trad. du Holl. p. D.B. Quatremere d'Isjonval. Utrecht. B. Wild et J. Al-
theer. 1792. 4to. With a portr. and many ills, on 11 pl. (some fold.), marbled clf. (Bottom
of spine and corners dam.), (VIII, 107 pp.). 875,-
BMN, 11, p. 39. The first Dutch ed. is of the same year. Garrison, p. 321.
60. --, Oeuvres, qui ont pour objet 1'histoire naturelle, la physiologie et 1'anatomie com-
parée. Paris, H.J.'Jansen, 1803. 3 vols. 8vo. and an atlas fol. W. front, portr. and 34
pls. Mottl. clf., b.g., borders g. (Top of sp. sl. dam.). 2100,-
G&M 77: Cole i.I.e.: 'One of the greatest teachers of his century. He discovered the pneumaticy of the bones of
birds, and made valuable contributions to the comparative anatomy of the mammalia': Much enlarged ed. Rare
with the atlas.: Comp. H. of H. 597: He discovered a.o. the fibrous structures of the eye. '.. .did much to influ-
ence trends in anatomic illustration toward making the figures lifelike and practical for the use of surgeons'.
61. Cardanus, H., Contradicentium medicorum. Liber primus (and secundus). Conti-
nens contradictiones centum & octo. Addita praeterea eiusdem autoris, De sarza parilia.
Consilium pro dolore vago quaedam aliae non inutiles, De cina radice, Disputationes etiam.
Lyon, S. Gryphius, 1548. 2 vols. in 1. Cont. clf., back and sides g. (Rubbed and sl. dam.).
(284, IV (last bl.); (At the end 1545, dedication of the 2nd vol., dated 1547). 1900,-
Baudrier VIII, p. 195: Not in bm: Durling 836: Adams 655: Wellcome 1, 283: Comp. H. of H. 148: 'In this work,
Cardano examines the question of whether spells and charms have any therapeutic value and concludes that un-
der some circumstances they may be helpful.. . He endeavors to present a scientific explanation for these cures
and remarks that one should always be aware that there are many enigmas in nature and it is only occasionally
that an explanation may be found'.
62. --, Ars curandi parva, quae est absolutiss. medendi methodus, & alia nunc primum
aedita opera, in duas tomos divisa ... Basel, Ex off. Henricpetrina, n.d. (1 $66 at the end).
2 vols, in 1. Clf. (XLVII, 720; 1000-1621, in pp.). 1200,-
Hirsch 1, 289: Osler 2234: Durling 833: 'pp. 721-999 omitted in numbering consecutively'.
63. --, Quaedam opuscula, artem medicam exercentibus utilssima, ut sunt, De aqua &
Aethere: De cyna radice, seu de decoctis, nunc locupletatum & castigatum: Consilium pro
illustr. H. Palavicino. .. difficultate spirandi laborante: Consilium pro fluxu sanguinis
coërcendo: Consilium pro Mantuano lepram patiente: Medicine encomium. Praeterea, ei-
usdem in calumniatorem Iibrorum de subtilitate, actio. Basil., H. Petrus, 1559 (at the end),
sm. in Fol. W. woodc. ill. Printer's mark on title and last page. Old brds. (rebacked). (XI,
210, 11 pp.) 2750,-
Durling 831: Adams C-691: Wellcome hli, 1304: Waring, n, 683 and 755: DSB, hi, 64: Partington, n, 11.
First edition of this work mostly on medical subjects of this scholar, typical for the renaissance. In this work
he is the first after Vesalius to describe the 'china root' and its use. Haller praised him as a great 'water doctor'.
His ideas ab. the circulation of the blood are discussed by W. Pagel. In his last opusculum he replies to Scaliger's
attack on his work 'De subtilitate.'
64. --, Opus novum cunctis de sanitate tuenda, ac vita producenda studiosis apprime
necessarium: in quator libros digestum. A Rodulpho Sylvestrio, Bon. medico, recens in
lucem editum. Roma, F. Zanettus, (at the end). 1580. sm. in fol. Hlf. vellum (19th cent.)
(XXVI, 339, 1 pp.) 4150,-
Durling, 858: Wellcome hml i, 1310: H. of H. 149: 'This posthumously published work deals largely with hygie-
ne, diet, and geriatrics': sl. spotted copy. First edition.
65. Carels, P., Methodus der vryer conste van de medecyne ende chyrurgie. Dokkum,
L. Vlas-bloem, 1659. Sm. in 4to. Contemp. veil (Recased) (VI, 144, 11, XXII pp. (p. 73/4
a quarter of a page torn, w. loss of text and of p. 131/2 a sm. piece miss., all repl. with
photocopies. 1100,-
BMN i, 157: An extremely rare book of medicine. The author was a surgeon in Aardenberg (Z. Flanders). The
book is composed of 4 treatises viz on anatomy, urine, vein, and wounds, followed by a fifth one on the plague,
with a separate title: 'Een generale methodus om te cureren die contagieuse sieckte der pestilentiale cortse, met
hare symptomata ghecopuleert.' It contains many curious recipes. Some are by P. Dathenus, Gent. A poor copy
waters, and dam. to the margins. Neatly restored. Some annotations to the margins: Printed by the first printer
of Dokkum, working 1649-55. (!) (Ledeboer)
66. Charcot, J.M., Lemons du mardi à la salpêtrière. Policlinique 1887-0889). Paris, aux
Bureaux du Progr�s Médical, 1892-1889. In 2 vols. W. 226 ills. Limp cl. (Name cut from
titles. No loss of text). 875,-
DSB hi, 205: H. of H. 1031: 'These highly readable records of Charcot's clinical sessions ai the hospital where
he began and ended his richly productive career show his keen insight as a clinician as well as his humor, humani-
ty, and flair for teaching.' Vol. 1, 2nd ed.
67. Cheyne, G., The English malady: or a treatise of nervous diseases of all kinds, as
spleen, vapours, lowness of spirits, hypochondriacal and hysterical distempers, &c.
Lond., Strahan & Leake, 1733. Contemp. clf. (sl. rubbed) (VI, XXXII (The 'a' quire bound
behind 'b' quire), 370, vi pp. (Publishers catalogue).
DSB III, 244/5:'... the most extensive account of his views was contained in "The English Malady (1733). Cheyne
seems to have aroused much interest in Britain in further investigation of the bodily fibers and in exploration
of the metaphysical relationship of mind and body.': Hunter & MacAlpine 351/5: Waller 1950:
Wellcome 11, 339: G&M. 4840: 'Cheyne attributed hypochondria (Cheyne's disease') to the moisture of the air
and variability of the weather in the British Isles.': H. of H. 482: Zilboorg 299: First ed. with the 4 titlepp.
68. Cneuffel, (Arcissewski, Chr.), Epistola de podagra curata per doctorem A. Cneuffe-
lium. Amst., J. Blaeu, 1643. i2mo. Contemp. clf., back gilt (recased). (118 pp. (Very sl.
soiled). 4200,-
Jourdan 1, 305/6:4 ... Cneuffel, Polonais, qui, au rapport de Bock, dans son Histoire des antitrinitaires, s'etablit
a Amsterdam, ...': Hirsch 11, 58: This is not a book on gout as the titlepage indicates, but it describes a.o. the
curing of Chr. Arcissewski (1592-1654) by Cneuffel. A. was a colonel in the Dutch army in Brazil and a leader
in the conflict with the Portuguese. The book has been written in the form of a letter to Joh. de Laet and is
a rare unrecorded medical Americanum. Actually the book has not been written by Cneuffel, but Arcissewski
informs us on the pain he suffered and how Cneuffel cured him. He highly praises Cneuffel's medical skill: Not
in Guerra, nor Price, not in the bibliographies on Brazil. See ill.
69. Cohausen, J.H., Dissertatio satyrica physico-medico-moralis de pica nasi, sive taba-
ci sternutatorii moderno abusu, & noxa. Amst., J. Oosterwyk, 1716. W. engr. front Clf.
(reback). (XX, 177, 11 pp.) (Title rep. w. loss of 1 word. St. removed from title). 825,-
Blake 92: Waring 11, 712: 'Considers the passion for taking snuff as a disease of the nostrils.': Arents 235/6:
'This ... discourse on "a morbid appetite of the nose" is an attack upon the habit of snuftaking. The best known
work condemning a custom then popular in France': First ed. Signed on title 'F. And.(?) Cohausen. M.D.
70. Corvisart, J.N., Essai sur les maladies et les lésions organiques du coeur et des gros
vaisseaux; extrait des lemons cliniques ... publié sous ses yeux, par C.E. Horeau. Paris,
de Migneret, 1806. Hclf. (484, 1 (errata) pp). Bound up with Auenbrugger, (L), Nouvelle
méthode pour reconnaître les maladies internes de la poitrine par la percussion de cette
cavité. Ouvrage trad. du Latin et commenté, Paris, de Migneret, 1808. (XXIV, 440, 1 (errata)
1) Kelly, 94: 'Distinguished between functional and organic heart disaese, and between hypertrophy and dilatati-
on of the heart.'; G&M., 2737; 'Corvisart really created cardiac symptomatology and made possible the differen-
tation between cardiac and pulmanory disorders. He was first to explain heart failure mechanically and to descri-
be the dyspnoe of effort. 2) His translation of Auenbrugger's book on percussion resulted in the universal adop-
tion of that procedure ...' G&M. sub 2672: '... But Auenbrugger lived to see the appearance in 1808 of J.N. Cor-
visart's classical translation of the book, after which the value of percussion was universally recognised ...' Very
rarely to find both books contemporarily bound together: H. of H. 599: 'Because of Corvisart's fame and the
excellence of his translation, news of this classic discovery was quickly carried throughout the medical world ...
one of the milestones in the history of medicine'.
71. Courcelles, D.C. de, Icones musculorum capitis, utpote faciei, aurium, oculorum,
linguae, pharyngis ... met een nederduitsche verklaring over de selve. Leiden, Expensis
Auctoris, Ex typogr. Dammeana, 1743. Large in 4to. W. 8 pls. Mod. hlf. veil, (IV, 83,
v pp.)(Uncut). 1400,-
Hirsch 11, 127: DMB. 378^9: BMN i, 88: This work privately printed by the author was supplementing the work
by Albinus, Tabulae musculorum hominis.
72. Cox, J.M., Practical observations on insanity; ... remarks on medical jurisprudence
as connected with diseased intellect. 2nd ed., corr. and greatly enlarged. Lond., c&r.
Baldwin, a.o., 1806. Contemp. clf. (Spine very sl. dam.), (XII, 210 pp.). 1050,-
Hirsch 11, 132.: His main work. 3 Engl, editions (i8o4-'i4; Philadelphia, 1811; French 1806, 1815; German 1811.:
Poynter, 163: Zilboorg & Henry, 411, 527/8: 'M. Cox (1762-1822) in his ... states that too much blood in the
brain is the cause of all mental disease and that purgation is the cure ... Cox apparently had seen some cases
of general paresis, for he remarks ... that 'paralysis, hemiplegia, and diseases of this class supervening, may
be reckoned among the unfavourable occurences; in these cases the system is rendered insensible to the action
of medical agents, and the unhappy patient too frequently sinks into fatuity, a state ... to which death itself
is preferable.'
73. Curie, M.S., Rayons émis par les composés de Puranium et du thorium. (In: C.R.
Acad. d. Sciences. Paris, 1898. Vol. 126 no. 15, pp. 1101-1103). 4to. Pr.wr. Tog. w. 2)
E. Demarcay, Sur le spectre d'une substance radio-active. (In: Idem, vol. 127, no. 26, p.
1218 4to. Pr. wr. 3) (A.) H., Becquerel, Recherches sur une propriété nouvelle de la matiè-
re. Activité radiante sponta�née ou radioactivité de la matière. (Mém. Acad. d. Sc. De
1'Inst. de France, vol. 46). Paris, Firmin Didot, 1903. 4to. W. 13 pls. and 71 ills. Pr. wr.
(360, IV pp.). 3500,-
DSB III 497/508: 'In 1896 H. Becquerel had discovered that uranium compounds constantly emitted radiation
that was capable of exposing a photographic plate and making air conduct electricity; this radiation had not yet
attracted the attention of the scientific world when M. Curie began her research. On 12 April 1898 she presented,
on her own, to the Académie des Sciences a preliminary note that marked the first step in the discovery of radium
and opened to mankind the immense world of nuclear physics'.: Comp. PMM 394: Partington IV, 938, a.o. pl.:
3) Partington IV, 936, a.o. pl.: Comp. G&M 2001: DSB i, 558/61: 'Inspired by Poincaré's exhibition in 1896 of
radiographs sent to him by R�ntgen, Becquerel deliberately sought to investigate other phosphorescent pheno-
mena. Accidental fogging of photographic plates in his dark room was traced to the presences of uranium ore
and this led to the theory of radioactivity. He suggested to the Curies that pitchblende might repay investigation
and thus set them on the trail that led to radium': See also Romer, The discovery of radioactivity ... p. 7/8:
'It was a curious triumph of observation over reason.': See also Taton 207/10: PMM 580: 'In (1903) ... he publis-
hed ... his ... definitive work, containing a chronological narrative of his investigations, his mature conclusions
and a bibliography of 214 treatises on radioactivity ... The rays emitted by uranium were named in his honour
"Becquerel rays" ...'
74. --, Traité de radioactivité. Paris, 1910. In 2 vols. W. portr., 8 pls. and 193 ills. Hlf.
mor. b.g. (mod.). 1700,-
Sparrow, 41: H. of H. 1156: First ed. Chief work of this author. Fine copy.
75. Curie, mad. P, L'isotopie et les élements isotopes. Paris, Journal de Physique. 1924.
With 1 pl. and numer. textill. Hlf. cl. (210 pp.). 375>-
First edition.
76. Daran, J., Observations chirurgicales sur les maladies de 1'urèthre, traitée suivant
une nouvelle méthode. 3e éd. Paris,'de Bure, 1750. W. 1 fold, colour- engr. (by Gautier
d'Agoty) (an upperfold rest.). Contemp. clf., back gilt. (back very sl. dam.), (CCXX, 429,
in pp.). 2400,-
Hirsch n, 181: Neu 1090: Choulant-Frank 270/4: Bayle & Thillaye, 11, 317/8: Author's best known work, many
times reprinted. In this work he publ. his elastic bougies of his own invention, for treatment of strictures of the
urethra. It is illustrated by a fine colour-engraving by Gautier d'Agoty.: Blake 108: Waller 1, 2289 (1748 ed.).
J.H. Kiefer cat. 132 (4th ed. only).
77. Descartes, R., L'homme. . . et un traitté de la formation du foetus du mesme au-
theur. Avec les remarques deL.de la Forge, . .. sur le Traitt� de l'homme de R. Descartes,
... Paris, Ch. Angot, 1664. 4to. W. num. woodcutills. Clf., back gilt, (7th cent, style. Ori-
ginal backlabel preserved), (LXX, 448, VIII pp.). (Title sl. soiled, some pp. yellow, and soi-
led). 3750,-
DSB IV, 51/65: 'But the "Traitté de l'homme" served not only to clarify and develop Descartes's physiological
views; it also quickly became a rich fund of ideas upon which he drew throughout the rest of his intellectual
life.': Comp. G&M. 574: 'Descartes considered the human body a material machine, directed by a rational soul
located in the pineal body. This book was the first attempt to cover the whole field of "animal physiology".
The work is really a physiological appendix to his "Discourse on method", 1637, and first appeared in full in
1664, this time in French ...': Guibert, pp. 198/9.
H. of H. 296: 'This first French edition is the original text as composed by Descartes and edited by his good
friend, Cl. Clerselier (1614-1684). This edition also contains the first printing of his treatise "De la formation
du foetus, completed just before his death. The fine woodcuts in the edition were partly based on Descartes'
drawings from the manuscript and partly prepared by the co-editors, L. de la Forge ... and G. van Gutscho-
ve ...': Poynter 122/3, a o- P'-: Comp. Becker coll. 99 (2nd French ed. 1677: 'The greater part of L'homme
is given to a detailed examination of sensation, and of the physiology of vision in particular. Acc. to S. Polyak
(The vertebrate visual system ...) Descartes' produced a remarkable hypothesis of the intrinsic organization of
the visual system which was far ahead of his time', and more specifically stated 'for the first time, a clearly con-
ceived and expressed idea of a topographical projection or representation of the retina on the brain'.
78. Deusing, A., Resurrectio hepatis ... accessit Disquisitio ulterior de chyli motu atque
officio hepatis; Ad ... Th. Bartholinum, & c. Groningen, Fr. Bronchorst, 1661. i2mo.
18th cent, clf., back and sides g. (XLVIII, 336 pp.). (Some pp. watersp. and soiled).
DMB, 432/4: Pogg. i, 564/5: NNBW vin, 383/ 4: Bayle & Thill, i, 423/7: Banga i.l.c.: Not in Cole, Manchester,
Waller, nor Wellcome: BMN 1, 127, (1662 ed. only): Very rare.
79. --, Epistolae dehortatoriae ad Antonium Deusingium Medic, profess, celeber. Edi-
tio tertia locupletior cum Apolline redivivo. Dabis improbe poenas. Lovania, (Gronin-
gen?). Ao 1664.12 mo. with woodcut (Mercurius pursueing Satan) o.t. Hlf. vellum (68 pp.
+ 2 blank 11. uncut). 1400,-
Pamphlet written in favour of Deusing in his conflict with Sylvius (Leiden) (Groningen?) author is as far as we
could find unknown. The best description of this libel we found in Bayle & Thillaye, 1, 426/7. a.o. '11 contient
des traits fort déhonorants pour Sylvius; tout y est allégorique, et il se trouve beaucoup d'obscénité. Le privilege,
accordé au nom d'Apollon, est signé L. de B., ce qui semblirait désigner Louis de Bils, qui ne savait point le
latin, ne peut �tre 1'auteur de cette lettre de TAppolo redivivus' qui y est joint ... TApollo redivivus est signé':
Apollo. Ad mandatum Albertus Kyperus, ... Deusing combated the iatrochemical views of Sylvius, and publis-
hed many pamphlets on this case.
80. Diemerbroeck, Y. van, De peste libri quatuor, truculentissimi morbi historiam ratio-
ne & experientia confirmatam exhibentes. Arenaci ( = Arnhem), J.J. Jacobi, 1646. 4to.
Old clf., w. bl. stamp, super libros. (Rebacked, rubb., rest.), (XII, 337, X (2 blank) pp.)
DMB 440/1: '.. .at Nijmegen, where in 1635, an epidemic of plague broke out making some 6000 victims. D.
deserved very well in this period, and described this epidemic in (this) book.': G&M. 5117: 'Important early ac-
count of plague. English translation, 1722.': Hirst 44 a.o.pl.: Banga 418/435: Baumann 89/97: Rare first ed.
81. --, Anatome corporis humani, plurimis novis inventis instructa, variisque observati-
onibus, & paradoxis, cum medicis, turn physiologicus adornata. Utrecht, M. v. Dreunen,
1672. 4to. W. front, and 13 fold. pls. (some tears, neatly rep.). Clf., b.g. (1 joint sl. spl.).
(XXVI, 963, IX pp.). 3750,-
Hirsch 11, 265: BMN i, 82: Banga, 418: Wellcome 11, 466: Waller 2451: (Geneva ed. 1679): H. of H. 316 (Lyon
ed. 1679 only): Diemerbroeck, professor of anatomy and medicine at Utrecht, is remembered not only for his
studies of the plague but more especially for his work on anatomy, (which was the best and most complete of
its time and is without precedent). The first edition was published in 1672; it quickly became popular throughout
Europe and was widely used through all of its later editions. The 13 folding plates are finely etched and their
simplicity makes them highly effective and instructive.'
82. --, Opera omnia, anatomica et medica ... nunc simul collecta, & diligenter recognita
per T. de Diemerbroeck. Utrecht M. van Dreunen, & W. van Walcheren, 1685. $ vols,
in 1 Sm. in fol. W. front, and 16 fold. pls. Contemp. bl. stamp, vellum. (Text sl. waterst.
at the beginning and the end). 2750,-
First coimplete edition.: BMN i, 60: See about the author Garrison, 271: Banga, 418-435: Disputationis practicae
dcnnrttois capitis, thoracis et infimi ventris. De variolis et morbillis. Tractatus de peste (See G&M. 511 -7) and 2
other books with separate pagination.: Comp. H. of H. 316: 'The first ed. (of the "Anatome corporis humani")
was published in 1672; it quickly became popular throughout Europe and was widely used through all of its later
editions'. A very fine copy.
83. Dodoens, R., Cruydt-boeck, volghens sijne laetste verbeteringhe: Met bijvoeghsels
achter elck capitel, uyt verscheyden cruydt beschrijvers: Item, in 't laetst een beschrijving-
he vande Indiaensche ghewassen, meest getrocken uyt de schriften van C. Clusius. Antw.,
B. Moretus, 1644. Fol. w. engr. title and 1470 woodcuts in the text. Clf. (back gilt, one
hinge partly split), (XXXVI, 1492, LIX pp.). 15500,-
DSB IV, 138/40: Nissen 11, 518: Bibl. Belgica 11, d 221: Pritzel 2345: Last and most complete edition of one of
the most important botanical works of the 16th and 17th centuries. This edition incorporates additional material
(a.o. the chapter on American plants from the 1608 ed. and a part on herbs, plants and drugs of the West and
East Indies from the 1618 ed.) The preface and the names of the plants are printed in a fine civilité type (not
in Carter & Vervliet). A fine copy printed on paper of a very good quality.
84. Donders, F.C., Onderzoek van den cardiograaf. (Onderz. Physiol. Lab. Utr. 2e R.,
1, 1867/68, 1). W. 13 ills. Wr. (20 pp.). Foil, by: 2) Idem, Twee werktuigen, tot bepaling
van den tijd, voor psychische processen benoodigd, (pp. 21-2$). 3) Idem, Over de opstij-
gende beweging der plastische stoffen in de bladsteelen. W.5 ills. (pp. 25-30). 4) Engel-
mann, Th. W., Over schijnbeweging bij nabeelden, (pp. 30-32). 725,-
1) DSB IV, 162/4: This was a start of electrocardiography which v. Einthoven realised. Fig. 10 is an original frag-
ment of the roll of the cardiograph.: 2) Description of the no�matachoscope and the noematachometer, to mea-
sure psychical processes. First ad of G.&M. 4974:
85. --, Sur la vitesse des fonctions psychiques du cerveau. Genève, Ramboz & Schu-
chardt, 1869. Wr. (16 pp.). 425,-
Hirsch 11, 293: v. Leersum 229: Comp. G&M. 4974: He invented a no�motachograph and a no�motachometer:
First French book ed.
86. Drelincourl, C.I., Opera varia. Lugd. Batav., C. Boutesteyn, 1693. i2mo. 8 vol. in
1 Vellum.
Under this title 7 works by Drelincourt are bound together, see below. We could not find
any bibliogr. description of this vol. in the bibliographies used. At the verso of title 6 other
works are mentioned. 2600,-
1) Clarissimum Monspeliensis Apollinis stadium, currente C. Drelincurtio, Caroli filio, Parisino, et liberalium
artium magistro, doctoratum ambiente anno salutis mdcliv. ed 3a Lugd. Batav. F. Lopez. 1680 (148 pp.)
2) De partu octimestri vivace diatriba. Ed. 4a. Ibid, Idem, 1680 (XVI, 108 pp.)
3) La légende du gascon, ou la lettre de Charles Drelincourt, a Mr. Porrée, sur la méthode, prétendu� nouvelle,
de tailler de la pierre; .. .3e éd., revue et abrégée. Leide, F. Lopez s.d. (VI, 101 pp.)
4) Oratio, quam super civitatis & academia calamitatibus, generatim et paucis; tam super clariss. viri Joh. van
Home, natalibus, vitae institute, & é vivis excess�, singulatim & pleni�s. Ed. altera. Lugd. Batav., F. Lopez,
1680. (32 pp.)
5) Apologia medica, qua vetus ilia depelliturcalumnia, medicos sexcentis annis Roma exulasse. LugU. Batav. C.
Driehusium, 1671. (105, 1 pp.)
6) Praeludium anatomicum, quod Lugdunesium in amphitheatre, suam ad primum anatomes (gr) adhibuit. Ed.
3a Lugd. Batav. D. a Gaesbeeck, 1680. (90, vin pp.)
7) Libitinae tropaea, pro concion�, quam fasces academicos deponeret, computata; die solemni vin Feb. 1680.
Ed. altera. Lugd. Batav. F. Lopez. 1680. (VIII, 156 pp.)
8) Euphismoi (gr.) cardiaci contra viperinos ... N. pl. n. d. (24 pp.)
87. Du Bois-Reymond, E., De fibrae muscularis reactione ut chemicus visa est acida.
Berl., G. Reimer, 1859. 4to. Wr. (43, 1 pp.). 750,-
DSB IV, 200/5: Waller 2594: Hirsch 1, 609-611: Lieben, 200: '.. .machte nun (1859) die fundamentale Entdec-
kung, dasz die neutrale oder schwach alkalische Reaktion des normalen Muskels sowohl bei der Tatigkeit wie
beim Absterben in eine "saure Reaktion umschlagt"; dieze Angaben wurden in zahlreichen spateren Versuchen
immer wieder bestatigt'. Rothschuh, Tab. 1343.
88. Duchenne (De Boulogne, G.B.A.), De 1'électrisation localisée et de son application
a la pathologie et a la thérapeutique par courants induits et par courants galvaniques inter-
rompues et continus. 3e éd. entièrement refondue. Paris, Baillière, 1872. With 3 pls. and
22. textills. Hlf. mor. (XII, 1120 pp.) 1275,-
G&M nr. 4543, 'First description, page 357, of partial brachial plexus paralysis, upper type, ("Duchenne-Erb's
palsy" ... Duchenne is the founder of electro-therapy.': H. of H. 935: 'He was the first to describe glosso-labio-
laryngeal paralysis (progressive bulbar paralysis) and progressive muscular atrophy of the upper extremities
(Duchenne-Aran's disease). He was also the first to employ electrical stimulation of nerves and muscles in explo-
ring the muscalar system and in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases.
The results of these early experiments are summarized in this, his first major work.'
89. Duhamel du Monceau, (H.L.), Moyens de conserver la santé aux équipages des vais-
seaux: Avec de purifer Pair des salles des h�pitaux; et une courte description de l'hopital
Saint Louis, a Paris. Paris, H.L. Guerin & L.F. Delatour, 1759. W. $ fold. pls. Contemp.
mottl. clf., gilt. (XVI, 252 pp.).
DSB IV, 223/5: Wellcome 11, 49$: Not in Waller, not in Blake. This work treats on Sanitary Conditions on board
of ships and air purification in their hospitals. With a short description at the end of the Saint Louis hospital
in Paris. First ed.
90. Ehrlich, P., Allgemeines tiber Chemotherapie. (pp. 226-234). hata, S., Chemothera-
pie der Spirillosen. (pp. 235-242 c. hoppe & schreiber, über die Bchandlung der Syphilis
und metasyphilitischen Erkrankungen met dem neuen Ehrlich-Hataschen Arsenpraparat.
Diskussion Heubner - Ehrlich. (pp. 243-249). (In: Verh. des Deutschen Kongr. fur Inne-
re Medizin. 27. Kongress. Wiesbaden, J.F. Bergmann, 1910. W. 9 pls. (4 col.) and 30 ills.
CI. (lXXX, 887 pp.). 650,-
Comp. G&M. 2403: 'After many experiments on the action of synthetic drugs upon spirochaetal diseases, Ehrlich
and Hata in 1909 discovered salvarsan (606), specific in the treatment of syphilis and yaws': Greiling, 4Die
"Weltsensation". Auf dem Kongress ... Wiesbaden, hat Ehrlich am 14. April zum erstenhal etwas über ein neu-
es Arsenobenzol verlauten lassen': DSB IV, 295-305: 4 ... in September 1906, ... Ehrlich prophesied the creation
of substances "in the chemist's retort" that would "be able to exert their full action exclusively on the parasite
harbored within the organism and would represent, so to speak, magic bullets which seek their target of their
own accord'. It culminated in his announcement before the Congress. .. at Wiesbaden, ... 1910, that a synthetic
arsenical compound, which he called. . . (Salversan), had shown curative properties in rabbit syphilis and fowl
spirillosis, and also in clinical trials on syphilitic patients'. We offer here the complete volume.
91. --, & S. Hata, Die experimented Chemotherapie der Spirillosen. Mit Beitragen von
H.J. Nichols, J. Iversen, Bitter und Dreyer, Berlin, Springer, 1910. With 8,$pl. and 27
ill. Pr. wr. (VIII, 164 pp.) 1450,-
G&M 2403: 'After many experiments on the action of synthetic drugs upon spiraechaetal diseases, Ehrlich und
Hata, in 1909 discovered Salversan ('606), specific in the treatment of syphilis and yaws.'
An extremely fine copy of the 1st ed. Unopened. In cloth box.
92. --, & A. Lazarus, Die Anaemie. 1. Abteilung, 1. Teil. Normale und patho-
logische Histologie des Blutes. 2e vermehrte und wesentlich umgearb. Auflage.
Wien-Leipz. 1909. With 5 colour, pl. and 5 textill. Hlf. mor. (sl. Rubbed) (VI,
161 pp.) 3750,-
Added an inscribed photograph and a long signed autograph letter of 4 pp. by the author to H.G.
Plimmer, (See G&M 5282) thanking him for the offer of collaboration, discussing the difficulties of
such a scheme and inviting him to a visit. See ill.
93. Enchridion modicum. Dat is: Een kort begrijp vanden gantschen loop der
medicine. Mitsgaders een t'samen-sprekinge van een doctor ende student der me-
dicijne aengaende. Van gelijcken een tractaet vervatende de voornaemste gebre-
ken ofte sieckten des menschen lichaems: Bestaende in vele verscheyden remedien
der selve, seer noodich voor de jonghe medicijns, chirurgijns, ende apotekers.
Utrecht, J. Amelisz, 1619. 4to W. Printersmark (a bird, encircled by a snake, a
portr. 1 pit. (surg. instruments). Vell. (VI, 277, 1 pp.). Watersp., soiled, w. marg.
repairs, no loss of text). Bound up with: Wirtz, (Wuortz), F., Practica der chirur-
gie. Wat voor schadelijcke misbruijeken bij der chirurgie in gebruijck ende in
swanghe gaet: ende waerom 't selve behoort afghedaen te werden. Alles nae nieuwer for-
ma ende aert, met vele overvloedighe hantgrepen, exempelen ende arcanen: Overgheset
uyt de hoochduijtsche in onse Nederlandtsche sprake. Door A. Lz. Vos, chirurgijn tot
Zaerdam: Ende E. Theunissz. out school-meester op de Cooch in Wessanen. Amsterdam,
H. Walschart, 1621. 4to (VIII, 309 (misn. 109) 1 (blank, vu pp.). (Watersp., some ann.
in the margin.) 6500,-
1) BMN I, 7 (Enchiridion): STC II, 24577: Valentinus, Petrus Pomarius. First Hngl. ed.: Waller 5149: Pomarius,
P. 2nd Engl, ed.: The bmc Cai. enters this work under Valentinus, P.P.(pseud.?), but a writer of this name
was associated with the Lyons, 1519 edition of the "Articella".: First Dutch edition of a very rare medical hand-
book in the vernacular, containing many recipes. 2) BMN 1, 288: Hirsch V, 1000/1: Bayle& Thillaye 1, 246: First
Dutch edtion of a very rare popular surgical handbook, in the vernacular, translated from German (Basle, 1596).
94. Esquirol, (J.) E. (I).), Des maladies mentales considérées sous les rapports médical,
hygiénique et médico-légal. Paris, J.-B. Baillière, 1838. In 3 vols. Atlas w. 27 pls. (1 fold.),
(IV pp.). Gilt hlf. mor. (very sl. dam.). Vol. I (VII, 393 pp.), Vol. II (VI, 380 pp.). 5200,-
Hirsch 11, 437/9: Bayle & Thill. 11, 882/3: Semelaigne 1, 124/140: Hunter & Macalpine, 731/8: Wellcome II, 531:
Waller, 2871: G&M., 4798: 4.. .Esquirol regarded general paralysis as a complication of various forms of mental
disorder'.: H. of H. 766: 4 ..., Esquirol ... sought to classify and describe the various kinds of insanity he en-
countered in his practice. E. coined the term "monomania", a concept which anticipated the modern view of
schizophrenia, and he was the first to distinguish hallucination from illusion.'
Hunter & Macalpine, 731/8: (This work) 'presented the first survey of the whole field of psychiatry in the spirit
of unprejudiced observation and detailed description based on an unprecedented number of patients.': The work
includes sections on hallucination, illusion, melancholia, paresis, monomania, suicide, idiocy, etc. Moreover
much administrative, medico-legal, and statistical information. First ed.
95. Evans, H.M. & K. Scott Bishop, On the existence of a hitherto unrecognized dietary
factor essential for reproduction. (Offprint Science, 1922, Vol. lVI, no. 1458). Pr. wr. (4
pp). 540,-
G&M 1055: 'Discovery of vitamin E': Wodlinger 62: Rare first edition.
96. Everaerts, A., Cosmopolitae (Pseud.), Historia naturalis, comprehendens humani
corporis atomiam & anatomicam delineationem, ab ipsis primis foetus rudimentis in ute-
ro, usque ad perfectum & adultum statum, lumine praeclaro generationem hominis & ef-
fermationem exhibens, ... Leiden, vander Aa, 1686. 12 mo. W. Front. Hlf. roan, (VIII,
4$ 1, XXi pp.). (Uncut copy. Top corner s. wormh. Some libr. st.) 1200,-
Barbier IV, 1204: v.d. Aa II, 74: Hirsch Nachtrage, 274: DMB 555: Jourdan IV, 72: BMN i, 82: Waller 2850: Cole,
Early theories, 144 & 162: \ . .the first to experiment with the rabbit..Cole, Sexual generations, 144: 'An
early work on fertilization, .. .*
97. Fabricus Hildanus, W., Observationum & curationum cheirurgaricum centuria
2nda. Geneva, P. & J. Chouet, 1611. W. woodcutportr. and num. woodcutills. (mainly
surgical instruments) in the text. Vell. (.XXXN, 432, X pp.). (Very sl. stained, some underl.
in ink.). B.u.w. 2) Donatus, M. De historia medica mirabili libri sex. Iam primum in Ger-
mania editi, ab. . . erratis liberati, notis illustrati & integro recentiorum observationum li-
bro septimo completi, opera ... G. Horstii. Frankf. M., J.J. Porsii, 1613. Vell. (XXIV,
71$, XV pp.). (Corners partly oilstained). 2400,-
1) G&M 5570: Not in Wellcome: Waller 2906: Hirsch II, 462/ 4: Gurlt ill, 115/118: Comp. H. of H. 247: Baas,
516: 'He was likewise perfectly at home in the medical portion of therapeutics and utilized this knowledge in
the treatment of surgical lesions. In the invention of instruments he was particularly fertile, and he was even
bold as an operator.: First ed.
2) Comp. G&M 3417 (First ed. 1586): 'First recorded case of gastric ulcer.': Wellcome 1, p. 97, no. 1839: Waller
13134 First ed. 1586: \|ettler 250/1: Long, Hist, of pathol. 42/4: '.. .he included some valuable records. Among
them is the first good pathologic-anatomical description of a carcinoma of the rectum.' See zor G. Horst, Hirsch
in, 304: 'H. war ein zu seiner Zeit beruhmter Praktiker; die Zeitgenossen nannten ihn den 'deutschen Aeskulap'.
Auch als Schriftsteller ist H. fruchtbar gewesen.'
98. --, Lithotomia vesisae: hoc est, accurata descriptio calculi vesicae, ejusdemque cau-
sarum, et signorum pathognomonicorum, imprimis vero methodi, qua tam in foeminis,
quam in viris sit extrahendus; .. .a H. Schbingero in latinum translata, cui acceserunt
epistolae aliquot virorum clarissimorum, de usu & abusu turundarum, .. .Basel, L. Kö-
nig, 1628. 4to. W. num. woodcuts, a.o. depicting surgical instruments. Limp, vell. (XXIV,
227, 1 pp.). (Prel. lvs. sl. stained at one corner). 2100,-
Hirsch 11, 462/4: 'F. war unbestritten der Erste unter den deutschen Chirurgen des 17. Jahrhunderts ... Er war
es zuerst, der die deutsche Chirurgie zu Ehren gebracht und wird daher mit Recht'der deutsche Paré genannt.
In der "Lithotomia vesicae" .. .legt er seine 40 jahrige Erfahrung über den Steinschnitt nieder. Er erfand zahl-
reiche Instrumente, vervollkommnete die Amputation und gebrauchte bei Amputationen schon ein Art von
Tourniquet, dass dan erst 1674 von Morel eingeführt wurde.': Gurlt m, 126/34: Wangensteen 605, note 73: Well-
come i, 2132: Waller 1, 2901: First German ed. 1626; first Engl. ed. 1640: Not in Osler, not in Parkinson: Not
in Kiefer catalogue. See ill.
99. --, Heelkonstige handwerkingen, B. Cabrol, A, B, C, der ontledinge: en J. Fernel,
Boek der natuurkunde: Vervattende een ... beschrijvinge des menschelijcken lichaams.
Nu nieu overgeset, met kantaanteijkeningen, en nieuwe bladwijsers vermeerdert, door
M.J. Ostens heelmeester tot Rotterdam. Rotterdam, J. Naeranus, 1661. 3 vols. in 1, 4to.
W. engr. title. Old veil, (XXIV, 711, XIX; 77 pp.). (Lowercorner partly waterst.).
1) DSB IV, 507/512: '.. .Fabrici's surgical works ... rely on both Hippocrates and Galen in diagnostics and thera-
py. .. .the book had great success and went through many editions in many languages; .; Compare Parkinson
797: BMNI 73.
>> subject index
>> begin
100. Finsen, N.R., Om anvendelse i medicinen af koncentrerede keniske lysstraaler.
Kjobenhaven, 1896. W. 2 pls. and 4 ills. Pr. wr. (52 pp.). 1250,-
G&M 2000: 'Finsen was the founder of modern phototherapy. He demonstrated the value of invisible light, the
actinic or chemical ray, the ultraviolet ray, as therapeutic measures. He received the Nobelprize for medicine
in 1903': First ed.
101. Forel, A., Die sexuelle Frage. Eine natuurwissenschaftliche, psychologische, hygie-
nische und soziologische Studie fur Gebildete. München, Reinhardt, 190$. With 23 ills,
on 5 pl. Hlf.clf. (VIII, 587 pp.). 550,-
Fisher, 1, pp. 425/6 G&M, 1635: 'Forel's best work; translated into 16 languages'. Zilboorg, p. 482. First ed.
102. Forestus, P., Observationum & curationum medicinalium de febribus ephemeris et
continuis libri duo in quibus earum caussae, signa, prognoses, curatio, graphic� depingun-
tur: Idem aucti & correcti ab eodem, & indice illustrati. Leiden, Ex officina Plantiniana,
Apud Fr. Raphelengium, 1593. (282, XIv pp.) - Idem, idem libri tres: Nempe tertius de
febribus intermittentibus; quartus de hecticis; ac quintus de febribus compositis; nunc de-
nu� diligentissimè recogniti, ab innueris mendis repurgati, nonnulisq. locis auctiores red-
diti. Cum rerum & locorum insign. plen. indice, Ibid, Idem, 1591. (VIII, 368, XVi pp.). 2
vol. in 1 clf. b.g. (Top of spine slightly dam.). 1600,-
BMNI, 184; Idem in, 233: Durling 1614, 1613: Comp. H. of H. 205: Baas 411: . .was prominent among his
contemporaries for his numerous observations, including some which are not to be classed as mere curiosities. His
varying residence, he studied in Louvain, Rome and Paris, and practised at Pluviers in France, Delft, Leyden,
Alkmaer, his native town-must have furnished him rich opportunities for observation'. In Holland he was called
the 'Dutch Hippocrates' Garrison 274: .. .containing many strange case-histories and valuable surgical observa-
103. --, Observationum et curationum medicinalium libri duo: XXiv. De renum affecti-
bus ac morbis, XXV, De vesicae malis ac affectibus. Accessit J. Heurnii ad P. Forestum,
De humana felicitate libellus. Leiden, Ex off. Plantiniana, Apud Fr. Raphelengium, 1596.
B.u.w. 2) Idem, idem libri XXvi & XXvu. De penis, virgae, scroti, & testiculorum affecti
bus ac vitiis; déque ramicum diversis speciebus. Ibid., idem, 1597. 2 vols, in 1 Hlf. veil.,
sides overpasted w. leaf of an early 16th cent. book, (XXX, $21, XV; XL, 260, XN pp.). (Loo-
se in the binding. Stamps on title. Uncut copy. Some underlinings in ink), 1850,-
Hirsch 11, 404: DMB 612/4: 'F. was a keen observer and an indefatigable writer ... In his works he described inter
alia the reflex anuria in onesided renal stone, and the sanguinolent pleuritic exsudate in scurvy. F. was a sharp
critic of uroscopy'. F. wrote several books on regional diseases. He collected a series of cases which shows him
to have been a great clinical physician and at the same time gives a clear insight into medical practice at the enu
of the 16th century. He was a pupil and colleague of Vesalius. Waller 3128/9: Durling 1618/9: BMN i, 184 and
295: Kiefer catalog 208/9.
104. --, Observationum medicinalium libri quinque. De morbis oculorum, aurium, nasi,
labiorum, gingiuarum, dentium, oris ac linguae. De faucium item, gutturis'que & gulae
affectibus, & asperae arteriae. Totius videlicet operis XI. XII. XIII, XIv & XVtus. (Leiden),
Off. Plantiniana, 1602. Clf. (XVI, 435, XXVIII pp.). 1650,-
Wellcome 1, 2371: Not in Poletti, not in Crowley: Münsterberger ed. 1591: Guerini, Sudhoff, i.l.c.: Stevenson
& Guthrie, Hist, of oto-laryngology: 300 pages are devoted to diseases of the nose and throat.: pp. 219/292 on
dentistry, 51/124 on ophthalmology. First edition.
105. --, Observationum et curationum medicinalium liber XXIX. De arthride & aliis af-
fectibus partium externarum. Leiden, Off. Plantiniana, 1603. Contemp. veil, (VIII, 240,
VII pp.). (Marg. wormh.w. loss of some letters, topmargin sl. shaved). B.u.w. 2) Idem,
idem liber XXXII de lua venerae. .. Ibid., 1606 (XII, 284 pp.). 3) Idem, Idem liber XXX, De
venesis XXXI, De fucis. Ibid., 1606. (VIII, 236, XII pp.). 4) Idem, Idem libri quinque, De
tumoribus praeter naturam: ... Ibid., 1610. (VIII, 49$, XV pp.). 1950,-
1) BMN hi, 233: Rare and early work on gout, arthritis, etc. Not in Wellcome, not in Waller. Not described in
Copeman's Short history of gout: 2) BMN III, 234: Not in Wellcome, not in Waller. First ed.: 3) BMN i, 184: Comp.
H. of H. 205: This ed. not in Wellcome.: 4) BMN i, 320: Wellcome 2376: Not in Waller: All in first edition.
106. --, Observationum et curationum chirurgicarum libri quinque, De tumoribus prae-
ter naturam. Leiden, Ex Off. Plantiniana, 1610. Vell. (2 corners dam.), (VIII, 495, XIII
pp.). (sl. wormh., mostly in the innermarg., w. loss of a few letters). B.u.w. 2) Idem, Ob-
servationum et curationum chirurgicarum libri quator posteriores, De vulneribus, ulceri-
bus, fracturis, luxationibus. Ibid., 1610. (VIII, 479 pp.). (Wormh. in the margin, no loss
of text). 1750,-
Hirsch 11, 404: 1) BMN i, 320:2) Idem, 296: Gurlt ill, 278/82: Baas 411: In Holland he was called the 'Dutch Hip-
pocrates: Garrison 274: .. .containing many strange case-histories and valuable surgical observations'.
107. Forssmann, W., Die Sondierung des rechten Herzens. (In: Klin. Wochenschr. Vol.
8, 11. 1929. 4to Hlf. cl. W. 2 ills. pp. 2085/7, 2287) 675,-
G&M 2858: 'Cardiac catheterization. Forssmann catheterized his own heart. In 1956 he shared the Nobel Prize
with Cournand ... and Richards ... for his work on cardiac catheterization..Fishman & Richards 103/4:
Snellen, Hist, of cardiology 122-125 a. o. pl.: Johnson, Hist. card, surgery, 126/7: (In his article of 1929) he
predicted a bright future for cardiac catheterization in the diagnosis and therapy of heart disease'.
108. Freke, J., A treatise on the nature and property of fire. In 3 essays, I. Shewing the
cause of vitality, and muscular motion; ... II. On electricity; III. Shewing the mechanical
cause of magnetism; and why the compass varies in the manner it does. Lond., W. Innys,
and J. Richardson, 1752. Mod. mor. (VIII, 196 pp.). (Wormh. (rep.) w. loss of some let-
ters). 1050,-
Blake 161: dnb XX, 46: Mottelay 201/2: 'Freke, surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, gives, in the
2nd part of 'A treatise ... of fire', the 3d ed. of his 'Essay to show the cause of electricity,' originally published
in 1746, ...: Wheeler 371: 'Identity of electricity and lightning, p. 105; fire is the cause of electricity and magne-
tism, pp. 65, 145; the ether of space, p. 125; electricity not as good as term as vivacity; electrified bodies have
magnetic properties, p. 165.' First essay in first ed.
109. Freud, S., Gesarnmelte Schriften. Leipz., Vienna, Zurich, Int. Psychoanal. Verlag,
(1924-1934). In 12 vols. W. 6 portrs, And 4 pls. 10 vols, mor., top edges gilt, 2 hlf. mor.
All w. 5 raised bands. (Some vols, very sl. discol. and sl. used). 8000,-
Jones in, 238, 249, a.o. pl.: 'The inquisition proceeded in great detail. When, .. .the Nazis found that Martin
Freud had for safety been keeping a store of the "Gesammelte Schriften" in a neutral country, Switzerland,
they insisted that he and his father issue instructions for them to be brought back to Vienna, where they were
more or less ceremoniously burned. Of course Freud's bank account was confiscated.' In 1938 the Imago Publish-
ing Company in England ... 'planned a new edition of Freud's collected works, the "Gesammelte Werke", to
replace the "Gesammelte Werke", destroyed by the Nazis; ...'. Copy stamped "National-Bibliothek Wien",
see ill., and "Gesperrt": Fine copy of the very rare first ed. of his collected works.
110. --, Charcot, J.M., Neue Vorlesungen über die Krankheiten des Nervensystems in-
sbesondere über Hysterie. Aut. deutsche Ausg. von S. Freud. Leipz., Wien, Toeplitz &
Deuticke, 1886 W. 59 ills. Contemp. hlf. mor. (XII, 357 pp.). 3750,-
Grinstein 320: Jones 1, 230: 'In his preface to it, dated July 18 1886, he expressed his satisfaction that the German
version should appear several months before the French original': From the libr. of Dr. August Hegar: H. of
H 1030: 'It was a student of Charcot that S. Freud (see no. 1122 ff.) first became interested in investigating
hysteria from a phsychological standpoint.'
bases fi
was dub�t
111. Breuer, J. & S. Freud, Studien über Hysterie. Leipz., Wien, Fr. Deuticke, 1895.
section, bu frontwr. bound with. (111, 269 pp.). 5900,-
longlasting nc
organs.': GAM^a.o. pl.: '... "Studies in Hysteria", ... described the clinical experience that was one of Freud's
said,' I consider analysis. Breuer was unwilling to join Freud in the radical innovations of psychoanalysis; he
'... The "Studien ii the emphasis on sex ... In ... he and Breuer (Breuer is listed as the author of the theoretical
First ed. Rümke's cop+ pn equal - if not major part in developing the ideas in it) wrote that the intense and
icntal activity, manifested in hysteria resulted from excitation impinging from the sex
112. --, Drei Abhandlungen the unconscious mind.: Ellenberger 789, a.o. pl. 'Actually Friedlander.. .
mor., back gilt (11, 83, I pp.).(,i{S3s one lhe mosl va,uab,e works on hysteria.': Jones 1, 277 a.o.:
>m which it is customary to date the beginning of psycho-analysis.':
DSB V, 171/181: G&M 4983: 'Freud opened a new tero/i). See ill.
of the sexual instinct explained the reasons for, and su >erv<
conditions': Jones i.I.e.: Grinstein 79: Zilboorg&Henreorie. Leipz., Wien, Fr. Dchiticke, 1905. Hlf.
gin to a new approach to children's psychology and to a(ipu slaved). toialh 2850,�
Hist, of psychoanalysis 25, a.o. pl.: 'At the same time the corn vas broad
"psychosexual came into use. The broadening involved, first, an^orat'on - ^^ITality tiPS? mind. His studies
and, second, its extension to affection, love, and all the tender emlrealmenl �^as crystall^rs*ons anc* neurolic
says on Sexuality (1905)'.: Misiak & Sexton,, 379/8o a.o. pl.: 'WitH9�5 aPP?<^ books ("DrAncidentally gave ori-
and Der Witz ... the main framework of psychoanalysis was coftfplfed.': First ed. Evl^ new light ': Fine,
"Traumdeutung". Added review of the 2nd ed. by Schultz. 1911. Jened, and the term
all physical pleasure
113. --, Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten. Wien, 190^ in the'Three Es-
(Wr. b.W.). (II, 206 pp.). (Uncut, unopened). -ei Abhandlungen. ..
en more rare as his
Ellenberger p. 496: 'Freud's fourth great contribution to depth psychology was his book "Jol
tion to the Unconscious", a topic on which he started to work in 1897. ... his true starting po
tion of certain similarities between the mechanisms of jokes and of dreams.' First ed: Gr$. Mod. hlf. cl.
114. --, Der Wahn und die Traume in W. Jensens 'Gradiva*. Wien, Leip?
(discol.). (II, 81, I pp.). okes and Their Rela-
oint was his observa-
Jones III 449/450: Grinstein 246: First ed., first issue. The Heller imprint 1907. Grinstein 256.
115. --, Totem und Tabu. Leipz., Wien, H. Heller, 1913. Pr. wr. (sl. yqi>z., 1907. Pr.wr.
(VI, 149 pp.) 750,-
DSB V, 178: Comp. Ellenberger, 525/7 a.o. First ed.
116. Gabelkover, O., Artzneybuch, darinnen ... vast fur alle des menschlichen'am.).
Anligen und Gebrechen ausserlesene und bewehrte Artzneyen gemeinen Vaterland teut-
scher Nation zu gutem auss vilen ... Artzneybüchern zusammen getragen ... Und nun ...
publiciert, an vielen Orten verbessert, und mit nutzlichen heilsamen Artzneyen gemehrt
worden ... Tubingen, G. Gruppenbach, 1595/6 2 Vols, in 1. 4to. Mod. hlf. clf. (XII, 424,
II, 434, hi pp). (Browned, sp., some pp. frayed, t.p. mounted). 2100,-
Durling 1733; 1st to 3 ed. $#nie collation, pp. 126-142 on dentistry; Hirsch II, 652.
117. --, Medecijrt-boeck, daer inne ... voor alle lijfgebreken, endc cranckheijden wt ge-
leseneen(de)beprOcfdemedicijnen ... WtdeHoochduijtschesprake ... overgeset. Dordrecht
A. Caen (or Cartin) 1598. 4 to. Hlf. veil. (19th cent.) (VIII, 456 (i.e. 556, IV pp.). (Partly
sl. waterst., some ^ni. inkspots). 1900,-
Hirsch n, 652: Durling 17**' First Dutch ed. transl. by C. Baten. Rare.
118. Gallon, Fr., Finger prints. Lond., 1892. W. num. pls. and textills. Cl. (XVI, 216
pp.). 1200,-
G&M. nr. 186: 'The use of fingerprint* as identification marks was known to the Chinese, but Galton was among
the first to explain their possibilities ifl the identification of criminals. "Galton's delta" is a triangular area of
papillary ridges on the distal pads of ihe digits': Kelly p. 155: H. of H. 1023:: *... it was Galton whose detailed
studies of fingerprints led to the adoption of his classification which is still the basis for the system used through-
out the world. Here a small anatomical detail is put to practical use.'
119. Gaubius, H.D., Institutiones pathologiae medicinalis. Leiden, S. and J. Lucht-
mans, 1758. Hlf. Clf. (X, 493 PP). 1200,-
G&M. p. 355: Long, 74. BMNi, 160. Fir!*1 edition. This favorite textbook on the continent has many editions and
translations. Gaub, envisaged irritability as a pathologic increase of vital power and applied this concept to dis-
ease.: See H. of H. 549 sub: '... his most popular and well-known work, .. went through many editions and
translations.': First ed.
120. Gautier d'Agoty, J.F., Observations sur l'histoire naturelle, sur la physique et sur
la peinture. Avec des planches imprimees en couleur. Paris, Delaguette. i752/3- 4*o. Vol.
1, 3 parts in 2 vols. W. 16 col. aquatint engrs. (by Gautier d'Agoty) and 3 plain pls. In
1 mod. hlf. cl. vol. (130; 204 pp.). (First t.p. and last p. soiled) 4250,-
Franklin p. 50/51, no. VIII: 'This extremely interesting venture ranks as the first scientific journal'. J.F. Gautier
Dagoty was the founder, illustrator and to a considerable extent the author. It appeared ... 1752/5. and was
later continued by one of his sons, ... "Lfs planches colorees de l'histoire naturelle seront la baze de cette enter-
prise." (From the preface). There are artif'es on art, anatomy, the nature of space, colour printing - and pre-
dictably, Newton. And perhaps his most dramatic contribution were the 3 plates of the poor hermaphrodite.
As colour-printed mezzotints these three \>ere among his masterpieces; ...: Among the other contributions are:
The movement and paralaxe of the moon, the music of colours, volcanoes and earthquakes, the defence of New-
ton, ophthalmology, microscopy, electricity etc-� etc- Choulant-Frank 273.
121. Gazio, A., Florida corona ad sanitatis hominum conservationem ac longenam vi-
tam perducenda sunt pemecessaria continens. Lyons, S. Bevilacqua, 1 $ 16. 4to. Title in
red and black with a large woodcut vignette. 16th cent, style blind tooled mor., inside bor-
ders and edges gilt. (Signed at the inner back side, J. Rosset Relieur. Madame Rosset Do-
reur. (VI, CXX lvs.). (Fol. aih, a piece torn and restored in ms in period of time), sold
Thorndike V, 170/1: 'A. Gazius (1461-1528), a physician of Padua, is especially known for his "Florida ..."
in 300 chapters ... It was first printed at Venice in 1491, ... He traveled widely in Europe and became physician
to Sigismund 1 of Poland. The "Florida ..." consists chiefly of rules for the preservation of health..Hirsch
n, 702: Jourdan IV, 367: Durling 2032: Not in Waller, Wellcome 1, Baudier II: Adams 1, 297: bm, 199: Fr. S.T.C.,
199: Vicaire 396/7: Simons 284: The work contains chapters on the treatment of minor flesh wounds, the functi-
on of internal organs, the preparation and consumption of hot and cold drinks, wine, purgation, various narco-
tics. The way he treated his subjets and the addition of a detailed list for quick information makes one suppose
it was intended for domestic medicine.
122. Glauber, J.R., Furni novi philosophici, sive descriptio artis destillatoriae novae ...
Amst., J. Janssonius, 1651. In 6 parts (incl. appendix). W. 3 fold. pls. and 8 woodcuts
in the text. Contemp. limp Vell. (Libr. St.). B.u.w. 2) Idem. De auri tinctura sive auro
potabili vero. Ibid., 1651. (22 pp.). (Libr. St.). 4200,-
DSB V, 420: 'Glauber gave the
best account of his practical
work in the "Furni novi philo-
sophici", a book written with a
clarity and an honesty almost
unprecedented in early che-
mistry. With it he established
his reputation as a master of la-
boratory skills'.: Partington n,
347/8: Ferguson 323/4, defec-
tive copy only: This ed. not in
Duveen, not in Waller, not in
British Library catalogue: Rare
first Latin ed.: 2) Ferguson 323:
Duveen 252: ed. See ill.
123. Glisson, Fr., Opera medico-anatomica, in unum corpus collecta, &
tribus voluminibus comprehensa. Leiden, P. vander Aa, 1691. In 3 vols. i2mo. W. front,
portr., 5 pls. (2 fold.) and some figs, in the text. Vellum, 1750,-
Contains: 1) Tractatus de rachitide ... 2) Anatomia hepatis ... 3) Tractatus de ventriculo et intestinis etc.
1) DSB V, 425/7: '.. .this work dwells on such subjects as regulation of the circulation of the blood, mechanisms of
nervous function, and the hereditary disease' ...: Comp. G&M. 3729 (first ed. 1650) 'Fie was the first .. .to describe
infantile scurvy': 2) Comp. G&M. 972 (First ed. 1654).: 'First accurate description of the capsule of the liver (Glisson's
capsule and its blood-supply ...': 3) Willems 1535: Ed. w. new. title of the ed. Elsevier 1677: H. of FL 302: 'First
published in 1677 this important work on the stomach and intestines contains Glisson's original concept of "irritabili-
ty".: A very fine copy of Glisson's extremely rare "Opera anatomica,..First and only edition.
124. Gorter, J. de, Nieuwe gezuiverde heelkonst, in het Latijn ... door J. de Gorter, ... In
het Nederduits overgezet door H. Korp, Amst., W. B�man, 1751. W. engravfront. Con-
temp. hlf. mottl. clf., w. backlabel. (corners rubb., top of spine very sl. dam.), (XIV, 932,
cVIII, vi (Cat. libr. P. vander Aa) pp.). (uncut, sl. traces of use). 1450,-
Hirsch II, 804/5: BMN i, 378: DMB 699/701: Was prof, at Flarderwijk (recommended by Boerhaave) and in 1754
court-physician of Elisabeth, Empress of Russia at St. Petersburg. A very popular handbook on surgery which
ran through 4 editions. 2nd ed. The 4th appeared in 1790: Comp. Flofmann 107: Mestier no. 42, p. 322.
125. Gowers, W.R., Diagnosis of the diseases of the brain and of the spinal cord. New
York, W. Wood, 1885. W. 1 col. pl. and 32 ills. Publ. cl. (Spine sl. rubb. at the ends), (VIII,
293, VI pp.). 675,-
Comp. G&M. 4568: Spillane 403/38 a.o. pl.: Garrison & Mc Henry, 312: 'To Gowers we owe the earliest and in many
cases the original descriptions of many disorders, including dystrophica myotonia, encephalitis periaxalis diffusa,
ataxia paraplegia, vasovagal attacks, musicogenic epilepsy, .. .sleep paralysis.' First American edition.
126. Graaf, R. de, Alle de wercken, so in de ontleed-kunde als andere deelen der medicijne.
Amst., A. Abrahamse, 1686. W. front., a portr., and 22 pls. (21 fold.) and 18 pls. in the
text. (Without pl. V on p. 207. Not printed(!) See nuc p. 39 Engr. 485 opp. p. 535). Old veil.
(XXXII, 671 pp.). 2500,-
DMB 704/6: Medvei 118/125,8.0. pl.: Barge, R. de Graaf, Amst., 1942, p.24: Parkinson 1053: Waller 3668 (without
portr.): Comp. H - or H. 419(2nd ed.): De Graaf's collected works containing a.o. the exact and detailed accounts
of the male and female reproductive systems, the pathological, anatomical and experimental demonstration of evo-
lution etc.: Mettler 68/69: '.. .primarily remembered for his physiologic researches on the pancreas ..., but his
studies on the generative organs are also of interest to anatomists ... he gave an account of the testicle which he
described a� being made up of tubes folded into lobules. De Graaf succeeded in injecting the spermatic vessels with
mercury. He is eponymously remembered by the term "Graafian follicle", of which he gave first account in 1672.
Sometimes the Fallopian tube is called the "Graafian oviduct.": The dedication of the translator signed in ms.
Joh. Solinus. Very rare first ed. of de Graaf's complete works. Very fine copy.
127. --, De virorum organis generationi inservientibus, de clysteribus et de usu siphonis
in anatomia. Leiden, Rotterd., Ex off. Hackiana, 1668. W. engr. t.p., 1 portr. and 11 fold
pls. Vell. (XXX, 234, XIV pp). B.u.w. 2) Idem, De mulierum organis generationi inservienti-
bus tractatus novus: ... Ib., id., 1672. W. front, and 27 pls. (some fold.), (XXIV, 334,
XIV pp.). 3) Idem, Tractatus anatomicus de succi pancreatici natura et usu. Ib., id. 1671.
W. front., 1 portr. and 3 fold. pls. (XXN, 216, XVI pp.). 9500,-
H. of H. 416/418: Medvei, Hist, of endrocrinology. pp. 118-125: 1) DSB, V, 485:. .he was the first to recognize
the glandular nature of the corpus luteum, a fundamental discovery that was not definitely established until
around 1900 and that played an essential role in the development of modern sexual endcrinology1: Kelly 167:
G&M 1210: 'Exact and detailed account of the male reproductive system': In this work de Graaf laid the foundati-
on of modern reproductive biology. The book also contains an essay on the use of clysters, which were then
coming into fashion and a treatise on the injection of blood vessels for dissection. First ed.: 2) G&M 1209: 'De
Graaf demonstrated ovulation anatomically and experimentally. In the above work he included the first account
of the "Graafian follicle." First ed.: 3) Comp. G&M 974 (1st ed.): 'De Graaf was an early investigator of the
pancreatic secretion. He collected the pancreatic juice of dogs by means of artificial pancreatic fistulae, commen-
ting on the small quantity of juice secreted and on its alkaline character': 2nd ed. Fine copies of his most impor-
tant works.
128. --, De mulierum organis generationi inservientibus. Tractatus novus: Demonstrans
tam homines & animalia caetera omnia, quae vivipara dicunter, haud minus quam ovipera
ab ovo originem ducere. Ad Cosmum in, magnum Etruriae ducem. Lugd. Bat., Ex off.
Hackiana, 1672. W. front., portr. 27 pls. (some fold.). Vell. w.g. backlabel. (XXIV, 334,
XIV pp.). 3750,-
G&M 1209: H. of H. 418: 'De Graaf demonstrated ovulation anatomically, pathologically, and experimentally.
He opposed the Aristotelian doctrine of the egg being formed in the uterus as a result of activation of the
menstrual blood by the male semen, but held that genereation takes place from the ovum pre-existent in the ova-
ry. He herein gives the first description of ovarian ("Graafian") follicles and the corpus luteum. His was an
advanced and accurate understanding of the anatomy of the female genitalia.': Medvei, 128/9.
129. Grassi, G.B., Studi di uno zoologo sulla malaria. Roma, R. Accad. dei Lincei.
1900. 4to. With 5 colour, pl. and text ill. Hlf. cl. (VIII, 215 pp.) 650,-
G&M 5252, t: 'Includes the best illustrations of the various stages of the malaria parasite up to that time.': Bloom-
field 359 no. 31: '... classical monograph, deals with the work to date of the "Roman School" on every phase
of malaria in relation to mosquitoes ... at any rate, the book is a storehouse of valuable information on mosqui-
to transmission': First ed.
130. Grimm, H.N., Insulae Ceyloniae thesaurus medicus, vel laboratorium Ceylonicum.
A. Bartholomaeo Pielat, med. doct. Latinatate donatum. Amst., H. & Th. Boom, 1679.
i2tno. Mod. clf. (XXIV, 167 pp.). (2 quires browned). 15000,-
NNBW X, 303: G. was from Sweden, Visby 1641 - Stockholm, 1711. He practiced as a doctor at Batavia, Suma-
tra and Ceylon in the service of the vor (Dutch East Indian Co.). The book is dedicated to William III: Hirsch
II, 885: Bayle & Thill. 1, 544: umb 727/8: Ferchl. 200/1 Ternaux Compans 2368: Ferguson 1, 347 (Dutch ed. Prin-
ted at Batavia 1677.): Daems & v.d. Wiele, 85: Latin transl. by Pielat who was also in the service of the voc
at Ceylon: Sian Nio Tan; Gesch. Pharmazie Ned. Indië, 39, 48: This work contains pharmaceutical preparations
of which the constituents were found at Ceylon, and in use with the natives and doctors of this island. The reci-
pes are extensively described. This work may be regarded as one of the first pharmacopoeia introducing colonial
drugs on the continent. No copy in the nuc. Rare first Latin ed. of this very interesting work.
131. Haage, M. van der, Ontleedkundige afbeeldingen dienende tot opheldering van
de... artsenijkundige onderwijzinge, enz. Naar de beste ontleedkundige afbeeldingen van
Eustachius, Albinus, Boerhaaven (sic), Van Swieten, Camper, en andere... Amst., J.B.
Elwe, 1798. 3 parts in 1. 4to. W. 14 pls. (11 handcol.). Hlf. clf., back gilt. (back sl. rubb.,
sides rubb. and 1 corner dam.) (88, 76, 56 pp.). (Partly watersp.). 1750,-
DMB 751/2: Haller II, 635: BMNi, 85: Not in Landwehr: Wellcome in, 187: Not in Waller: Blake 191.: He transla-
ted Smellie into Dutch. Rarely to be found with coloured plates.
132. Hagius, J., Den lust-hof der medecijnen: Inhoudende den grot van alle cranckhe-
den ende ghebreken daer de menschen mede moghen overvallen worden... niet alleene
voor medecijns, chirurgijns ende vroedevrouwen: Maer oock voor alle huijsvaders, nu
eerst int licht ghebracht door... M. Haghens, .. .Dordr., I. Jz. Canin, 1616. Sm. in fol.
Contemp. veil, (soiled), (X, 618, XXXV pp.). (Some lvs. soiled and watersp., upper right
corner of t.p. and 1 prei. If. restored). 6500,-
BMN i, 157: Not in Wellcome; Waller. The book contains a survey of the knowlegde of medicine at the end of
the 16th and at the beginning of the 17th century. Extremely rare. See ill.
133. Haller, A., Historia morborum qui annis 1699/1702 Vratislaviae grassati sunt.
... Accedit appendicis loco I Tractatus de experientia, in quo natura experientae describi-
tur, & quam caute comparanda ea sit, explicatur. n Observationes practicae de hydrope
pectoris. Lausanne, Genève, 1746. 4to. With engrav. front. Vellum (X, 480 pp.). 725,-
Lundsgaard-Hansen-v. Fischer nr. 652. First ed.
134. --, Deux mémoires sur le mouvement du sang, et sur les effets de la saignée; fondés
sur des expériences faites sur des animaux. Lausanne, M.M. Bousquet, Paris, David,
1756. 2 vols. in 1. W. engr. front. (sl. frayed) Mod. hlf-vell. (VIII, 343 pp.). (Uncut edges
smoke stained) 850, -
H. of H. 556: 'this work on the heart stamps Haller as a first class investigator and experimental physiologist.
His findings are based on animal experimentation and the experiments are carefully documented. The plate sho-
wing blood transfusion is particularly interesting.': Waller 3997: Fishman & Richards 377 'A. von Haller, in 1756
denied contractility, and the weight of his authority lasted for a long time.': Rothschuh, Tab. 545.
Fulton 81 a.o. pl.: 'Haller's conclusion that the capillaries are without contractility was not seriously questioned
again until 1917. Such men as Black, Philip, and Rouget, who recorded observations at variance with Haller,
did not change opinion.'
135. Harvey, W., Opera omnia a Collegio Medicorum Londinensi edita: 1766. (At the
end: London, G. Bowyer, 1766). 2 vols, in 1. W. 1 pl. (Front, portr. want.). Hlf. clf. w.
corners, cl. sides (reback.,). (XL, 673 pp.). 1975,-
Keynes 47 (and p. 63): 2nd ed. in a collected form (First 1737) The first ed. with a biography of the author,
and certain minor writings added at the end. 'The text of this edition was very carefully prepared and at the
end of the section containing the writings on the heart is a list of 24 emendations in the Frankfurt edition of
"De motu cordis", 1628, and of 158 in the Cambridge edition of "De circulatione sanguinis", 1649. The volume
was edited by M. Akenside, M.D. and the memoir was by Th. Lawrence, M.D.'
136. Harvey-Langly, W., Observations et historiae omnes et singulae G. Harvei libello
de generatione animalium excerptae & in accuratissimum ordinem reductae item W. Lang-
ly de generatione animalium observationes quaedem accedunt ovi faecundi singulis ab in-
cubatione diebus inspectionies... studio J. Schraderi. Amst., A. Wolfgang, 1674. nmo.
W. engr. front. (Romeyn de Hooghe), 8 pls. Clf., b.g. (XXXIV, 240 pp.). 2400,-
DMB, 1141/2: Pagel, W. Harvey, 313: Keynes 41: H. of H. 277: '..., contains W. Langley's (1616-1668) excerpts
and comments on Harvey's "De generatione animalium" along with his own observations and experiments. The
first six plates, depicting various stages in the development of the chick embryo, are the first illustrations of Har-
vey's text to be published. The remaining two plates illustrate hernial portrusions and accompany a series of
postmortem reports prepared by J. v. Home, F. Le Boe (Sylvius), F. Ruysch, J. Swammerdam, and others'.
137. Haslam, J., Observations on madness and melancholy: Including practical remarks
on those diseases: Together with cases: And an account of the morbid appearances on dis-
section. The 2nd ed., considerably enlarged. Lond., J. Callow, 1809. W. 1 ill. Orig. brds.
(reback., printed spine label press.), (VIII, 345 pp.). (Uncut). 2750,-
Comp. <;&m. 4794: Waller 4135: Wellcome III, 221: H. of H., 733: Hunter & Macalpine 632/6: 'H. occupied
a prominent place on the psychiatric scene in the first decades of the 19th century. As apothecary or medical
officer to Bethlem Hospital, he had unrivalled opportuntities for studying the insane.. . he was the first to desc-
ribe general paralysis of the insane... (H.) regarded the first edition of this book as only "a trifle" whereas
the second of 1809 "a corrected copy of the former, with considerable additions... of many years observation
and practice", he rated the definitive one and his "magnum opus", and it was for some years the standard prac-
tical work.: Zilboorg & Henry: 'The exact relationship of syphilis to mental disease remained unknown for a
long time, and was not definitely proven till 115 years after Haslam's description (1st ed. 1798) .. .Not until
Noguchi and Moore demonstrated in 1913 the presence of syphilitic spirocheta in the parenchyma of the brain
could the problem be considered solved. The great value of Haslam's contribution lies in the fact that his clinical
description was made... through the sheer effect of keen observation of minute, seemingly unrelated details, ...
until finally a coherent clinical picture of a disease came to the fore.': A classic in psychiatric literature. 2nd
and best edition.
138. Heinroth, J.Chr.A., De facinore aperto ad medicorum judicium non defererenvo.
Dissertatio medica psychologica. Leipz., Chr. G. Vogel, 1830. Wr. (IV, 51 pp. and err.If.).
Hirsch III, 139: Kirchhoff 1, 61: (1830) 'trat er in die medizinische Fakultat ein, wobei er in einer Disputation
nachstehendes Thema behandelte: De Facinore. . .' Er verteidigt hier den kühnen Satz, dasz ein freies Gestandnis
eines Deliquenten bei erwiesenem Verbrechen das Obwalten einer Geistesstörung ausschlieszt.': (Thesis).
139. Heisier, L., Heelkundige onderwijzingen, waar in alles wat ter heling en genezing
der uiterlijke geweken behoort, benevens de maniere van verbinden... Door H. Ul-
hoorn ... Na de laatste Hoogduitsche druk ... in het Nederduitsch gebragt. (At the end):
H. Ulhoorn, Beschrijving van eenige ontleed- en heelkundige prentverbeeldingen, ... alle
eigenhandig getekent en bijgevoegt. Amst., Janss. van Waesberge, 1741. 3 vols. in 2. 4to.
W. front. (w. The portrs. of Heister and Ulhoorn) and 43 pls. (41 fold., 2 unn.). Hlf. clf.,
back gilt.), (XLVI, 442; IV, p. 443/1278, LVIII pp.) 4500,-
Hirsch III, 140/ 1; IV, 674/5: Lindeboom, DMB 2011/12: Comp. G&M 5576: First Dutch ed. of Heister, the first
scientific surgeon in Germany, much enlarged by the Dutch army-surgeon Ulhoorn.: DSB VI, . .studied in Lei-
den, .. .attending H. Boerhaave's lectures on chemistry and on the diseases of the eye and G. Bidloo's anatomi-
cal lessons, (in Amsterdam) H. gave lessons in Anatomy with demonstrations on cadavers. Ruysch, the official
professor of anatomy, limited himself to an hour's discussion of his anatomical preparations daily. ... Heister's
main work, the "Chirurgie", .. .originally written in German, was translated into 7 languages, including Latin
and Japanese, Finely depicted after drawings by Ulhoorn are the instruments used by the surgeon in this period.
140. Helmont,J.B. van, Ortus medicinae, id est, initia physicae inaudita. Ed. F.M. van
Helmont. Amst., L. Elsevier, 1648. 4to W. engr. front (2 portr. with coat of arms). Vell.
(XXXIV, 800 pp.). Idem, Opuscula medica inaudita. Ed. secunda, multo emendatior. Ib.,
Id., 1648. (VIII, no, 1, bl., 115, 1, 88 pp.). 6500,-
PMM 135: DMB, 821/4: G&M 665: Willems, nr. 1066/7: Hirsch III, 152/4: Partington n/IV, part II, pp. 209/240:
This is the original ed. of Helmont's collected works. Helmont was one of the founders of biochemistry. He
was the first to realize the physiological importance of ferments and gases, and indeed invented the word 'gas'.
141. Hermann,L. v. (Ed.), Handbuch der Physiologie. Leipz., 1879-1881. 6 vols, in 12
W. 647 ills. Contemp. hlf. cl., b.g. (1 vol. not uniform). 900,-
In this work collaborated Fick, R. Heidenhain, N. Zuntz, Th. W. Engelmann, P. Grützner, A. Rollett, J. Rosen-
thal, C.v. Voit, and many others. See Rothschuh, Gesch. d. Physiol., 135/7: The book contains an extensive
representation of the muscular nerves physiology, based on the work of Du Bois Reymond, whose pupils were
most of the contributors.
142. Holmgren, (A.) F., Om fargblindheten i dess förhallende till jernvagstrafiken och
sjövasendet. Upsala, E. Berlings, 1877. W. 1 col. pl. Pr. wr. (IV, 172, 11 pp).)./650,-
G&M 5916 (publ. in: 'Upsala Lakeref. Förh., 1876/7): 'A serious railway accident in Sweden in 1875 was believed
by Holmgren to be due to colour-blindness and resulted in the above important paper dealing with the condition
and its relation to railway and maritime traffic...': Hirschberg i.l.c.: First ed.
143. Humboldt, Fr.(H.)A. von, Versuche über die gereizte Muskel- und Nervenfaser
nebst Vermuthungen über den chemischen Process des Lebens in der Thier- und Pflanzen-
welt. Posen, Berl., Decker a.o., 1797. In 2 vols. W. 8 pls. Contemp. hlf. clf. (Prel. lvs.
and some others very sl. spotted). 4750,-
DSB VI, 549/55: Hirsch hi, 314: Partington IV, Ronalds 351: Wheeler 616 (First French ed. 1799):the author
refutes Volta's theory, holding that the galvanic and the electric fluid are not identical (3 years before Volta's
great discovery in his "Versuche" ...' Not in the bm nat. hist, cat.: Poynter 217: 'The design of Humboldt's
experiments and the clarity of his reasoning are a pleasure to study in the welter of acrimonious controversy
that greeted Galvani's findings. Without bias towards either protagonist Humboldt repeated their experiments,
examined their interpretations, designed new experiments to test their hypotheses and came to the conclusion
that Galvani discovered two genuine phenomena (bimetallic electricity and intrinsic animal electricity) and that
these were not mutally exclusive': Good copy of the first ed. of one of the greatest basic books on neurophysiolo-
144. --, Expériences sur le galvanisme, et en général sur 1'irritation des fibres musculai-
res et nerveuses; traduction de 1'allemand (par J. Gravel), publiée avec des additions par
J.Fr.N. Jadelot. Paris, J.F. Fuchs, 1799. W. 8 pls. Mod. hlf. cl. (shaken), (XLVI, 530, u
pp.). sl. yellow and soiled). 1450,-
DSB VI, 549/55: Blake 225: Wellcome III, 314: Not in Waller: Wheeler 616
145. James, W., The principles of psychology. N.Y., Holt & Co. 1890, 2 vols. ill. Cloth
gilt. 1750,-
Horblit nr 100b; Boring 508/17; 'This work by the founder of the earliest laboratory field.' (Horblit) 'The prin-
ciples both supported and condemned the new German movement' (Boring 509) '... the greatest of American
psychologists' (lb. 512) 'James began psychology in America' (lb. 505).
Fine copy with all advertisements etc., some traces of use.
146. Janet, P., L'automatisme psychologique. Essai de psychologie expérimentale sur
les formes inférieures de 1'activité humaine. Paris, F. Alcan, 1889. W. 11 ills. Contemp.
brds., b.g. (sl. rubb.). (VI, 496) (Pr.wr. bound w.) 1650,-
Boring 699: 'In 1889 Janet received his doctorate at Paris on a thesis entitled ... , a work which went into 6 editi-
ons by 1913 and which formed the basis of Janet's later claim that he thought of the concept of the unconscious
sooner than did Freud'. H. of H. 1144: '... Janet was largely responsible for the movement to reconcile the con-
cepts of clinical and academic psychology in an attempt to find a single, unified system'. First ed.
147. --, & F. Raymond, Névroses et idéés fixes. Paris, F. Alcan, 1898. In 2 vol. W. 163
ills. Hlf. mor. 650,-
Ellenberger 374/7.
148. Jonston, J., Idea universae medicinae practicae libris VIII absoluta. Amst., L. Elze-
vier, 1644. i2mo. W. engr. title. Vellum (loose), (XII, 759, XII pp.). 1275,-
DSB VII, 164/5: '... Jonston's book emphasized the teaching of clinical medicine to students..Bayle & Thill.
1, 404/5: Willems 1012: First ed. of his best known work. 5 editions were published.
149. Jordanus, H., De eo quod divinum aut supernaturale est in morbis humani corporis,
ejusque curatione Liber 1. Accessit consilium pro nobili foemina, rarissimo cordis affectu
laborante. 2) Morbi D. Ioachimi Lager, rari admirandi, & plusquam ferini, veneficio illati,
historia. 3) Discursis D. Hermanni Congringii de angelis. 4) Disputatio inaug. de paralysi,
sub eodem Conringio habita ab H.I... Frankf.M., J.G. Schönwetter, 1651. 4to. W. engr.
title. Old veil. (Hinges partly spl.). (XII, 269, 1) LXXIV, II (blank), XLVI, II (blank), 950,-
Jöcher II, 1966: Caillet II, 5615 bis: Parkinson 186, no. 1353.
>> subject index
>> begin
150. Kahlbaum, K.(L.), Die Katatonie oder das Spannungsirresein. Eine klinische Form
psychischer Krankheit. Berl., A. Hirschwald, 1874. Hlf. cl. (frontwr. b.w.). (XVI, 104
PP)- 3750,-
G&M 4938: 'In 1869 Kahlbaum suggested catatonia as a separate disease process, and in 1874 appeared his classi-
cal monograph elaborating previous descriptions of this condition': Hunter & Macalpine 986: Zilboorg & Henry,
i.l.c.: Leibrand, i.l.c. Kirchhoff, Deutsche lrrenarzte n, 87/96 a.o. pl.: Alexander & Selesnick, 209: 'The next
step toward a psychiatric nosology was made in Germany with the work of K. Kahlbaum (1828-1899), who belie-
ved that all symptoms could be organized into groups and took as his model the symptoms of general pare-
sis:. .Author's pres. copy, inscr. on front wr. 'Herrn Professor Dr. Wagner hochachtungsvoll der Verf.':
But for a very sl. rep. to the lower margin of p. 101/2 a good copy of an extremely rare book.
151. Kircher, A., Natürliche und medicinalische Durchgründung der laidigen anstecken-
den Sucht, und so genanten Pestilentz, darinnen von Ursprung, Ursachen, Zeichen und
Vorboten derselben ... Augsburg J.C. Brandan 1680. Vellum, (VIII, 302, XVIII pp.) Bound
up with: Sorbait, P. de, Consilium medicum, Dialogus; oder freundliches Gesprach, übcr
den betrübten und armseligen Zustand der Kayserl. Residenz- und Haupt-Statt Wienn in
Oesterreich ... Wienn, J. v. Gehlen, (1679). (VIII, 86, X pp.) 2750,-
I). Comp. G&M 5118: First German ed.: 'Kircher was probably the first to employ the microscope in investigating
the cause of disease. He mentioned that the blood of plague patients was filled with a countless brood of worms
not perceptible to the naked eye, but to be seen in all putrefying matter through the microscope (Garrison). He
could not have seen the plague bacillus with his low power microscope, but he probably saw the larger micro-
organismus. He was the first to state explicitly the theory of contagion by animalculae as the cause of infectious
II) First German ed. Hirsch, v. 344: Schoenbauer, i.l.c.
152. --, & J.S. Kestler, Physiologia Kircheriana experimentalis, ... Amst.,
Janssonius-van Waesbergen, 1680. Fol. W. engr. front, and num. engrs. and
woodcuts in the text. Contemp. clf., back gilt (Some traces of use) (VIII, 248, VIII
pp.). 6750,-
DSB VII, 374/8: He observated a.o. sunspots, while optics and horology both allied to astronomy, also
interested him. He interpreted hieroglyphics before the Rosetta stone was found. K. made an inte-
resting study of accoustics and accoustical instruments. Furthermore he brought to the attention of
the scientific world determining longitudes by the declination of a magnetic needle. He was the first
of the 17th cent, scientists to pay particular attention to all kinds of luminiscences (Newton Harvey
103/7 a.o. pl.). He discussed the projecting of sunlight or candlelight on plane mirrors which were
painted with coloured pictures, or through an illustrated glass sphere, so introducing the true magic
lantern. (Camera obscura). His description of the influence of weathering, which he ascribed to a
kind of chemical process and to cold, was sound, as that of the geological action of water and wind. He made
the first description of a 'speaking trumpet', a kind of loudspeaker.: Thorndike, VIII, 224:'... J. Kestler, a disci-
ple and literary helper of A. Kircher ... calls K. the prodigious miracle of our age, because of the innumerable
experiments on which he founded his universal sciences.': Caillet 5796: G&M 580: 'Includes the first recorded ex-
periment in hypnotism in animals.': 2nd ed. See ill.
153. Koch, R., Untersuchungen über die Aetiologie der Wundinfectionskrankheiten.
Leipz., 1878. W. 5 pls. Hlf. cl. (IV, 80 pp.). 5500,-
G&M, 2536: 'Koch's epochal work on the aetiology of traumatic infectious disease established his reputation. He
inoculated animals with material from various sources and produced six types of infection, each due to micro-
organisms. He carried these infections through several generations of animals. His great work determined the
role of bacteria in the aetiology of wound infections and demonstrated for the first time the specificity of infecti-
on.' See ill.
154. --, Investigations into the etiology of traumatic infective diseases. Transl. by W.
Watson Cheyne. Lond., The New Sydenham Society, 1880. W. 5 pls. Cl., g. (joints sl. w.,
sl. sp.). (XIV, 76, 101 pp. (Rep. 22nd ann. meet.) pp.) 575,-
Comp. G&M 2536: ... 'His great work determined the role of bacteria in the aetiology of wound infections and
demonstrated for the first time the specificity of infection': First Engl. ed.
155. --, Mitteilungen a.d. Kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. Hrsg. von Dr. Struck. 1-11.
Berl., Gerschel, Hirschwald, 1881/4. 2 vols. Fol. W. 14 and 13 colour pls. Hlf. cl. (sl.
dam.). 5250,-
Contains a.o.: 1) R. Koch, Ueber Desinfection. 1881, I, 234-82: 2). Idem, Zur Untersuchung von pathogenen
Organismen. 1881, 1, 1-48. 3) Idem, Die Aetiologie der Tuberkulose. 1884, II, 221-230: 4) G. Gaffky, Zur Aetio-
logie des Abdominaltyphus. 1884, II, 372-420. 5) Fr. Loeffler, Untersuchungen über die Bedeutung der Mikroor-
ganismen fur die Entstehung der Diphtherie beim Menschen, bei der Taube und beim Kalbe. 1884, II, 421-499.
i) DSB VII, 420-35: 'This work, illustrated with numerous microphotographs long remained the (basic instructio-
nal manual for bacteriological laboratories.': G&M 1872: important report on desinfection.'
3) Horblit, 100 books, 60: 'Development of Koch's "postulates", method of obtaining pure cultures of micro-
organisms by "plating" nutrient media containing gelatin'.: Bloomfield, p. 212, no. 28: 'Koch's work ranks with
that of Laennec and Villemin as one of the greatest achievements in the study of tuberculosis.': G&M 2331: 'Dis-
covery of the tubercle bacillus, announced March 24, 1882. This paper also contains the first statement of
"Koch's postulates.' Koch published a fuller account in 'Mitt.'... 1884, II, 1-88, in which he reported how he
had succeeded in producing experimental, tuberculosis in animals after cultivating the bacillus...'
4) G&M 5032: 'G. was the first to grow pure cultures of "Salmonella typhi"; he showed it to be the true activator
of the disease.': Bloomfield, p. 10, no. 15): 'Gaffky's paper is a landmark in the bacteriological study of typ-
hoid. By better staining bacteria in tissues, he confirmed the observations of Eberth and of Koch ... ': 5) DSB
VIII, 448/451: 'Loeffler's best-known work is the elucidation of the characteristics of the diphteria bacillus and
its growth in pure culture (1884), which again clearly revealed the imprint of Koch, with whom he was then so
closely associated. For the first time bacteriologists could work with single microbial species...' G&M 5056:
Bloomfield, p. in, no. 5: 'Loeffler, in a monumental paper primarily on diphtheria, seems to have been the
first definitely to isolate pyogenic streptococci from cases of scarlet fever, he clearly describes chains of cocci
which can be seen penetrating from the necrotic surfaces into the lymphatics of the tonsils.'
156. --, Die Aetiologie der Tuberculose. Berl., Berl. Klin. Wochenschrift, 1882. 4to.
Hlf. clf. (10 pp.) 2200,-
DSB VII, 423/4: '... unsurpassed in lucidity of style and directness of statement, in thoroughness and precision
of experimentation, and in stringency of requirements for proof ...': G&M, 2331: 'Discovery of the tubercle bacil-
lus announced March 24, 1882 ... Koch received the Nobel-prize in 1905.': PMM, 366c: Predohl, 340: 'Durch
ein bestimmtes Verfarbungsverfahren gelang es Koch, in alien tuberkulds veranderten Organen charakterische,
bis hierher nicht bekannte Bakterien zu finden, und gleichzeitig mit der Auffindung des Bacillus war es ihm ge-
lungen, denselben absolut rein ausserhalb des Tierkorpers zu züchten und ihn isoliert mit Erfolg zu verimpfen.'
157. Kolff, W.J., a.o., The artificial kidney: a dialiser with a great area. Acta Med.
Scand., 1944. Vol. 117, part II. W. 6 ills. (1 fold.). Wr. (pp. 121/134). 475,-
G&M 4253: 'The Kolff artificial kidney. With H.T.J. Berk and others.' DMB, 1066.
158. --, De kunstmatige nier. Kampen, J.H. Kok 1946. With numer. pl., and textill. and
fold, tables. Pr. wr. (IV, 200 pp.) 240,-
Kiefer 781: First book edition of his thesis (with new title only) In his thesis he describes the invention, constructi-
on and use, with many case histories, of the artificial kidney. Indispensable in modern medicine.
The first anouncement on the subject was during the German occupation in 1944 in a Swedish periodical. An
announcement of 14 pp. See preceding nr. After the 2nd World War he emigrated to the USA. He taught at the
U. of Minnesota and at the U. of Utah at Salt Lake City. Now he occupies himself with the artificial heart.
159. Kratzenstein, Chr.G. (Praes.), U.B. Aaskow (Def.), Diarium medicum navale
sistens obserlationes circa causas, curationem & prophylaxin morborum, qui praesidium
classis regiae Danicae in expeditione Algeriensi afflixerunt. Copenhagen, N. Möller, 1784.
Contemp. mottl. sheep, sides and spine gilt. (sl. rubb.). (IV, 147, XV pp.). 1100,-
Hirsch 1, 1: Snorrason, Kratzenstein, 183: Pogg. 1, 1313/4: Waller 1, 154: Blake 1, 1: In this work Aaskow descri-
bes the diseases aboard of a ship (over 400 sailors and soldiers). The goal of this Danish expedition (1770/1)
was to eliminate piracy in Algeria.: Rare first ed. W. 18th cent. engr. bookplate of 'Friedr. August H.z. B.O.'
160. Kretschmer, E., Korperbau und Charakter. Untersuchungen zum Konstituti-
onsproblem und zur Lehre von den Temperamenten. Berl., J. Springer, 1921. W. 31 ills.
Cl. (Pr.wr. bound with.) (yellow.), (VI, 192, 11 pp.). 975,-
G&M 4988: 'Kretschmer has attempted to correlate body build and constitution with character and mentality.':
Murphy, Hist, introd. to mod. psychology, 421: '.... the ancient conception of personality as dependent upon
body type or "constitutional type" was revitalized by Kretschmer's studies suggesting that schizoid tendencies
appear among the "leptosomes" of spindle-shaped build and cycloid tendencies among the "pyknics" or "well-
rounded individuals.'
161. La Charrière, J. de, Anatomie nouvelle de la tête de l'homme, et de ses dépendan-
avec l'usage de ses parties, ... Paris, D. Hortemels, 1703. W. 2 pls. Contemp. clf.,
back gilt. (XX, 436 pp.). (Very sl. waterst.). 1200,-
lt. (XX, Hirschberg ¶ 328, a.o. pl.: Blake 250: Not in Waller, not in Wellcome.: Becker cat. 226: 'An
643: HirSiOf virtually every part of the human head. Pages 267 to 352 are devoted to the anatomy of the eye
of virtuall physiology of vision, including a discussion of the nature of light, the perception of color and the correc-
Huri of visual defects by lenses. Both copperplate engravings in the volume illustrate this section.'
162. La Forest, L'art de soigner les pieds, contenant: Un traité sur les cors, verrues, du-
rillons, oignons, engelures, les accidens des ongles & leur difformité. Nouv. édition, ...
Paris, 1'auteur, Méquignon & Blaizot, 1782. W. 2 fold. pls. Gilt red mor., edges gilt. (II,
XVI, 192, IV pp.). 975.-
Hirsch III, 648/9: Wellcome in, 431: 2nd issue with 'Extrait du Journal de Paris' and enlarged with a chapter
on chiropedy of soldiers. First illustrated ed. The pls. show instruments and feet. La Forest was a specialist on
corns, warts, callosities etc. He was surgeon-pedicurist of Louis XVi and his family.
163. Lancisi, J.M., Dissertatio de nativis, deque adventitiis Romani coeli qualitatibus,
cui accedit historia epidemiae rheumaticae, quae per hyemem anni 1709 vagata est. Rome,
Gonzagam, 1711. 4to. Engr. o.t., num. woodc. initials. Contemp. brds, (XVI, 258, XXpp).
(Uncut, unopened). 1200,-
Hirsch hi, 659: 'Er gehort zu den verdienstvollsten italienischen Praktikern; die Anatomie, praktische Medicin
und Hygiene verdanken ihm erhebliche Bereicherungen.': Garrison p. 367: 'The greatest Italian clinician of the
period...': Osler 3149; Waller 5543: H. of H. 446 Public health and epidemiology were also primary interests
of Lancisi and in this work he deals with the health conditions of Rome, its water supply, climate etc. In the
2nd part he describes the devastating epidemic of influenza. First edition.
164. --, Opera varia in unum congesta... Venice, Sanctes Pecori, 1739, 2 vols, in 1 fol.
W. 2 large fold, maps and 10 pls. Contemp. limp brds. (XXXVI, 262; XII, 265, XXV pp.)
(Uncut). 1250,-
Comp. G&M 71: '.. .was the first to describe cardiac syphilus; he was notable as an epidemiologist, with a clear
insight into the theory of contagion.' ... (ed. of 1718): Not in Cushing, Waller, Osler; Best and most complete
edition. But for a sm. hole (rep.) in halftitle a fine uncut copy: Lancisi was the greatest Italian clinician of his
time and physician to several popes: Garrison 367: 'Lancisi was a great epidemiologist. He described the epide-
mics of influenza in 1709-10, of cattle-plague in i7i3,and of malarial fever in 1715. His great treatise on swamp
fevers (1717), while stating the doctrine of miasms, shows a clear insight into the theory of contagion and the
possibility of transmission by mosquitoes (Culices), of which he gives a naturalist's account. He was the author
of two works of capital importance on sudden death (1707) and on aneurysm (1728). In the former, he notes
hypertrophy and dilatation of the heart as causes of sudden death,..
165. Le Boë, F. de (Sylvius), Opera medica, ... Amst., D. Elsevier & A.A. Wolfgang,
1679. 4to. (Portr. want.). Clf. (Weak in the hinges), (VIII, 934, XXvi pp.). 1400,-
DSB XIII, 222/3: '..., he can... be considered a promotor of scientific medical research. His enthousiasm inspi-
red several gifted students to valuable anatomical and physiological work: J. Swammerdam, N. Steno, and R.
de Graaf. Sylvius' ideas on the pancreas induced De Graaf to attempt the experiments in which he obtained the
pancreatic juice from a dog by means of a fistula.': Willems 1572: BMN i, 59: Comp. H. of H. 318: 'Le Boë,
or Sylvius ... if not the founder, certainly the outstanding proponent and most influential of the iatrochemists
who explained and treated all disease chemically, basing their treatment on a supposed relationship between the
disease and the drug. .. he was a strong supporter of Harvey. .. .a pioneer of bedside teaching.': G&M 2321:
'Tuberculosis was known to the ancients only in its advanced form, and little progress was made in the knowled-
ge of the condition until the time of Sylvius. He asserted that tubercles are often to be found in the lung and
they softened and suppurated to form cavities': Comp. G&M 2197: '... He established at Leyden the first chemi-
cal laboratory in Europe.'
166. Lemnius, L., De miraculis occultis naturae, libri IIIi. Item, de vita cum animi et cor-
poris incolumitate recte instituenda, liber i. Antwerpen, Chr. Plantin, 1574. (XVI, 582, ( =
566), XXXIV pp). Bound up with: Bernh. de Gordon, Tractatus de conservatione vitae hu-
manae , a die nativitatis usq: ad ultimam horam mortis. Nunc primum in lucem ed. opera
J. Baudissii. (at the end), Leipz., J. Rhamba, 1570: (XVI, 223 pp.): 3) P. Droet, Consilium
novum de pestilentia. Paris, Wechel, 1572. (47 pp.) 3 vols, in 1. Blind tooled clf., with
ribbons. Back white painted. Top sl. dam. 1400,-
1) Hirsch III, 736: Caillet n, 6480: Ruelens & de Backer 153, no. 38: Belg. Typ. 11, 6157, van Hoorn, Lemnius,
308/9: This work deals with hygiene: Chief work of Lemnius, who was a pupil of Vesalius, friend of Dodonaeus
and Gesner. The 2nd part on public health, building of houses, nutrition, care of drinking water, production
of food. Some back margins spotted and 2 pages ink-stained.
2) Hirsch 1, 486: Sarton III, 873/6: Bayle & Thillaye 1, 127: Durling 545 (see note): The author was one of the
leading persons at the Montpellier-school.
3) Not in Hirsch, bmc, Durling records Strassb. 1576: With a woodcut representing a furnace with retort. The
author was a medical dr. of the Paris-school. A German transl. was made.
167. Leydig, F., Lehrbuch der Histologie des Menschen und der Thiere. Frankfurt, Mei-
dinger, 1857. Numer. woodengravs. H. red calf, back gilt (XI, 551 pp). 750,-
Garrison, 523, 683; Dobson, 127; Hirsch III, 772; Singer, Hist, of Biology, 339, 412; First textbook on compara-
tive histology, cells of the testicles are named after him. Leydig's cells: In 1856 L. made a point that the cell
membrane, even in the ovum, is a secondary physico-chemical formation... (cf. Garrison a.I.e.). Some sl. im-
perfections at the binding, some pp. sl. foxed, but good copy. (W. bookbinders label: Vogel, Jena) and name
on fly-leaf (Esverus).: Medvei, 403, a.o. pl.
168. Libavius, A., d.o.m.a. novus de medicina veterum tam Hippocratica, quam herme-
tica tractatus. In cuius priore parte dogmata... per J. Michelium Paracelsitarum conatum
discutiuntur; in posteriore universale alchymistarum, autoribus Lullo & Arnoldo... expo-
nitur. Frankf., J. Lechler, 1599. 2 vols, in 1. Contemp. clf., back and sides gilt, (XVI, 567
pp.). (sl. watersp., corner of t.p. rep. (no loss of text). 3800,-
DSB vin, 309/12: Partington 11, 244-270 and i.l.c.: 'As a physician, Libavius used chemical remedies, including
potable gold, so following Paracelsus... He realised that such remedies should be used very carefully, criticised
the extravagance of Paracelsus and his disciples, and exposed many high-priced "elixers" as merely common
materials'.: Durling 2810: Wellcome 1, 3773: Bayle & Thill. 1, 381: 'C'est dans ces ouvrages qu'on voit pour la
première fois un médecin qui parle de la transfusion du sang d'un animal dans un autre; operation singulière
qui a fait du bruit, et qu'on a dit que L. avait imaginée d'après la fable de Médée'.: Hirsch IV, 774. See Peumery,
2: First ed. Extremely rare.
169. Lieberkühn, J.N., Dissertatio anatomico-physiologia de fabrica et actione villorum
intestinorum tenuium hominis. Amst., J. Schreuder a.o., 1760. 4to. W. 3 fold, pls., by
F. Berolin and engr. by J. Newton. Limp brds. (38 pp. (misn. 36). 2200,-
DSB VIII, 327/8: 'Here, for the first time, were described, in greatest detail, the structure and function of the nu-
merous glands attached to the vilii, appropriately called "Lieberkühnian glands", as well as the structure and
function of the villii found in the intestines... To explain the flow of fluids into these intestinal components
L. constructed a model' (see ill. on p. 29): G&M 978: Hirsch lit, 779: Dobson 127: Bayle & Thill, n, 380: Clay
& Court, i.l.c. . .the most important of the pioneers of histological injections': Blake 270: First ed., w. new
170. (Lorry, A.-Ch.), De melancholia et morbis melancholicis. Paris, P.W. Cavelier,
1765. 2 Vols. Mottl. clf. (b.g. Hinges sl. rubb. and loose). 2200,-
Hirsch in, p. 843: Neuberger-Pagel pp. 641/2: G&M nr. 4920: First ed. The most important author on the subject
among French authors. The work deals not only with melancholy, but with mental diseases in general.
171. Lotze, H.R., Allgemeine Physiologic des korperlichen Lebens. Leipz., Weidmann,
1842. Contemp. brds., b.g., w. backlabel. (VIII, 528 pp.). (Librs. st.) 1050,-
Hirsch in, 411: DSB VIII, 513/5: 'In... he teaches that living things are subject to the same natural laws as inani-
mate nature; only the arrangement of the causally determined parts is different. There is no life force and no
natural healing power, yet all life processes function harmoniously as a means toward the goal of survival. Be-
tween body and mind there exists a reciprocal cooperation'. Jahn's copy with critical notes in pencil. From the
library of W. Pagel.: See Bull, Hist. med. 1945. XVin, 1-42.
172. Mach, E., Grundlinien der Lehre von den Bewegungsempfindungen. Leipzig, W.
Engelmann, 1875. Hlf. mor (128 pp). 1100,-
'Der Einzige, der sich in dieser Zeit zielbewuszt an Darwin orientierte, war Ernst Mach. 1875 hatte er eine nach
Methodik und Ergebnissen klassisch zu nennende Experimentalstudie über den Gleichgewichtssinn des Men-
schen i.d. "Grundlinien..." gegeben' (Henning, Psychologie der Gegenwart). 'In the early seventies Mach
made an elaborate experimental study of the effects of rotation, by placing the whole body on a frame which
could be fixed at any angle and then turned. As a result of these experiments, he was able to investigate in detail
the perception and the negative after-image of rotation, and described them in a monograph...' (Flugel. 100
years of psychology.).
173. Magendie, Fr., Précis élémentaire de physiologie. Paris, Méquignon-Marvis, 1816-
'17. In 2 vols. Contemp. hlf. clf., back gilt, (IV, VI, 326; IV, 473 pp.) 1200,-
Hirsch IV, 94: DSB IX, 6/11: '... He ... created a new type of physiology textbook: philosophical deductions
founded on anatomy and on doctrinal suppositions were greatly reduced in favor of simple and precise descripti-
ons of experimental facts... This work, which went through four French editions and was translated into several
other languages, including English and German, exerted a very profound influence on physicians and biologists
during the first half of the 19th century.': H. of H. 818: 'M. was the founder of the science of toxicology and
a pioneer experimental physiofogist in France and therefore the forerunner of such men as Cl. Bernard and L.
Pasteur. He was the first to show conclusively that section of the anteriors spinal nerve roots affected motility
but not sensation, and vice versa as to the posterior roots. This same observation, partially described by Ch.
Bell, has long been known as the "fundamental law of Bell and Magendie.' This "Précis" may be considered
the prototype of later texts on physiology.': Young, p. 76 a.o. pl.: In 1816/7 M. published "Précis...", which
"set a new fashion in text-books by calling the attention of students of medicine to experiment as a source of
scientific knowledge.'": Waller 6135 (2nd ed.): Rothschuh Tab. 691, 711, 1011.: First ed.
174. Malgaigne, J.F., Manuel de médecine opératoire, fondée sur 1'anatomie normale
et 1'anatomie pathologique. Paris, G. Baillière, 1834. Contemp. hlf. clf., b.g. (sp. sl. dam.
sides rubb.). (VI, 791 pp.). 1900,-
G&M 5591: 'Malgaigne was a brilliant lecturer, notable also as a historian of mediaeval surgery. His "Manuel"
was an important work on operative surgery, and was translated into English, German, Italian and Arabic', and
incorporate his important contributions to plastic surgery: Wangensteen i.l.c.
175. Malgaigne, J.F., Traité des fractures et des luxations. Paris, Baillière., 1847/55. 2
vols. Hlf. mor. (top of vol n, sl. dam.) W. fol. atlas w. 30 pls. Hlf. mor. (Not uniform.
Top st. dam.) 1750,-
G&M 4417: 'This was Malgaigne's greatest work. His description of bilateral vertical fracture of the pelvis ('Mal-
gaigne's fracture' is in vol. 1, pp. 650/6.': First ed.
Wangensteen 307 a.o.: Malgaigne, an accomplished surgeon and great historian of surgery, was also a courage-
ous and forthright critic.': Valentin 205, a.o.: 'Sein groszer zweibandiger (!)... ist wohl heute noch manchen
bekannt': Winnett Orr Hist. Coll. 1179: '...In his discussion of fractures he quoted Hippocrates as to the im-
portance of function rather than appearance in the treatment of fractures. This attitude toward the fracture pa-
tient still serves as an excuse for the physician or surgeon who fails to restore anatomical relations and contour
to a fractured limb.'
176. Mangel, J.J., Theatrum anatomicum, quo non tantum integra totius corporis hu-
mani in suas partes, ac minutiores particulas evoluti, & quasi resoluti, fabrica, ex selectio-
ribus, veterum & recentiorum omnium observationibus, retecta sistitur: .. .verum etiam
quicquid ad rei anatomicae illustrationem pertinet, ... Adjecta sunt... B. Eustachii tabu-
lae anatomicae... Genève, Cramer & Perachon, 1716/7. 2 vols, in 3. Fol. W. 2 portrs.,
13. pls., some ills. Vell.. (Sides rep.). (Vol. 1 marg. wormholes. Some pp. sl. browned).
Waller 1, 6125: Choulant-Frank 204: H. of H. 442: 'In this compilation of contemporary anatomy, Manget syste-
matically covers the anatomy of the human body, illustrated with a 36 full-page engravings, some folded. The
last portion of the 2nd volume constitutes an authorized edition of Eustachi's Tabulae anatomicae, which had
been first published only 3 years earlier in Rome...Hirst ed. with revised title of vol. 11.
177. Marchand, R., Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Reizwelle und Contractionswelle des
Herzmuskel. Pflüger Arch. ges. Physiol., 1877. 15. Brds. (Pp. 511-536). B.u.w. 2) Idem,
Der Verlauf der Reizwelle des Ventrikels bei Erregung desselben vom Vorhof aus und die
Bahn, auf der die Erregung zum Ventrikel gelangt. Idem, 1877. W. 1 pl. Frontwr. pres.
(Pp. 137-151). (Offprints). 1500,-
1) G&M 823.1: 'Marchand obtained the first electrocardiogram. Using the differential rheotome he measured the
time course of the potential variations from the frog's heart': Author's pres. copies to prof.dr. Nasse.
178. Massaria, A., (Vicentini), Libelli 11 De pulsibus, et de urinis. Nunc primum in lucem
editi, ad diligenter emendati, ... ad J. Viduam. Vcnetia, R. Meietus, 1603. 4to. Prin-
tersm.o.t. (VI, bl. 1., 51 pp). 1450,-
See: Bayle-Thillaye 1, 233/4; Hirsch IV, 112; See, Haller Bibl. chirurg. 1, 255. Not in Wellcome, Waller, Osler.
This ed. not in Bayle-Thill. and Hirsch, Bayle-Th. giving an ed. Francf. 1601 as appendix to another title. This
ed. much enlarged by J. Viduae, a md at Venice, pp. 1-10 cont. his 'Praefatio methodica'. Massaria (1510-1598)
was an erudite and rational surgeon, following the learnings of Hippocrates if possible, and was one of the first
to reject f.i. the bezoar (Thorndike VII, pp. 245/7).
179. Meckel, J.F. (the younger), Beytrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie. Leipz., C.H.
Reclam, 1808-1812. 4 parts in 2 vols. W. 11 fold. pls. Hlf. cl. 1875,-
G&M 314: 'Meckel is considered the greatest comparative anatomist before Johannes MCiller': Comp. H. of H.
815/6.: Cole, libr. 11, 229: Cole, Hist., 453: 'Between 1800 and 1817, Cuvier, whose work was continued in Ger-
many by Meckel, was publishing treatises which acquired a European vogue and influence.'
180. Meckel von Hemsbach, H., Mikrogeologie. Ueber die Concremente im thierischen
Organismus. Nach des Verf. Tode herausg. und bevorwortet von Th. Billroth. Berl., G.
Reimer, 1856. Pr.wr. (VIII, 275 pp.). 875,-
K.B. Absolon in 'Surgery Annual, vol. 10, pp. 417-441: "Billroth's career as histologist and surgical pathologist
was greatly influenced by the last of the line of this great family of anatomists - the Meckels. H. Meckel von
Hemsbach (1822-1856), professor of medicine and pathology, ... was the predecessor of R. Virchow as profes-
sor of pathologic anatomy in Berlin. After his death, Billroth edited his classic monograph on concretions in
the human body, 'Mikrogeologie".'
181. Mercklin, G.A. (Mercklein), Tractatus physico-medicus de incantamentis, LX ca-
sus. .. Nürnb., J.F. Rudiger, 1715. 4to, W. fine and interesting front, (XLIV, 254, XII pp)
H. calf gilt w. label. 1150,-
Osler, 3385: Hirsch IV, 171/2: Bayle-Thillaye it, 1/2: Thorndike VII, 237/8 and VIII, 531/533. Not in Caillet. Col-
lection of 60 cases of incantation, malediction, etc., with large fragments by J.B. Helmont, Schott, Levin Fi-
scher, Barth, Carrichter a.o. In a long preface the author reviews the positions of Wier, Bekker, Bodin, Willis
and many others. The interesting front is divided in 2 parts, left the interior of a mental hospital, showing thera-
peutical manipulations, at the right witches and devils. 2nd title added: Sylloge phys.-med. casuum incantatio-
ni... Nurnb., Lehmann 1698... The 1715 ed. is the same edition, only a new title added. Sm. st. o. t.. Very
fine copy.
182. Merenda, I.P., Evacuandi ratio tribus in libris luculenter perstricta. Basel, M. Isen-
grin, 1547. Title w. woodcutborder. Brds. (XX, 203, XLVIII pp.). (W. num. contemp. an-
not. in the margins. Sm. strip cut from bottom of t.p. A stamp removed from t.p., aff.
some of the printed surface). 1200,-
Wellcome, 4264: Not in Waller: bm 620: Durling 3116: Parkinson 229: Adams M 1344: Waring 1, 160: First ed.
of the first book on evacuants.
183. Mesmer, (F.A.), Mémoire sur Ia découverte du magnétisme animal. Genève, Paris,
1779. Contemp. clf., back gilt. (11, VI, 85 pp.). (Some sl. foxing). B.u.w. 2) Ch. d'Eslon,
Observations sur le magnétisme animal. A Londres; et se trouve a Paris, P.Fr. Didot,
a.o., 1780. (IV, 151 pp.). 3) (J.J. Paulct), Les miracles de Mesmer. No pl., no publ., 1780.
(11,23 pp.). 7500,-
DSB IX, 325/8 1) Hirsch IV, 179/181: G&M 4992: 'Mesmer's work served as a basis for the more scientific develop-
ment of suggestion in treatment, which has been termed after him "mesmerism". He did not realize that his
clinic in Paris was being used as the meetingplace of all sorts of perverts..Bayle & Thill, it, 566/7: Caillet
7435: Hunter & Macalpine, 480/6: PMM 225: '.. .he found that there was a healing magnetic power in his own
hand and that he could obtain results in treating disorders without a magnet, a faculty he called "animal magne-
tism". .. .Suggestibility on the part of the patient can, without question be the key to his recovery; and having
found this out, Mesmer became unwittingly, a pioneer of psychotherapy.' H. of H. 637: 'Mesmer's definitive
work on animal magnetisme. 2) Hirsch 11, 240: Zilboorg 343/9: Caillet 3661: 'D'Eslon, docteur-régent de la fa-
culté, premier médecin du Comte d'Artois
.. .Témoin incognito d'une magnétisation faite par Mesmer... Son livre est trés bien écrit... II donne la rélati-
on de diverses cures faites sous ses yeux ... On trouve dans ce livre le premier fait d'automagnétisation, et c'est
Mesmer lui-même qui est le béneficiaire.': Zilboorg, i.I.e.: 'When the committee starts its investigations, it were
the activities of d'Eslon who were investigated, Mesmer refused. Pinel named Mesmer and Deslon as "the two
chiefs of the sect". 94 years hereafter, Charcot started his studies on hypnotism, a direct outgrowth of Mesme-
rism.': 3) Caillet 8377: 'Le livre de d'Eslon fut le signal des critiques, reconnait Mesmer (Précis historique), et
.. .Paulet, dans sa "Gazette de Santé" profita de Papparition de ce livre... pour engager le combat' Paulet
was one of the early opponents of Mesmer; he traces his theories back to Paracelsus, Fludd and Kirchner and
exposes him as an imposter. See ill.
184. --, Archbold, (Ed.), Recueil d'observations et de faits relatifs au magnétisme ani-
mal, ... Paris, Bordeaux, P. Pallandre, a.o., 1785. Mod. brds. (168 pp.). (1 If. shortly
cut and mount., last lvs. spotted). 490,-
Barbier IV, 54b: Caillet 371: 'Intéressant rapport de 1'une des sociétés fondées en province a I'instar de la Soc.
de I'Harmonie de Paris.'
185. --, Bergasse, (N.), Considérations sur le magnétisme animal, ou sur la théorie du
monde et, des êtres organisés d'après les principes de M. Mesmer... Avec des pensées sur
le mouvement par M. le Marquis de Chatellux, de l'Académie fran<;oise. Den Haag, 1784.
Wr. (149 pp.). 550,-
Caillet 979: Though Bergasse edited the works of Mesmer, this book made a definitive rupture between Bergasse
and Mesmer.
186. --, Bickert, Lettre a M. Baldinger, Conseiller aulique sur les procédés magnétique
de M. Lavater. (Extr. de la Gazette de Carlsruhe... 1787. 4to (4 pp.) (broken in the fold.,
torn, waterst. and soiled). 450,-
Very rare.
187. --, Hervier, P,, Lettre sur la découverte du magnétisme animal a M. Court'de Ge-
belin. Pékin et se trouve a Paris. 1784. Wr. (vin, 48 pp.) 550,-
With a preface by Court de Gebelin.
188. --, Mauduyt, (A.H.), Extraits des journaux tenus pour 82 malades qui ont été élec-
trisés; ... Paris, Ph.-D., Pierres, 1779. 4to. 1 fold, table. Wr. (49 pp.) (Margins sl. frayed,
t.p. soiled). 925, -
Mottelay i.l.c.: Not in Wheeler, nor in Ronalds.
189. --, Mauduyt de la Varenne, (P.J.Cl.), Précis des journaux tenus pour les malades
qui ont été électrisés pendant Pannée 1785; & des mémoires sur le même objet, adressés
a la Société royale de Médecine pendant la même année: Travail servant de suite au mé-
moire sur les différentes manières d'administrer 1'électricité. Paris, Imprimérie Royale.
(1786). Mod. brds. (46 pp.). 750,-
Blake 293: Mottelay i.l.c.: Not in Wheeler.
190. --, Exposé des expériences qui ont été faites pour l'examen du magnétisme animal.
Lu a 1'académie par M. Bailly en son noni de mm Franklin, Le Roy, de Bory, & Lavoissier,
le 4 Septembre 1784. Imprimé par ordre du Roi, n.pl. (Paris), 1784. French royal coat of
arms on title. Brds. (mod.). (16 pp.). B.u.w.: (A.J.M. Servan), Questions du jeune docteur
Rhubarbini de purgandis; adressées a messieurs les docteurs-régens, de toutes les facultés
de médecine de 1'univers, au sujet de M. Mesmer, & du magnétisme animal. Padoue, Dans
le cabinet du docteur, 1784. (16, 72 pp.) (Misbound is quire A, before the title). 1200,-
'Exposé' not in Duveen & Klickstein, Lavoisier. First ed. printed 'au Louvre'.
191. --, Petetin, (J.H.D.), Électricité animale, prouvée par la découverte des phénomè-
nes physiques et moraux de la catalepsie hystérique, et de ses variétés; et par les bons effets
de Pélectricité artificielle dans le traitement de ces maladies. Lyon, Bruyset et Buynand,
1805. Contemp. wr. (XII, 156 pp.). (Uncut). 1125,-
Not in Wheeler: Ronalds 392, First part. AU publ.: Comp. Caillet 8563 (for 2nd ed., 1808), not seen our cd.:
'Ouvrage devenu rare et toujours recherché... Nous connaissons pcu dc livres, sur la matière qui nous occupe
ici, aussi intéressants que 1'ouvrage de M. Petetin..Rare first edition. See adsonr. 215.
192. --, Servan, A.J.M., Doutes d'un provincial, proposés a MM. les médecins-
commissaires, chargés par le roi, de l'examen du magnétisme animal. (No pl., no publ.,
1784) Contemp. wr. (IV, 126 pp.). (Uncut copy). 525,-
Caillet 10163: 'Most able and clever defense of magnetism': Variant titlepage (No pl., no publ.), 126 pp. instead
of 134, but complete.
193. --, Thourel, M.(C.), Recherches et doutes sur le magnétisme animal. Paris, Prault,
1784. Hlf. mor. (back gilt) (19th c.). (XXXVI, 251 pp.) (sl. waterst. at the beg. and the end).
Caillet tit, 10676: 'Le livrede Thouret est plein d'érudition; a tous les arguments semblables de tous les spagiristes
ou des médecins alchimistes Libavius, Tentzelius, Wirdig, Maxwell, Kircher, etc... il y a des textes d'une exacti-
tude remarquable.': Hirsch V, 576/7: Waller 9569.
194. Moleschott, J., De Malpighianis pulmonum vesiculis. Heidelb., Groos, 1845. 1 pl.
Red. mor. sides & edges g. (42, 1 pp). (Thesis). 475»-
DMB 1350/3: Hirsch IV, 232: BMN 1, 91: Waller, 6598.
195. --, Der Kreislauf des Lebens. Physiologische Antworten auf Liebig's Chemische
Briefe. Mainz, V. v. Zabern, 1852. Mod. hlf. cl. (VI, 485 pp.) St. o. t. 750,-
ci&M nr., 115: 'This work attacked Liebig's theories, although courteously. Moleschott, a Dutch physiologist,
evolved a purely materialistic conception of the world. He considered life a magnificent metabolic process, and
thought a product of the activities of the brain.' First ed: copy with signature of Ernest Cohen.
196. Montgeron, L.B. Carré de, La vérité des miracles opérés a 1'intercession de M.
(Franc) de Paris... (Vol. 1), N. pl., n. publ., 1737 Cologne, Chez les libraires de la
Comp., 1747 (Vol. II/III) In 3 vols. 4 to. W. front, pl. and 31 pls. (2 fold.) Contemp. clf.,
b.g. (2 hinges sl. weak, sl. rubb.). 3250,-
Cohen 733: (Vol. 1 only): Caillet 2039: Vol. 1 & in: Castiglioni 538/9: 'The Jansenist and thaumaturg F. de Paris
may be seen as the greatest thaumaturg of all times. The member of parliament Montgeron wrote this book,
describing extensively and with numerous documents the cases, which he had seen with his eyes. Though dedica-
ted to the king, the author was imprisoned in the Bastille an hour after publication': First ed (2nd issue) of vol.
1, 2nd ed. of vol. n, first ed. of vol. m. The first vol. is much more extensive as the Paris/Utrecht ed. of the
same date. Extremely rare complete set.
197. Müller, J., Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. Coblenz, J. Hölscher, 1833-
1840. 2 vols, in 6.w. 1 pl. Original brds. 5400,-
DSB IX, 567-574: 'Among the many topics... were the composition and coagulation of the blood, the origin of
febrin, the nature of lymph, the occurence of the retinal image, the origin of the voice in the human and animal
larynx, the propagation of sound in the tympanic cavity, the process of secretion, the nerves of the erectile sexual
organs, and the function of the sympathetic nerve and other elements of the nervous systema powerful
stimulus to physiological research and one of the sources of the mechanistic conception of the life processes that
prevailed in the 2nd half of the 19th century': G&M 601: 'Müller introduces two new elements into physiology
- the psychological and the comparative. For the first time the existing knowledge of comparative chemistry
and physics was brought to bear upon physiological problems. Müller was the first to describe the excretory
system of the glands as an independent system of tubes, noting that the bloodvessels formed only a capillary
network. The "Handbuch" was the first great text-book of physiology in the 19th century.': Gorin 124:
'Another great physiologist who prepared the basis for clinical advancement of ophthalmology was J. Mueller
(i8oi-'58): Hirschberg 1016: The first great work on physiology since Haller's: First ed. Extremely fine copy in
6 parts as published. A few lvs. watersp.
198. --, Ueber die phantastischen Gesichtserscheinungen. Eine physiologische Untersu-
chung mit einer physiologischen Urkunde des Aristoteles über den Traum. Coblenz, J.
Holscher, 1826. Contemp. limp brds. (boxed) (X, 118 pp.). 3250,-
Hirsch IV, 285/90; G&M, 1456: 'Müller's early studies on specific nerve energies are included in the above work.
Later he stated, in his "Handbuch der Physiologie", Coblenz, 1840, 2, 258, his law of specific nerve energies
- each nerve of special sense, however excited, gives rise to its own peculiar sensation.'; First ed.: Horblit 76:
'Exposition of the doctrine of specific nerve energies, stating that the kind of sensation depends upon the nature
of the sense organ, not upon the mode of stimulation.
199. Muys, W.G., Investigatio fabricae, quae in partibus musculos componentibus ex-
tat. Dissertatio prima de carnis musculosae fibrarumque carnearum structura, quatenus
sine vasis sanguiferis, nervis, nervosisque villis, atque membranis spectantur. Leiden, J.A.
Langerak, 1738. 4to. W. 3 fold. pls. Contemp. mottl. clf., b.g. (sp. sl. dam., backlabel
miss.). (CLII, 431, 1 pp.). 1250,-
Von Haller 11, 95: Bayle & Thill. 11, 203/4: 'C'est par le travail le plus opiniatre qu'il est venu a bout de former
une compilation de tout ce qui avait ete dit sur la fibre musculaire, et qu'il a donne le recueil des experiences
faites a ce sujet': Mettler 74: 'Fie discovered the striped nature of voluntary muscle, the sarcolemma, and the
laminated structure of the crystalline lens, and made a careful study of the capillary anastomosis discovered by
Malpighi and emphasized its importance.': First ed. Large paper copy. Translations into French 1754 and Dutch
200. Nansen, Fridljof, Bidrag til myzostomernes anatomi og histologi. Bergen, J. Grieg,
1885. Sm. fol. W. 9 pls. (3 col.). Hlf clf. (VIII, 80, XX pp.). (Libr. St.). 1200,-
Pogg. IV, 1053: DSB XV, 430/2: 'In 1882 Collett obtained for Nansen the post of curator at the Bergen Museum.
He first took up the study of myzostomes, a small group of parasitic worms of unusual appearance. His results,
published in 1885, are still a basic reference and in 1886 earned Nansen the Joachim Friele Gold Medal of the
Bergen Museum.': On pp. 69/80 a summary in English, the pls. w. English text. He became most famous as
arctic discoverer.
>> subject index
>> begin
201. --, The structure and combination of the histological elements of the central ner-
vous system. (Bergens Mus. Aarsberetning, 1886). (pp. 29-214). W. 10 fold. pls. Cloth.
DSB XV, 430/21: Haymaker & Schiller, 139: 'But his most important was a monograph entitled..in which ma-
ny species were dealt with.': G&M 1368: 'Nansen, better known for his Arctic explorations, was the first to point
out that the posterior root fibres divide on entering the spinal cord into ascending and descending branches.'
202. Nuck, A., Sialographia et ductuum aquosorum anatome nova, priori auctior &
emendatior. Accedit Defensio ductuum aquosorum, nec non Fons salivalis novus, hacte-
nus non descriptus. Lugd. Bat., P. vandcr Aa, 1690. W. 6 fold. pls. Vell. (XIV, 158, XVI
pp.). (Yellowed) 1500,-
NNBW VII, 914/5: Hirsch iv, 389/390: Banga 645/654: DMB 1442/5: G&M i 101 (First ed. 1685): Poletti 84: Süd-
hoff, Gesch. Zahnheilk., 186/7: Crowley, 60 & 76 (not this ed.): Not in Weinberger; Bibliogr.: Guerini 245/7:
'... He insists on a principle of capital importance that has only had its full application in the 19th century, viz.
that the instruments to be used for the extraction of the teeth ought to vary according to the tooth to be extrac-
ted... acquaints us with a tooth powder, much used... by Parisian ladies... He made artificial teeth of
hippopotamus-teeth, and constructed complete arches for the lower jaw of ivory': H. of H. 438: 'Nuck, first
at The Hague and later professor at Leiden, was well known as an oculist, aurist, and dentist, and did his most
important work in investigating the lymphatics and glands, in which he used the injection technique much as
Ruysch had done with the blood vessels. This book, first published in 1685 under the title "De ductu", contains
some of Nuck's best work on glands and ducts, especially the salivaries and tear ducts. The six large engraved
plates were drawn by Nuck.': Waller 6919: Becker coll. 276: '.. .The second part of the work (pp. 77-155) treats
on the aqueous chamber and the aqueous humor of the eye and includes surgical case histories.'
203. Ordonnantie, waer nae de doctoren in de medicijne binnen de stadt Utrecht practi-
serende, haer sullen hebben te reguleren. Utr. 1655. 4pp. 475,-
Rules of the city of Utrecht, for the medical doctors, printed in a fine black-letter.
204. Overkamp, H., Alle de medicinale, chirurgicale en philosophische werken... be-
staande in de nieuwe beginzelen tot de genees- en heel-konst, ontdekkende, de voornaam-
ste bewegingen en bedieningen der dierelijke huishouding in 's menschen lighaam: Steu-
nende op de gronden der fermentatie; en deze op die van R. des Cartes. Amst., J. van
Hoorn, 1694. 2 vols. 4to. W. portr. and figs. Contemp. bl. st. vellum (XIV, 306; XII, 680,
IV pp.). Foil, by 2) Idem, Nader verklaringe, over de ontdekte doorwaasseming, in een
dertig-jaarige ondervinding ontdekt op de weegschaal van S. Sanctorius. (Foil, by idem,
Nader ondersoek over het tweede deel van de beginzelen der wijsbegeerte, van R. Des-
Cartes). Ibid., 1694. (11, 184 pp.). 2250,-
DMB, 1488/9: Hirsch iv, 464: Banga 636/7: Thijssen-Schoute, i.l.c.: BMN i, 61: First ed.
205. Palfijn, J., Waere en seer naauwkeurige beschryving der beenderen van 's men-
schen lichaem... Waer by gevoegt is een curieuse verhandeling rakende... het snot.
Gendt, J. du Vivie, Leiden, I. Severinus, 1702. W. 3 fold. pls. Old brds. (spine rubb.).
(XXIR, 418, XII pp.). 1900,-
DMB 1494/5: 'P. is not only known by the invention of the forceps, but also by his works with which he had
much success.': Bayle & Thill. 23/4: Fasbender 229; a.o. pl.: Bibliogr. 55/6: Van de Velde, J. Palfijn, bio-
bibliogr. (Pp. 474/5 a.o. pl. In Kon. Vlaamse Acad. v. Geneesk. v. België, Verh. XIX, no. 1.: 'Most complete
and accurate work on osteology of the time. Reprinted within a year. Other editions 1727, Leiden, 1758, Amster-
dam; French transl., 1731, Paris; German transl., 1730 Breslau, 1740 idem.': Mestier vol. 42, p. 311: 'The anatomi-
cal work of Jean Palfyn, probably his "Heelkonstige ontleeding van's menschen lighaam... (Leyden 1718 or
1733), was translated into Japanese in 1857...' Bibl. Belgica 612/3.
206. --, Description anatomique des parties de la femme, qui servent a la génération;
avec un traité des monstres, de leur causes, de leur nature, & ... différences; Et une des-
cription anatomique, de la disposition surprenante de quelques parties externes, & internes
de deux enfans nés dans la ville de Gand, ... 1703... Leiden, B. Schouten, 1708. 3 vols.
in 1. 4to. W. front., 11 fold. pls. and 68 ills. Vell.. (iv, 128; XVI, 366; 72 pp.). (Some II.
misbound, sl. yellow., a few tears mend.). 3750,-
Bibl. belgica, iv, 617/8: DMB 1494/5: Bayle & Thill. 11, 23/4; The second vol. is actually a translation of Licetus
book, 'De monstris'.: First French ed. See ill.
207. Paracelcus, A.P.Th.B., Philosophiae ad Athenienses, drey Bticher. (2) (Item), Von
Ursachen und Cur Epilepsiae, das ist, des hinfallenden siechtagen, vor in Truck nie ausz-
gangen. (3) Item, vom Ursprung, Cur oder heilung der contracten glidern, jetzt newlich
ausz des Theophrasti selbst eigner Handschrift trewlich antag geben. Coin, Erben A.
Byrckmann, 1564. 4to W. 2 woodcut printersmarks, titlep. in red & bl. Old brds. (ccvi
pp.). 4600,-
Sudhoff 65: Waller 7121: Wellcome in, 4754: Durling 3467: H. of H. 120: 'The first of these 3 works is a treatise
on natural philosophy, (First ed.). The second is the first printing of his treatise on the cause and cure of epilep-
sy, while the third is on the cure of the contractions of paralytics (2nd ed., first Bodenstein, 1563).
208. --, Septem libri de gradibus, de compositionibus, de dosibus receptorum ac natura-
lium, Basel, 1568. Limp vellum, (XXVIII, 186, X pp.). B.u.w. 2) IDEM, Philosophiae et
medicinae compendium, ex optimis quibusque eius libris: cum scholiis in libros III eiusdem
de vita longa, plenos mysteriorum, parabolarum, aenigmatum. Auctore L. Suauio I.G.P.
(J. Gohory), Vita Paracelsl. Ibid, P. Perna, 1568. (334, LXIV pp.). 3) IDEM, Medicorum
ac philosophorum facile principls... libr. v. de vita longa, ... Ibid, idem, (1566). (liv,
98 pp.). 4) IDEM, Praeparationum, Libri duo. (colophon: Ibid, idem, 1568) (80 pp.). 5)
IDEM, Pyrophilia vexationumque liber. Ibid., idem, 1568 (V 137, 11 pp.). (Waterst. in
the bottom margin). 9500,-
1) Sudhoff 98: 2nd ed.: G&M 1818: 'Paracelsus has been called by some "the pioneer of modern chemists" and
by otters "uncouth, boorish, vain, ignorant and pretentious". His "De gradibus" contains most of his innovati-
ons ii chemical therapeutics..Durling, 3480: Not in Waller: Wellcome 4765: 2) Sudhoff 99: 2nd ed. of this
impoiant work (first ed. Paris, 1567), containing one of the earliest Paracelsus biographies and the catalogue
of auhentic works.: Durling 3481: Waller 7128: Wellcome 1, 4761: 3) Sudhoff 503: 2nd ed.: Not in Durling,
Wallei, nor Wellcome: 4) Sudhoff, 104 first ed.: Not in Durling, Waller, nor Wellcome: 5) Sudhoff 101, first
ed.: Djrling 3482: Not in Waller: Wellcome 4764. See ill.
209. Pasteur, L., Recherches sur les relations qui peuvent exister entre la forme cristalli-
ne, la composition chimique et le sens de la polarisation rotatoire. Paris (1848). 8vo. w.
1 fold. pl. Cl. (19 pp.). 21.500,-
DSB X, 357/8: "... Pasteur became convinced that the molecular asymmetry of optical active liquids ought to find
expression in an asymmetry of hemihedrism in their crystalline form.': .. .Pasteur soon had to contend with
several 'exceptions' to his 'law of hemihedral correlation': Pleiade 1227: '(Pasteur établit), par 1'étude de 1'hé-
miéd-ie des tartrates, un rapport direct entre cette propriété cristallographique et le sens de la polarisation rota-
toire . . II en tire la notion de la dissymétrie moléculaire, qui s'applique a une série de substances et Pasteur
peut néme croire que la réalisation de cette propriété est spéciale a la vie. La cellule vivante lui apparait comme
un foyer de forces dissymétriques. De ces résultats est sortie, vingt-cinq ans plus tard, la stéréochimie.' (Van
't Hoff): Not in Duveen.
2) -.-, Recherches sur les propriétés spécifiques des deux acides qui composent l'acide
racémique. Ib., (1850). W. 1 fold. pl. (44 pp.).
DSB X, 358/9 a.o. pl.: 'At Strasbourg Pasteur continued and greatly extended his work on optical activity and
molecular asymmetry despite expanding teaching duties. During 1850 and 1851 he turned to asparagine and its
derivated (aspartic acid, maleic acid, the aspartates and malates), which were among the very few optically active
compounds from which crystals could be obtained in sizes and amounts adequate for his investigations... (P.
proved), that (the) newly discovered inactive acids (maleic and fumaric acids) were "racemic" - that is, that
they owed their optical inactivity to a compensation between left-handed and right-handed forms.': Duveen 460:
'An important paper, one of a series in the classical enunciation by Pasteur of the existence of enantiomorphs
and the methods which could be applied to resolve them.'
3) -.- , Mémoire sur les acides aspartique et malique. Ib., (1852). W. 1 fold. pl. (36 pp.).
DSB X, 359: '.. .in a memoir of 1852, Pasteur rejected this possibility (that the newly discovered inactive acids
were "racemic"...) on the ground that such "racemic" acids could be synthesized only from "racemic" star-
ting materials, while the available evidence suggested that neither the maleic nor the fumaric acid with which
Dessaignes had begun could possess such a constitution.'
4) -.-, Sur le dimorphisme dans les substances actives, tétartoédrie. Ib., (1854). W. 1
fold. pl. (12 pp.).
Pasteur demonstrated here the first example of diphormisme in active substances.
5) -.-, Mémoire sur la fermentation appelée lactique. Ib., 1857. Wr. (4 pp.).
DSB X, 362: 'Pasteur's memoir expressed the basic approach and point of view which informed all of his subse-
quent work on fermentation .. G&M 2472; Horblit 82: 'The birth of bacteriology, based on the isolation of
the organisms which cause milk to sour': Dibner, Heralds: 'The killing of harmful bacteria by heat led to the
practice of "pasteurization".'
6) -.-, Sur les corpuscules organisés qui existent dans 1'atmosphère. Examen de la doc-
trine des générations spontanées. Legon professée le 19 mai 1861 a la Société Chimique
de Paris. (Paris, 1861). Pr. wr. (36 pp.). (boxed).
DSB X, 371: '.. . Pasteur presented the major results of his work on spontaneous generation in a lecture later ex-
panded into his prize-winning memoir. Although this memoir is essentially a restatement of his earlier papers
on the topic, it is richer in detail and contains some new material, including the historical introduction. The ap-
pearance under the microscope of atmospheric dust and of the organisms found in infusions received considera-
ble attention..Comp. G&M 2475.
7) -.-, Animalcules infusoires vivant sans gaz oxygène libre et déterminant des fermen-
tations. lb., 1861. 4to. Or. cl. (3 pp.).
DSB X, 350/416: 'This is the first report that any organism can live and reproduce in the complete absence of
free oxygen. This discovery is quite important for general biology, since it shows that oxygen gas is not a requisi-
te for life. This discovery opened up for Pasteur a new field of study, relating fermentative and biological proces-
ses to the presence or absence of oxygen':
8) -.-, Mémoire sur les corpuscules organisés qui existent dans 1'atmosphère, examen
de la doctrine des générations spontanées. Ib., 1862. W. 2 fold. pls. Pr. wr. (Uncut). In
cl. box. (110 pp.).
G&M 2475: 'The success of experiments recorded in the above paper marks the downfall of the theory of sponta-
neous generation. Pasteur's researches on fermentation led him to the discovery of the bacteria and yeasts and
hence to the germ theory of disease; from this all modern bacteriology and immunology have developed.': PMM
336. '.. .which demonstrated beyond dispute that fermentationis caused by the action of minute living orga-
nisms and that if these excluded or killed fermentation does not occur.': Bulloch, 299.
9) -.-, Nouveau procédé industriel de fabrication du vinaigre. Ib., 1862. (7 pp.).
First paper by Pasteur on vinegar. Not in Duveen.
10) -.-, Nouvel exemple de fermentation déterminée par des animalcules infusoires pou-
vant vivre sans gaz oxygène libre... Ib., 1863. (6 pp.).
DSB X, 364: G&M 2476: 'Pasteur confirmed the fact, established by Schwann (No. 674) that putréfaction was a
biological process.'
11) -.-, Examen du röle attribué au gaz oxygène atmosphérique dans la destruction des
matière animales et végétales après la mort. Ib., 1863. (7 pp.).
DSB X, 364: 'Indeed, except for the action of microorganisms, the constituents of dead plants and animals could
be considered "relatively industructible". To express the matter in more poetic terms, "life takes part in the
work of death in all its phases", for the decomposition associated with death depends on the development and
multiplication of microorganisms.': G&M 2477.
12) -.-, Recherches sur la putréfaction. Ib., 1863 (7 pp.).
G&M 2478: 'P. was the first to differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic organisms. (See also nos. 2476/7).'
Bulloch, i.l.c. 'He discovered other organisms that live without air and established the idea of aerobic and anae-
robic life and first used their names (1863). Aerobes were only to live in the presence of free oxygen, whereas
anaerobes or zymics, as he called them, grew in the absence of oxygen.'
13) -.-, Mémoire sur la fermentation acétique. Ib., 1864. W. 1 fold. pl. (46 pp.).
DSB X, 365: 'When he began this work, acetic fermentation was widely viewed as a chemical, catalytic process
comparable with the well-known oxidation of alcohol to aldehyde and acetic acid in the presence of finely divi-
ded platinum... P. approached acetic fermentation fully confident that he would find in this case, too, that
a microorganism was essential to the process.': Bulloch 61:'.. .he... showed that (the acetic fermentation) .. .is
due to organisms of the genus "Mycoderma".'
14) -.-, Études sur les vins. 2me partie: ...Ib., 1864. W. r pl. (9 pp.).
15) M.L.P. Flourens, a.o., Rapport sur les expériences relatives a la génération spontanée.
Ib., 1865. (14 pp.).
16) -.-, Procédé pratique de conservation et d'amélioration des vins. Ib., 1865. (3 pp.).
DSB X, 366: '... his attempts to cure diseased wines with chemical antiseptics had been less than satisfying, but
he had found a perfectly reliable and practical procedure for preserving healthy wine: by heating it in closed
vessels for an hour or two at a temperature between 60 °ree; and 100°ree;'.
17) -.-, Note sur les dépots... dans les vins. Ib., 1865. (5 pp.).
18) -.-, Nouvelles observations au sujet de la conservation des vins. Ib., 1865. (5 pp.).
DSB X, 366: 'he claimed, wine could be perfectly protected from disease at minimum risk to its taste, bouquet,
and color.'
Déclat's copy with his bookstamp on both vols. (1 vol. 8vo, 1 4to Cl. blue wr. and pr. wr. bound w., and 1
in pr. wr., 2 in pr. wr., boxed) For Déclat, see Pasteur, Oeuvres vol. v, 41/2: 'Le Dr. Déclat a fondé toute une
médecine des maladies infectueuses sur 1'emploi d'un des meilleurs antiseptiques connus, 1'acide phénique..
Unique collection of most of his early papers. See ill.
210. --, Etudes sur la maladie des vers a soie, Paris, Gauthicrs-Villars, 1870. In 2 vols.
W. num. pls. (mostly col.) and text-ills. Hlf. mor. b.g., (wr. pres.) (sl. sp. in topmargin
of vol. 1.). 1250,-
DSB X, 372/76; G&M 2481: ('P. spent 5 years investigating silkworm-disease before he discovered its cause'); Du-
veen p. 460: could well be called the 'vestibule of modern medicine'; Bulloch, p. 183: 'The germ theory of disease
also received a great impulse owing to the researches of Pasteur (1865-70) on the silkworm disease called "pébri-
ne", and culminating in his "Études... Although the disease is not due to a bacterium, and although Pasteur
at first was led astray in his conclusions, he was ultimately able to show that the diseases of silk-worms are due
to parasitic germs'. This work led to base of the regeneration of the silk culture in France. H. of H. 1017: 'The
present work is one of his most important, dealing with his studies on a disease of silkworms which was ruining
the French silk industry. He isolated the bacillus causing the disease and devised the method by which it would
be eliminated.'
211. --, L., Études sur la bière, ses maladies, causes qui les provoquent, procédé pour
la rendre inaltérable avec une théorie nouvelle de la fermentation. Paris, Gauthier-Villars,
1876. W. 12 pls. and 85 ills. Pr. wr. (vni, 387 pp.). 825,-
DSB X, 350-416: 'In his "Études... (1876), in which he also described a new and perfected method of preparing
pure yeast, Pasteur emphasized that yeast occasionally required small quantities of oxygen in order to retain its
"youth" and its capacity to germinate in oxygen-free environments.': G&M 2485: Pasteur was the first to give
the theory of vital fermentation which has superseded the contact theory of Berzelius and the mechanical one
of Liebig.: First ed., 2nd issue of cover.
212. --, Examen critique d'un écrit posthume de Cl. Bernard sur la fermentation. Paris,
Gauthier-Villars, 1879. W. 2 pls. Pr. wr. (XXIV, 156 pp.). 750,-
H. of H. 1019: 'Cl. Bernard disagreed with Pasteur's (essentially correct) theory of fermentation and his notes
on the subject were published in the "Revue scientifique" shortly after his death. They are reprinted here toge-
ther with Pasteur's appraisal of Bernard's criticisms, DSB X, 350-416: 'In 1878 Berthelot arranged for the posthu-
mous publication of manuscript notes in which Cl. Bernard criticized Pasteur's theory of fermentation and clai-
med to have isolated a soluble ferment capable of producing alcoholic fermentation independently of living
yeast... Pasteur attacked in devastating fashion the experiments by which Bernard believed he had destroyed
Pasteur's theory of fermentation as life without air. By carefully repeating these experiments and comparing
them with his own, Pasteur went a long way toward justifying his claim that Bernard's results were mistaken,
dubious or badly interpreted.'
213. Patin, G., Lettres choisies... Plusieurs particularitez historiques, sur la vie & la
mort des sgavants de ce siècle, sur les écrits... Rotterdam, R. Leers, 1725. In 5 vols. Clf.
b.g. (2 spines sl. dam.). 875,-
Bayle & Thill. 1, 504/5: Garrison 295 and i.l.c.: 'The curious isolation, the sterile inefficiency of the French inter-
nists of the 17th century are strikingly revealed in the letters of G. Patin..Mettler 203 and i.lc.: 'Probably
the most outstanding opponent of antimony, in Paris,..Castiglioni 419/20: '...; ses lettres trés appréciées
par Sainte Beuve..., donnent un tableau hardi et passioné des conditions des médecins et de la Faculté a cette
époque': Most complete edition.
214. Pecquet, J., Experimenta nova anatomica, quibus incognitum hactenus, ehyli re-
ceptaculum, & ab eo per thoracem in ramos usque subclavios vasa lactea deteguntur. Ejus-
dem dissertatio anatomica, de circulatione sanguinis, & chyli motu. Ed. alt. Amst., Fr.
vander Plaats, 1700. nmo. W. 6 pls. (1 fold.) Old veil, (XXIV, 204 pp.). 725,-
Comp. G&M 1095; Fishman & Richards 658: H. of Fl. 349: 'H was not until 1651 that Pecquet reported his disco-
very of the receptaculum chyli and thoracic duct in "Experimenta nova anatomica".'
215. Peletin, (J.H.1).), Électricité animale, prouvée par la découverte des phénomènes
physiques et moraux de la catelepsie hystérique, et de ses variétés; et par les bons effets
de l'électricité artificielle dans le traitement de ces maladies. Paris, Lyon, Brunot-Labbe,
a.o., 1808. W. front, portr. Contemp. wr. w. printed label (XVI, 382, 1 pp.). (Uncut. sl.
watersp. and soiled). 1450,-
Hirsch tv, 567: Ronalds 392. Caillet 8563: 2nd much enlarged ed. See number 191.
216. Plazzoni, Fr., De partibus generationi inservientibus libri duo. Quibus omnium &
singulorum organorum utriusque sexus, ad generationem concurrentium, structura, actio-
nes et usus perspicua brevitate explicantur, & multa circa eadem problemata enondatur.
Padua, L. Pasquati, 1621. sm. in 4to. In contemp. grey brds. In hlf. blue mor. box (VIII,
158. 11 pp.) last 4 11. bottom margin spotted). A very fine uncut copy. 7500,-
Hirsch, iv, 630: Gurlt, 11, 575/580: Bayle & Thillaye, 1, 448: 'Cette description faite en partie d'après les livres,
en partie aussi d'après nature, renferme quelques erreurs, quoique en general assez exacte.' Extremely rare first
edition of this important work. The author succeeded A. Spiegel as prof, at Padua in 1619, but died in 1622
already. This first edition is very rare, it is more known by the edition published in 1644 at Leiden (Parkinson-
Lumb, 270) or the ed. Leiden of 1664. (Waller, 7516:)
217. Poiseuille, (J.L.M.), Recherches sur les causes du mouvement du sang dans les vais-
seaux capillaires. (Paris, Ac. des Sc., 1835. 4to.W. 6 fold. pls. Brds. (80 pp.). 3250, -
DSB XI, 62/4: Comp. G&M 768: This work was awarded 'le prix de physiologie expérimentale': Fishman & Ri-
chards, 678: 'Poiseuille not only formulated the relationships between the volume of flow, viscosity of fluid,
dimensions of the conduit, pressure gradient, and the resistance to flow in the principle that bears his name,
but also invented..the mercury manometer, by means of which pressure could be measured in quantitative
terms ... he was the first to measure pressure in the mesenteric veins': One of the chief works of this great physi-
ologist. Extremely rare.
218. --, Recherches expérimentales sur le mouvement des liquides dans les tubes trés pe-
tits diamètres. (Extrait par 1'auteur). Paris, 1841/2. 4to. (C.R. Acad. des Sciences. Vol.
XI, pp. 961/7, Vol. XII, pp. 112/5). In cl. box. 1100,-
Pogg. 11, 487: Rosenberger pp. 614/2: DSB XI, 62/4: 'The outflow law': G&M 768:'... fundamental in blood visco-
simetry': Fishman & Richards, i.l.c. First publication.
219. --, Recherches expérimentales sur le mouvement des liquides de nature différente
dans les tubes de très-petits diamètres. Paris, Impr. de Bachelier, 1847. W. 1 fold. pl.
Mod. brds. (36 pp.). (Offpr. 'Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., 3e série, tome XXi).1500,-
DSB XI, 62/64: 'Poiseuille's paper was reviewed by a committee consisting of Arago, Piobert and Regnault, ...
They persuaded him to make further experiments with ether and mercury, and these investigations were publis-
hed in 1847. Fte found that ether yielded the same law as distilled water, whereas mercury obeyed a different
law': Comp. G&M 768 (1840): Wilh Harvey, Hales and Karl Ludwig he was one of the founders of haemodyna-
220. Prichard, J.C., A treatise on insanity and other disorders affecting the mind.
Lond., Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, 1835. Contemp. cl. (reback., pr. backlabel pres.)
(XVI, 484, 16 (cat.) pp.) 2200,-
DSB XI, 136/8: G&M 4928: ... the first to describe 'moral insanity' Zilboorg & Henry, 417/8 a.o. pl.: 'moral insa-
nity'. .. was according to Prichard, 'madness consisting in a morbid perversion of the natural feelings, affecti-
ons, inclinations, temper, habits, moral dispositions and natural impulses without any remarkable disorder or
defect in the intellect or knowing and reasoning faculties and particularly without any insane illusion or halluci-
nation.': Ellenberger 123, a.o.: '"Maniacal ecstasy" (or ecstatic madness) was described by P. as a hypnotic sta-
te with incoherence in the mind.': Hunter & Macalpine 836/9:'... he surveyed the present state of knowledge...
combining a thorough knowledge of English, French, German and Italian literature with nearly a quarter of a
century's personal experience. The book remained the standard text untill Bucknill and Tuke published their ma-
nual in 1858... P. was the first practising psychiatrist who was appointed a Commisioner in Lunacy.': First
ed. (first American ed. 1837).
221. Pritchard, A., The natural history of animalcules: Containing descriptions of all
the known species of infusoria; with instructions for procuring and viewing them, etc.
Lond., Whittaker, 1834. W. 1 fold. pl. and 301 ills, (on 6 pls.). Mod hlf. mor. (Spine
miss.), (iv, 194, VIII pp.). 1750,-
Bracegirdle, 31: 'In 1834 Pritchard also published what seems to be the first textbook of protozoological techni-
que in any language. The first edition (ours) includes two (act. 8 pp.) pricelists, dated 1834 (present in our copy).'
See ill.
222. Prochaska, G., De urinis, ... Vienna, J. Gerold, 1776. W. 1 pl. (sl. watersp.). Mod.
hlf. clf. (VIII, 28, hi pp.). (Name torn from title. Uncut copy). 1950,-
DSB XI, 158/60: Not in Kiefer, nor in Blake, Lieben, 619/20: 'Es ist... das Ziegelmehlsediment oder "sedimen-
tum lateritium", das sich bei Erwarmung des Harns auf Korpertemperatur wieder auflost; hohe Konzentratiom
des Harns befordert naturgemasz die Ausscheidung' (Prochaska 1776 in his inaug. thesis). The pls. depict
crystals found in urine. (Thesis).
223. --, Operum minorum anatomici physiologici et pathologici argumenti. Vienna,
Wappler & Beck, 1800. In 2 vols. W. 23 pls. (mostly fold.). Contemp. hlf crushedrmor.,
spines gilt. Sides sl. rubb. (X, 404; 406 pp.) 1400,-
DSB XI, 158/160: Comp. G&M 1386: Neuburger, 286: Fulton 267 a.o. pl.: 'He occupies an important position in
the history of psychology for his introduction of the concept of a "sensorium commune", that region of the
central nervous system which "reflects" to the motor nerves the sensory impressions received by the brain. There
is no suggestion in the writings of P. of sensory and motor roots, but sensory and motor fibres are tacitly assu-
med.': Rare first ed. of one of the most important works of one of the most excellent anatomists and physiolo-
gists. He was the first to describe the branches of the bloodvessels in the muscles, the stomach, the large and
small intestine in the mucous membrane, in the oral cavity and in the adjacent cavities and other organs. He
also engaged himself with the pathological anatomy of the female organs. His versions of the nervereflexes is
important in the physiology of the nervous system.
224. --, Versuch einer empirischen Darstellung des polarischen Naturgesetzes und des-
sen Anwendung auf die Thatigkeiten der organ, und unorgan. Korper, mit einem Rück-
blick auf den thierischen Magnetismus. Wien, Camesina'sche Buchh., 1815. Mod. hlf. clf.,
wr. b.w. (VIII, ioi pp.) (Uncut copy. A spot on 1 p.) 2200,-
225. --, Physiologie oder Lehre von der Natur des Menschen. Wien, C.F. Beck, 1820.
Brds. (VI, 608, 11 pp.). 1050,-
Garrison p. 326: Neuburger 11 p. 295: Rothschuh, Gesch. pp. 86/7: Idem (ed.) Von Boerhaave bis Berger. pp.
134/40. First ed.
226. Ramazzini, (B.), Essai sur les maladies des artisans, traduit du Latin..., avec des
notes et des additions: par (A.F. de Fourcroy). Paris, Moutard, 1777. Cont. clf., b.g. (sl.
rubb.). (LXXVI, 573, 111 pp.). 1200,-
DSB v, 89/93: Smeaton 104: Comp. G&M 2121 (for 1st Lal. ed.): 'Ramazzini was the first to deal adequately with
occupational diseases; his book was the first systematic treatise on the subject. It deals with pneumoconiosis and
other diseases of miners, with lead poisoning in potters, with silicosis in stonemasons, diseases among metal wor-
kers, and even a chapter devoted to the "diseases" of learned men'..This ed. not in Waller: Wellcome in,
48 (Fourcroy): First French ed.
227. Recklinghausen, F. von, Die Lymphgefasse und ihre Beziehung zum Bindegewebe.
Berl., A. Hirschwald, 1862. W. 6 pls. (3 col.) and 7 ills. Pr. wr. (sl. sp.). (98, n pp.).
G&M 1108: 'Recklinghausen's canals', the lymph canaliculi.'
228. Redi, Fr., Esperienze intorno alia generazione degli insetti. Firenze, All'Insegna
della Stella, 1668. 4to. W. 28 pls. and 9 pls., 2 vignets in the text. Vell.. (sl. loose in the
binding), (VI, 208 pp.). (Large paper copy). 3250, -
DSB XI, 341/343: 'Redi's masterpiece is considered to be "Esperienze..in which he disproved the doctrine of
spontaneous generation in insects, inherited from Aristotle and still considered dogma. The microscope revealed
in insects an organization as marvelous as it was unsuspected. Redi prepared and observed the egg-producing
apparatus in insects, and he also used the microscope to good advantage in observing the morphological elements
characteristic of the eggs of each species.'
229. --, Osservazioni intorno agli animali viventi che si trovano negli animali viventi.
Firenze, P. Matini, 1684. 4to. W. woodcut printer's mark on title, 26 engr. pls. (2 fold.),
W. head and tailpieces in woodcut. Old vellum, (VIII, 232 pp.). (Large paper copy).
DSB XI, 341/3: Redi's major parasitological treatise, ..., was an abundant compilation of endoparasitic hel-
minths found in the organs of different classes of animals, including mollusks and crustaceans. ... R. also for-
mulated the idea of an evolutionary cycle of parasitic worms. Redi's studies on the generation of insects and
on parasitism, ... culminated in the acarian etiology of scabies, ...G&M 2448: ... 'He demonstrated the repro-
ductive organs of "Ascaris lumbricoides" and also ascaris eggs...' In this work he describes 108 different spe-
cies of parasites: Foster 9 a.o. pl. 9: 'Redi has been called the father of parasitology and in so far as such a
title may be bestowed on anyone he is indeed worthy of it': Penso 146, a.o. pl.: Very fine large paper copy of
the first edition.
230. Regius, H., Philosophia naturalis; in qua tota rerum universitas per clara & facilia
principia explanatur. Amst., L. & D. Elzevier, 1661. In 4to. W. portr., 2 fold, maps and
num. ills. Contemp. veil, (back restored), (XLIV, 524 pp.). 1250,-
Willems 1274: B.d.H. sub. nr. 3939: Thijssen-Schoute, i.l.c... 3d and best edition. The author was a great
friend of Descartes. Dedicated to Charles 11 of Gr. Britain: Rothschuh, Physiologie 382 a.o. pl.: He deserved
well on the spread of philosophy and physics in Holland, but also on the acknowledgement of the doctrine of
the circulation of the blood. With an important chapter on Harvey. Pp. 375/88, 432/64, 482/6 are devoted to
vision and the eye. Some annotations in a contemp. hand.
231. Remmelin, J., Kleiner Welt Spiegel, Das ist: Abbildung Gottlicher Schopffung, an
desz Menschen Leib... in die Teutsche Sprache vbersetzet, Durch J.L. Remmelinum...
Augsburg, J.U. Schoningk fur J. Remmelin, 1632. Large in fol. Title within engr. border,
portr. of Remmelin on verso, 3 superimposed pls., illustrating the inner parts of the body
of man and woman by means of many superimposed flaps. Old hlf. clf., w. corners. (Re-
back. and rest.) (22 pp.). (A few tears and the outer margins neatly restored. A few margi-
nal notes miss, in last If.). 9500, -
Wallcn 7886: Ferguson 11, 253: No copy in the British Museum: Choulant 82, later ed. of 1661 only:
Remwelin was born in Ulm, 1585, where he was townphysician and later in Augsburg. Early anato-
mic atlas with superimposed pis (Garrison). A treatise on anatomy; consists of a series of plates in
layers, so that the parts beneath can be seen in succession by lifting the hinged portions, an idea which
origirated with Remmelin. The movable parts intact which is seldom the case. Extremely rare first
German edition. Despite the defects mentioned, an exceptional copy. See ill.
232. Ross, R., On some peculiar pigmented cells found in two mosquitos fed
on malarial blood. (Brit. Med. Jnl. 1897. Vol. n, 4to. 1 ill. Wr. (pp. 1786/8).
DSB XI, 555/7: '.. .it was not until 20 August 1897 (later to be called "Mosquito day" by Ross) that
he observed in the stomach wall of a type of mosquito he had not hitherto encountered... a cyst
containing granules of black pigment similar to the pigmented bodies initially observed by Laveran'.
(Laveran's Plasmodium): G&M 5247: 'Ross proved that the mosquito was responsible for the trans-
mission of malaria...': Mettler 273: 'Ross... demonstrated "Anopheles as the agent responisble for
the transmission of malaria...': Bloomfield 357, no. 26:'... Manson wrote: 'Considering the peculi-
ar groupings of the pigment in many instances, a grouping that forcibly recalls what one sees in the
living malaria parasite, and the distinctness and regularity of the outline of the bodies, I am inclined
to think that Ross may have found the extra-corporeal phase of malaria.'
233. Rudolphi, K.A., Grundriss der Physiologie. Berl., F. Dummler, i82i-'28. 3 vols,
in 2. Hlf. clf., b.g. (sl. rubb., 1 joint partly spl.) 750,-
Hirsch iv, 911/13: He was the teacher of J. Mueller: Waller 8296: (Without vol. 11,2): DSB XI, 592/3: '.. .widely
influential, although he had completed only two volumes at the time of his death. It was based upon Rudolphi's
own experience, particularly in comparative anatomy, and served as a useful counterforce to the romantic and
speculative physiology then prevailing in Germany. ... His simple and concise grouping of tissues was valuable.
He gave a clear and realistic account of the functions of various parts of the body, which in general agreed with
modern conceptions.' Born Swedish he stayed in Germany from 1801. First edition.
234. Ruysch, Fr., Thesaurus anatomicus I (-X). Amst., Janss.-Waesberge, 1721/9. 4to.
W. num. pls. (mostly fold.). Hlf. veil. sold
DSB XII, 39/42: 'Ruysch wrote a description (in both Dutch and Latin) of his collection in a series of ten books:
"Thesaurus anatomicus primus through... decimus.': H. of H. sub 396: 'While they do not constitute his com-
plete works, the to parts of his "Thesaurus..." are especially noteworthy, and the engraved illustrations which
accompany them deserve special mention for their whimsical, almost surrealistic, quality; quaintly posed skele-
tons surrounded by stuffed monsters, strange reptiles, dried plants, and sea creatures.'
235. --, Opera omnia anatomico-medico-chirurgica hue usque edita. Amst.,
Janss. van Waesberge, 1737. In 2 vols. 4to. W. front., portr. and 141 pls. (mostly
fold.). Green veil, (very sl. rubb. and stained). 7500,-
Complete edition of all the works of Ruysch, celebrated Dutch anatomist and physiologist. All the
parts were published separately and the complete collection is not often met with. The present edition
contains also a Life of Boerhaave by J.F. Schreiber and useful indices at the end. Ruysch was the
pioneer of the injection method. The first description of bronchial blood vessels and vascular plexu-
ses of the heart are due to him. The 'Tunica Ruyschiana' commemorates his name. The description
of his anatomical Museum, later acquired by Peter 1, Tsar of Russia, is of particular interest. His
books are well known for their illustrations, some of them of a most remarkable character and stran-
gely reminiscent of surrealist compositions of our own time. Osler 3869. Rothschuh, Tabellen,
357. 848, 1844: Blake 395: Comp. G&M 389: BMN i, 65: See Cole, Hist, of comp. anatomy, i.l.c. See ill.
236. --, Alle de ontleed- genees- en heelkundige werken. Meerendeels in't Ne-
derduijts vertaald door Y.G. Arlebout. Amst., Janss. van Waesberge, 1744. In
3 vols. 4to. W. front, and 135 pls. (128, mostly fold, and 7 textills.) Hlf. roan. 5000,-
Blake 395: Comp. G&M 389: BMN i, 65: See Cole, Hist, of comp. anatomy, i.l.c. First Dutch edition of Ruysch's
collected works. Uncut copy.
237. Ryff, W.(H.), Frawen Rosengarten. Von vilfaltigen sorglichen Zufallen und gebre-
chen der Mutter und Kinder, so inen vor, inn, und nach der Geburt begegnen mogenn.
Frankf., Chr. Egenolff, 1545. Fol. Title w. large woodcut printed in black and red and
num. small woodcuts in the text. Contemp. musical ms. veil, (n, 107 lvs.). (Title and prel.
lvs. neatly restored. No loss of text. A few marginal spots). sold
Waller 8351: Wellcome 1, 5678: Hellman 28: Fasbender 121/2: Enlarged adaption of Rosslins Rosen-
garten (first ed. 1513), which was the first extensive work solely devoted to gynaecology. This is the
only folio edition. All later editions have been published in a smaller format. Finely illustrated with
woodcuts representing instruments, birth chairs, funnels, fumigaters etc. (by Jobst Amman): Extre-
mely rare first ed. See ill.
238. Sans, Abbe de (= Molenier, J.), Guerison de la paralyse, par l'electricite.
Paris, Cailleau, 1778. W. engr. front., 4 fold. pls. Contemp. marbl. clf., spine
gilt, (iv, 234, 11 pp.). (Lower corner sl. waterst.) 1200,-
Not in Wheeler, Ekelof, nor Ronalds.: Comp. Mottelay 229: Notable early work on shock treatment.
Contains chapters on the working of electricity, several methods to isolate a bed. Description of the
electric installation to treat a person lamed by a paralytic stroke, cures for all kind of limbs. The pls.
depict an electrifying machine and its parts, patients during the treatment of sick parts of the body.
Translated into German in 1780. First edition.
239. Schleich, C.L., Schmerzlose Operationen. Oertliche Betaubung mit indifferenten
Flüssigkeiten. Psychophysik des natürlichen und künstlichen Schlafes. Berlin, J. Springer,
1894. W. 32 ills. Hlf. mor. (weak in the hinges) (X, 256 pp.). 1500,-
Waller nr. 8621: Fischer 11 p. 1391: Duncum I.e.: First ed. G&M mentions only an earlier paper (1894) on this
subject by Schleich, disregarding this work, which was certainly of epoch making importance: H. of H. 1143:
'Although the American surgeon W. Halsted (1852-1922) was the first to utilize subcutaneous infiltration anest-
hesia in local surgery, Schleich refined and developed the technique for making use of weak cocaine solutions
and other liquids.'
240. Schuyl, Fl., Pro veteri medicina, contra D. le Vasseur. Lugd. Bat. & Amstelod.,
Gaasbeek, 1670. i2mo. W. 1 fold. anat. pl. Clf. (rebacked). (VIII, 186 pp.). 750,-
DMB 1791/4: 'After his death... was published under his name "Pro veteri medicina", in which the so-called
"experiment of Schuyl" is described; he tried to prove the theory of Sylvius that alkaline gall and acid pancreatic
juice do mix in the duodenum under effervescence. To this purpose S. ligated the duodenum at 2 places and
observed the swelling, stench and effervescence when opening the ligated part.': Banga 511/514: Hirsch v,
171/2: BMN 1, 158: Publication against L. de Vasseur's 'De Sylviana humore triumvirali epistola,' it is a defence
of Sylvius. Haller calls it 'opusculum non ineriditum': The author ed. and transl. 'Descartes, Traité de 1'hom-
241. Sennert, D., De scorbuto tractatus... cui accesserunt ejusdem argumenti tractatus
& epistolae B. Ronssei, J. Echtii, J. Wieri, J. Langii, S. Alberti, M. Martini. Witteberg,
Z. Schurerum, 1624. At the end printer's mark of J.W. Fincelii. Vellum, (XVI, 755, XXII
pp) sl. brown, copy. 950, -
Hirsch v, 230: First ed. A mall piece cut from title without loss of any text.
242. Soemmering, S.Th.-Mantovani, D.V., De corporis humani fabrica. Latio donata
ab ipso aucta et emendata. Frankfurt M., Varrentrap; Crema, A. Ronna, 1794-1823. 8
vols, in 7. Contemp. hlf. clf., back gilt w. labels in red and green. (Very sl. rubb.).
1800, -
DSB XII, 509/11: (First German ed.): 'His handbook of human anatomy.....was based as far as possible on
his own observations and was conceived as a supplt. to Haller's "Primae linae physiologiae; the work was still
in use a half century later...': Greasse VI, 429: Leski Jos. Bibl. 619: Hirsch v, 454: Waller 9056: First Latin
ed. of one of his most important works, comprising: 1) De ossibus. 2) De ligamentis ossium 3) De musculus ten-
dinibus et bursis mucosis. 4) De cerebro et de nervis. 5) De angiologia. 6) De splanchnologia. Added: 'Dei sensi
trattato in suplimento alia notomia di S.T. Sommering compilato sulle altre opere dello stesso... dal D.V. Man-
tovani... 2 vols., being a translation of Soemmering's work on the senses (1801-1809).
243. Solano de Luque, Fr., Observaciones sobre el pulso. Obra póstuma. .. Publicada
de órden de S.M. Madrid, La Imprenta Real, 1787. W. front, portr. Contemp. mottl. clf.,
spine gilt (sl. worn), (XLVIII, 357 pp.). (Last pp. wormh. in the margin). 1750,-
Palau 317066: First edition., posthumously publ. Transl. in Italian, English, Latin, French language: Waller
9062, 2nd ed. of 1797 only: Not in Bedford cat.: Blake 425: Price, Medical Americana, p. 275/6, under San
Alberto: 'Extracto del invento del... Fr. Solano de Loque sobre la predicion de las crisis, buenas o malas por
el pulso. S. de L., ... achieved posthumous European fame for his work on prognosis by means of the pulse.'
244. Spallanzani, (L.), Prodomo di un opera da imprimersi sopra le riproduzioni anima-
Ii. Modena, G. Montanari, 1768. Sm. 4to. Contemp. floral limp brds., gilt, (Very sl. rubb.
and discol. (102 pp.) (Final blank and last lvs. dampst. at the bottom) 5200,-
DSB XII, 553/567: Blake 427: Waller 11962: Singer 435 a.o. pl.: 'Fie made important contributions to several de-
partments of biology. Some of his experiments on spontaneous generation bore a close resemblance to those of
Pasteur': Cole early theories 112, a.o. pl.: 'In his..he claims to have discovered the existence of the tadpole
in the egg of the frog "before fecundation", and he is now definitively an ovist. The frog is hence not oviparous
but viviparous.': gsm ioi: 'Spallanzani first advanced the doctrine of the regeneration of the spinal cord. By
decapitation of the frog he also showed that certain postures may be maintained by a reflex action of the spinal
cord.': Very rare first ed. A French translation appeared the same year, an English ed. in 1769.
245. --, Experiences pour servir a l'histoire de la generation des animaux et des plan-
tes... avec une ebauche de l'histoire des etres organises avant leur fecondation; par Jean
Senebier. Geneve, Chirol, 1786. Wr. (XCVI, 413 pp.) 1250,-
Contains too: 'Refutation de 2 imputations faites a M. Senebier par M. Ingenhous...'; Deux lettres... par M.
Bonnet... a l'auteur ...; 'Extrait d'une lettre de ... Spallanzani a ... Luchesni, ...: Comp. H. of H. 623. 2nd
French translation.
246. Spieghel, A., Opera omnia quae extant, omnia. Ex recensione J.A. vander Lin-
den. Amst., J. Blaeu, 1645. 2 vols, in 1 fol. W. engr. title, portr. of Spieghel and 117 pls.
Old style vellum, (XXIV, 303, XV, 200, IV, 49, III, XXXVI, X, XXXVIII-LXXXVI, VI; VIII, 155,
VIII pp.). (A very few stains in margin, a few tears skilfully, rest.). 19000,-
DSB XII, 577/8: DMB 158/60: Choulant - Frank, 224/8,241: 'This edition of Spigelius' works constitutes the most
complete collection of original impressions of the eighty-seven plates from Casserius' legacy and the twenty ad-
ded to them by Bucretius. These plates were drawn by Odoardo Fialetti (1573-1638), a pupil of Giovanni Battista
Cremonini and of Jacomo Robusti, and engraved by Francesco Valegio (Valesius... Casserius' plates mark a
new epoch in the history of anatomic representation, owing to the correctness of their anatomic drawing, their
tasteful arrangement, and the beauty of their technical execution. And this all the more, since they cover the
whole field of anatomy and have become the models for anatomic illustrations in copper, just as the Vesatian
representation had been for anatomic woodcuts...' G&M 381 and 5229: Waller 9124: Keynes, Harvey 5: H. of
H. 284: Spieghel made many anatomical discoveries, mostly concerning the ear, (sea Dobson, Eponymous no-
menclature) but he also wrote on malaria fever, arthritis, tapeworms, and herbs. In addition to Spiegel's works,
these volumes contain G. Aselli's De lactibus sive lacteis venis, with 4 engravings: William Harvey's De motu
cordis, with a fine version of the plate illustrating the valves of the veins; J. Walaeus, Epistolae duae, de motu
chyli & sanguinis; and (vander) Linden's De monstrosis vermibus, observatio rara.: First collected ed. of one
of the most important and beautiful of all anatomical works.
247. Sterre, D. van der, Voorstelling van de noodsaakelijkheid der keyserlijke snee:
Daar neven de verhandelinge van de teeling en baaring. Briefs-wijs opgedragen aan Corn,
's Gravesande. Leiden, D. van Gaesbeek, 1682. i2mo. W. 5 pls. Hlf. clf. (sl. rubb.) (158,
11 pp.). (A few pp. w. very tiny wormh., margins very sl. waterst.). 2450,-
DMB 1880/1: 'After having practised somewhere in Holland for some time he went to Curasao. He was appointed
there for the care of the slaves... Before his departure for the West Indies van der S. had published one or more
treatises in Dutch, and he was appointed a member of the Academia Caesaria Leopoldina under the name of
Valerius Maximus.' Banga 654/8: He was the first to describe (before van Deventer), the slanting position of
the uterus by which the 'ostium uteri' could not be reached. He also described difficult confinements, caused
by the narrowness of the pelvis, for the first time: BMN i, 342: Parkinson 2352: With 3 pls. only: Rare.
248. --, Tractatus novus de generatione ex ovo: Nec non de monstrorum productione;
duabus epistolis comprehensus. Amst., C. Blancard, 1687. Old brds. (rubb.). (iv, 149
pp.). 1400,-
v.d. Aa VI, 312: Banga 654/8: Haller, Bibl. anat. 1, 688/9: Parkinson 2350: BMN i, 135: DMB 1880/1: 'One of
these letters is directed to Th. Craanen, the other one to St. Blancard. From this appears once more that v.d.S.
was a Cartesian. In the first letter he criticizes Leeuwenhoek's conception of generation (the animalculism). Hal-
ler noted "Marum vult solum fermentum ad ovum conferre. Ante nuperos putat se animalcula in liquore genitali
mulierum videsse".' First ed.
start in the history of forensic medicine
249. Swammerdam, J., Tractatus physico-anatomico-medicus de respiratione usuque
pulmonum. In quo, praeter primam respirationis in foetu inchoationem, aëris per circu-
lum propulsio statuminator, attractio exploditur; experimentaque ad explicandum sangui-
nis in corde tarn auctum quam diminitum matum in medium producuntur. (At the end:
'Positiones inaugurales, pro adipiscendo doctoratus in medicina... Leiden 22-11-1667'. (7
pp.). Leiden, D., Abr., & Adr. a Gaasbeeck, 1667. w. front, and ills. Old clf., back gilt
(sl. worn), (XVI, 121, XXII pp.). 3900,-
DSB XIII, 168/175: Garrison 253/4 a.o. pl.: 'He was also no mean experimental physiologist, studying the move-
ments of the heart, the lungs, and the muscles by plethysmographic methods which are almost modern': G&M
1724: Osler 959 (1679 ed. only: Waller 9385: H. of H. 388: 'The present work, a classic on respiration, was his
inaugural dissertation... and one of only four works published during his lifetime. He first showed that the
lungs of a newborn infant would float if the child had ever breathed, and this discovery was put to legal use
in cases of infanticide. The engraved title page illustrates his ingenious, if complicated, device for the study of
>> subject index
>> begin
250. --, Miraculum naturae sive uteri muliebris fabrica, notis in D. Joh. van Home pro-
dromum illustrata, & in tabulis... Adjecta est nova methodus, cavitatés corporis ita prae-
parandi, ut suam semper genuinam faciem servent. Leiden, Boutesteyn, 1679 sm. in 4to.
3 fold. pl. Brds. (mod.) (VI, 57, 1 pp.) 2200,-
DMB, 1923: DSB XIII, 168/175: Comp. G&M i2i i (ist ed. 1672). Schierbeek p. 185 a. pl. 3. Haller, 1, 541: Included
in this ed. is his method of injecting wax into the bloodvessels.
251. Tagliacozzi, G., Cheirurgia nova, De narium, aurium, laboriumque defectu, per in-
sitionem cutis ex humero, arte, hactenus omnibus ignota, sarciendo. Frankf., Exc. I. Sau-
rius, impensis P. Kopffij, 1598. W. 22 full-page woodcuts. Limp veil. (605, X pp.)
(Browned). 9500,-
Comp. G&M 5734: Durling 4312: Waller 9450: Wellcome 6211: Parkinson 2389: Gnudi & Webster no. 322:
McDowell i.l.c.: This book, first published in 1597, was the first modern work on plastic surgery. Tagliacozzi
revived the operation of rhinoplasty which had been practised in Italy in the 15th century. But he was much abu-
sed for his work even by such men as Paré and Faloppius, and the ecclesiastical authorities opposed his practice.
After him plastic surgery was neglected again until the time of Carpue and Dieffenbach in the 19th century. This
2nd edition contains the same striking illustrations as the first, but reduced to 8vo size. See ill.
252. --, Gnudi, M.T. & J.P. Webster, The life and times of Gaspare Tagliacozzi surge-
on of Bologna 1545-1599 with a documented study of the scientific and cultural life of
Bologna in the 16th century. Milano, U. Hoepli, 1950. 4to. W. 76 pls. and ills. Pr. wr.
(XXIV, 538 pp.). 325,-
Lim. ed.
253. Tarin, P., Adversaria anatomica, ... prima, de omnibus cerebri, nervorum & orga-
norum functionibus animalibus inserventium, descriptionibus & iconibus. Paris, J.F. Mo-
reau, 1750. Large in 4to. W. 18 fold. pls. (3 printed in colour). Contemp. mottl. clf., spine
and edges gilt. (1 corner sl. bump.), (VIII, 46, 11 pp.) (Lower margin of last pp. very sl.
wormh. No loss of text). 15000,-
Choulant 274 a.o.: Hist, de la med. et du livre medical, 307: 'Sur les 8 planches (sic) de l'ouvrage de Tarin: ...
3 planches en couleurs porlanl la signature: "J. Robert del. ad. nat. et sculp." rappellen! par leur
aspect les figures coloriées et sont surtout intéressantes au point de vue de 1'histoire de la technique':
He was a pupil of Le Blon and illustrated 2 medical books: Clarke & Dewhurst i: 'The nervous
system was first presented pictorially in an interesting book published in 1750 by P. Tarin (1725-
1761), who was in charge of all contributions to the great "Encyclopédie" on anatomy and physiolo-
gy.': Meyer, 17, fig. 3: 'One of the earliest clear illustrations of the posterior commissure; from Tarin
(1750), Table i, figs. 2a and 3a... The credit for giving the first indication of our "fascia dentata"
also goes to Tarin; he described it near the interior margin as "substantia cinerea"...': Dobson 200:
'Tarin's valves - thickenings of the velum medullare posterius joining the vermis of the cerebellum
(valvulae et scrobes ventriculi cerebri quarti)': Waller 9486: Blake 444: Not in Cole Libr. See ill.
254. Temple, W., Miscellanea of verscheidene tractaten zoo staatkundige als
andere. Utr., A. Schouten, 1695. 2 vols, in 1. Vellum. (635, XI, v pp.). 950,-
v.d. Aa vu, 19: Not in BMN: Mestier 42, p. 471: '.. .popularity of the moxa in England was greatly
enhanced when W. Temple, an English diplomat, statesman, and essayist, was cured of the gout and
afterward described his experience in a pamphlet entitled "An essay upon the cure of the gout by
Moxa" (Nijmegen, 1677): The author, ambassador in the Netherlands, published here his first Dutch edition:
"Ondersoek over de genesingh van het podagra, door de moxa.' (Vol. I, pp. 194/247).
255. Thesaurus, dissertationum, programmatum, aliorumque opusculorum selectissi-
morum and omne medicinae ambitum pertinentium collegit, edidit et necessaries indices
adjunxit ed. Ed. Sandifort. Leiden, Luchtmans v.d. Eyk en Vygh. 1778. 3 vols, in 4to.
With numer. pl. (mostly folding). Hlf. clf. (rebacked). 1750,-
v.d. Aa v, 11/12: Hirsch, v, 12: DMB 1718/21: H. of H. 658: 'A pupil of Albinus, as well as his successor to
the chair of anatomy and surgery at the University of Leiden. Sandifort directed his efforts to the development
and perfection of the anatomy of disease and is sometimes called "the father of pathological iconography, (the
work contains) letters drawn from the works of Sandifort's contemporaries covering medicine, surgery, anato-
my, pathology, and botany. The .. .engravings are of special interest.'
256. Titsingh, A., De verdonkerde heelkonst der Amsterdammers, uit hunne eigen hand-
vesten, ... door redelijke oeffeningen opgehelderd, ...met aanmerkelijke bevindingen
bevestigd, ...Amst., B. van Gerrevink & Erve Ratelband, 1735. 4to. W. front, and 1
portr. Contemp. hlf. clf., back gilt. (XXN, 800, LXVIII pp.). 950,-
DMB, 1986/7: Hirsch v, 596: BMN i, 292.
257. Tulp, N.(P.), Observationum medicarum. Amst., L. Elsevier, 1641. W. 15 pls. Hlf.
clf., b.g. (b. sl. dam.), (XIV, 279 pp.). (sl. watersp., some ann.). 2100,-
DMB 2004/6: Up till 1739 6 Latin editions appeared.: As an anatomist he extended the knowledge of the spinal
cord. Comp. G&M 3737: (1652 Latin ed.). 'One of the earliest accounts of beri-beri is on pp. 300/5. Tulp notable
as the demonstrator in Rembrandt's "anatomy lesson" was among the first in the same book, to describe the
ileocaecal valve. ("Tulp's valve"). First Dutch edition.
258. --, De 3 boecken der medicijnsche aenmerkingen, ... Amst., J. Benjamyn, 1650.
W. 15 pls. (portr. wanting). Contemp. veil, (XIV, 279 pp.). 1400,-
DMB 2004/6: Up till 1739 6 Latin editions appeared. This is the only Dutch ed.: As an anatomist he extended
the knowledge of the spinal cord. Comp. G&M 3737: (1652 Latin ed.). 'One of the earliest accounts of beri-beri
is on pp. 300/5. Tulp notable as the demonstrator in Rembrandt's "anatomy lesson" was among the first in
the same book, to describe the ileocaecal valve. ("Tulp's valve"). First Dutch edition.
259. Valentin, G., Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen. 2te umgearb. und verm.
Aufl. Braunschweig, Fr. Vieweg & Sohn, 1847/50. 2 vols, in 4. W. num. pls. and ills. Cl.
(last vol. not uniform) (Text sl. sp., some libr. St.). 1475,-
Hirsch v, 692/3: DSB Xn, 555/8: A second edition of the textbook soon proved necessary..., and in it Valentin
demonstrated the existence of the threshold of taste...': With new chapters on the use of electricity in medicine,
the electric measuring of muscular strength, thermoelectricity. Voltaic alternatives, etc.
260. Varandal, J., Tractatus de elephantiasi seu lepra, item de lue venerae, et hepatitide,
seu hepatis... Nunc primum in lucem editi. Montpellier, Fr. Chouët, 1620. B.u.w.: Idem,
Tractatus, de affectibus renum & vesicae Sec. ed. corr. & emendata. Geneve, P. & J.
Chouët, 1620. 3) Idem, De morbis mulierum lib. in... nunc primum in lucem editi. Mont-
pellier, Fr. Chouët, 1620. 4) Idem, Formulae remediorum internorum et externorum se-
cundum genera & locos, ... 2nda editio. Ibid., 1620. Contemp. veil., edges gauffered.
(Names on 1st t.p., some 11. sl. watersp.). 1400,-
Hirsch v, 706/7: 'Da diese Schriften sehr selten geworden waren, veranstaltete... H. Gras... eine Gesammtaus-
gabe (Lyon 1658)..Neuburger-Pagel III, 963: 'Die virulente Gonorrhoee wird als eine Form der Lues venera
der gutartigen gegenübergestellt und das Guajakholz, ... dagegen empfohlen. Er empfiehlt bei "Distorsion" der
weiblichen Genitalien eine Kanüle einzulegen, was also der spateren Stiftbehandlung bei Uterusdelokationen
entspricht. Auch heisse Wasser-lrrigationen empfiehlt er bereits. Dass syphilitische Frauen oft unlruchtbar sind,
oder, falls sie schwanger werden, vorzeitig gebaren oder schwachliche, kurzlebige Kinder zur Welt bringen, ist
ihm bereits bekannt.'
261. Velpeau, (A.)A.L.M., Traité d'anatomie chirurgicale, ou anatomie des regions,
considérée dans ses rapports avec la chirurgie. Paris, Crevot, 1825/6. In 2 vols. W. 14
fold. pls. Contemp. hlf. clf. w. green backlabel. (sl. rubb., 1 joint sl. spl.). 1150,-
Comp. G&M 5592: Billings 97/8: The first complete and systematic work in which the details of regional anatomy
were throughout considered with reference to their surgical relations. ... 'he contributed greatly to the progress
of surgery between 1825 and 1855, and especially in surgical anatomy, the pathology of pyaemia, the diagnosis
of tumors, and the diseases of the... his lessons were followed by crowds of pupils, including many who became
distinguished surgeons in other countries as well as in France.': Wangensteen i.l.c.: H. of H. 880: V..was
considered the leading French surgeon of his time. Fie was one of the first to attack aneurysms of the great ves-
262. Velthuysen, L. van, Tractatus duo medico-physici unus De liene alter De generatio-
ne. Utr., Th. ab Ackersdijck & G. a Zyll, 1657. 2 vols, in i.umo. 1050,-
DMB 2038/9: v.d. Aa VII, 26/7: Banga 452: Hirsch V, 723/4: BMN I, 127: First ed.: v. Matuschka, L. van Velthuy-
sens ... Menstruationstheorie, i.l.c.
263. Veslingius, J., Künstliche Zerlegung menschlichen Leibes. Lateinisch geschrie-
ben ... von ... ins Deutsche übersetzet durch G. Blasium. Leiden, A. Weyngarden, 1652.
4to. W. front, and 24 pls. in the text. Vell. (back dam.), (VIII, 192, XIII pp.). 1800,-
Hirsch V, 738/9: Choulant-Franck, 243: 'The plates were invented for the common needs, but are mostly original
engravings and represent some organs of the human body more correctly than their predecessors'. 'A good and
much-used manual': The rare first German ed.: Not in Bruckner: BMNi, 80.
264. Vigo, G. da, The whole worke of ... Newly corrected, ... (by G. Baker and R.
Norton). Whereunto are annexed certain works, compiled and published by Th. Gale...
Lond., Th. East, 1586. 4to. W. 1 fold, table. Clf., w. backlabel. (signed 'Boyd, Wallis
& Lloyd) (X, 455, 1 (col.) lvs.) (A few ann. in ink). 3250,-
Durling 4618: STC 24723: Parkinson 2531: DSB XIv, 27/8: 'Vigo (1450-1525) was among the first to advocate the
use of mercury ointment in treating syphilis, ... (In this book) he amplified and made more precise his teaching
on his topics, particularly on trephination. Fie was the first during the Middle Ages to describe the crown saw
for removing a bone disk from the skull, ... Comp. H. of H. 85: 'Vigo was also interested in dentistry and was
one of the first to use gold leaf to fill cavities of the Teeth'. Containing the extremely rare folding leaf between
di and d2 Inscribed on title 'Johes Searls me precio possidet': Rare as all editions of this important work on
265. Virchow, R., Die Cellularpathologie in ihrer Begründung auf physiologische und
pathologische Gewebelehre. Berl., A. Hirschwald, 1858. W. 144 woodcut ills. Contemp.
brds. (Spine dam. In cl. box. (XVI, 440 pp.). 5750,-
DSB XIV, 39/44 H. of H. 1013: 'The importance of this work can scarcely be overstated; it is not only the cor-
nerstone but the very foundation of cellular pathology and "one of the most important books in the history
of medicine" (Garrison-Morton 2299). Virchow's theory that the seat of disease as well as any developed tissue
could be traced back to the cell prompted his dictum "Omnis cellula e cellula" ("every cell from a cell") to be
added to Flarvey's "omne vivum ex ovo" ("every living thing from an egg") and Pasteur's "Omne vivum e
vivo" ("Every living thing from a living thing"). Although after later research the concept had to be somewhat
modified, "cellular pathology" is a term which belongs to Virchow alone.': Garrison-Morton 2299; Osler 1624;
Waller 9996. Fine copy in its prime binding, brds. (Spine with loss of small pieces of the paper used). Bound
with: 'Verzeichniss der medicinischen Verlages von A. Hirschwald, Berlin, 1858 (27, 1 pp.).
266. Voit, C. (von), Untersuchungen über den Einfluss des Kochsalzes, des Kaffee's und
der Muskelbewegungen auf den Stoffwechsel. Ein Beitrag zur Feststellung des Princips
der Erhaltung der Kraft in den Organismen. München, i860. W. 1 fold, table. Hlf. cl.
b.g. (discol. sl. dam.), (IV, 253 pp.). 1100,-
Hirsch V, 795/6: DSB, XIV, 64: 'Then Voit took up on his own the question of whether other factors can influence
the rate of decomposition of organic substances. He began by examining the effects of coffee but concluded
that it does not significantly affect the nitrogenous metabolism': Needham 189: . .contributed profoundly to
the transformation of physiological chemistry..
267. Vrolik, W., Beschrijving der beenderen van het menschelijk ligchaam, naar aanlei-
ding van Blumenbach. Amst., J. Müller, 1834. W. 1 fold. pl. Contemp. hlf. cl. (VIII, 222,
1 (err.) pp.). (Interleaved copy w. numer. contemp. annotations.) 450, -
DMB 2107/10: 'V. exerted himself to enlarge and to describe the fine anatomical collection of his father Gerard
V., which contained, inter alia, numerous skulls. It was named "Museum Vrolik" and became famous at home
and abroad.': BMN I, 89: DSB II, 203/5 (Blumenbach): Rare first Dutch ed. inspired by Blumenbach's 'Geschichte
und Beschreibung der Knochen des menschlichen Körpers' (Göttingen, 1786).
268. --, Tabulae ad illustrandam embryogenesin hominis et mammalium tam naturalem
quam abnormen. - De vrucht van den mensch en van de zoogdieren afgebeeld en be-
schreven. Amst., G.M.P. Londonck, 1849. In 2 vols. Sm. in fol. W. 100 lithogrs. Con-
temp. cl. (spines discol.). 3400,-
BMN I, 138: DMB 2107/8: Hirsch V, 806: Ricci 486: In 1850 this tine atlas ot comparative emoryoiogy was awaroeu
with the prize Montyon by the 'Académie des sciences' at Paris. This work includes monstrosities. Father and
son built the well-known anatomical collection 'Vrolik Museum', still existing. Text bilingual Latin and Dutch.
269. Wagner, R. & G. Meissner, Uber das Vorhandensein bisher unbekannter eigen-
thümlicher Tastkorperchen (Corpuscula tactus) in den Gefühlswarzchen der menschlichen
Haut und über die Endausbreitung sensitiver Nerven. (Gött.), 1852. Wr. (pp. 17-30). (In:
Nachr. v.d. G.A. Univ. u.d. Kön. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. zu Gött. 1852, part II).
G&M 1460: 'First published account of tactile nerve endings "Wagner's corpuscles'": Copy from the library of
the Basler physiologist F. Miescher, the discoverer of nuclein acid.
270. Weber, E.H. & Weber (E.F.)W., Wellenlehre auf Experimente gegründet oder über
die Wellen tropfbarer Flüssigkeiten mit Anwendung auf die Schall- und Lichtwellen.
Leipz., G. Fleischer, 1825. W. 18 fold. pls. and 2 fold, tables. Brds. (XXVIII, 574, II pp.).
Kelly 422: G&M 766: 'The velocity of the pulse wave was first measured by the Webers.' The book was dedicated
to Chladni. The brothers Weber were the first to demonstrate the interference of sound by the tuning fork, the
existence of transversal waves in fluids, interference and reflection of waves, and the formation of stationary
waves. It is an important contribution to hydraulics. See Rouse and Ince 144/6: 'The book as well is an almost-
forgotten part of hydraulics literature, although it contains a detailed résumé of what has been written about
wave motion prior to that time and a vast assortment of new observations': Darmstaedter 362.
271. Wernicke, C., Der aphasische Symptomencomplex. Eine psychologische Studie auf
anatomischer Grundlage. Breslau, M. Cohn & Weigert, 1874. Contemp. brds. (72 pp.).
(St. in upper right corner of title). 2800,-
DSB XIV, 277/8: Wernicke called his first major work (this), a "psychological study on an anatomical ba-
sis". In that monograph he developed his concept of cerebral localization, fully described sensory aphasia (Wer-
nicke's aphasia) for the first time and located the lesion causing this condition in the posterior portion of the
first left temporal convolution. Wernicke's work also helped to establish firmly the notion of right and left cere-
bral dominance.': Kolle, Grosse Nervenaerzte II, 106-128: 'Diese Arbeit..., bedeutet eines der groszen Ereignis-
se in der Geschichte der Medizin, ...': Spillane 426 a.o. pl.: Young 146: Zilboorg & Henry 449, a.o. pl.: Alexan-
der & Selesnick 205/6: 'W. won an international medical reputation with his book on aphasia...': Haymaker
& Schiller 534: Garrison & McHenry 359 a.o. pl.: 'He... described three types of aphasia; sensory, due to
destruction of the left temporal convolution; motor, due to a lesion of Broca's area; and a third type of aphasia
due to interference with conduction between these two centers. Total aphasia, in his opinion, resulted from
destruction of both centers.': He included in his book accounts of alexia and agraphia: Ex libris E. Mannkopf
(See Hirsch IV, 59/60) One of the most important and rarest books in the history of neuropsychiatry. See ill.
272. Willis, Th., Diatriba duae medico-philosophica: quarum prior agit dc fermentatio-
ne, sive de motu intestino particularum in quovis corpore; altera de febribus, sive de motu
earundem in sanguine animalium. Hic accessit dissertatio epistolica de urinis. Ed. postre-
ma prioribus longe emendatior atque auctior. Amst., Schaghen, 1669. nmo. With
engrav. front. Vellum, (XVIII, 408 pp.) 1250,-
Comp. G&M 2464 (for 1659 ed.): 'Contains the earliest suggestion that fermentation is an intestinal or internal
motion of particles; the analogy between putrefaction and fermentation is also noted.': Comp. G&M 5020: 'Inclu-
des (De febribus, cap X, XIv) first description of epidemic typhoid.': Comp. H. of H. 343.
273. Winslow, J.B., Exposition anatomique de la structure du corps humain. Paris,
Desprez & Desessartz, (Overpasted 'Chez Laurent-Charles d'Houry fils, ...), 1732. 4 vols,
in 1, 4to. W. 4 fold. engr. pls. Contemp. mottl. clf., back gilt (1 joint very sl. spl.). (XXX,
DSB XIv, 449/450. Another eponym is 'pancreas of Winslow'. (See Dobson 226). The author, Danish by birth,
born at Odense 1669, went to Paris and was appointed prof, in 1743, a position he held till his death in 1760.
He was one of the most noted anatomical teachers in Europe: First ed. G&M 394: 'The foramen between the grea-
ter and lesser sacs of the peritoneum (descr. on pp. 352/65), is named after Winslow. His 'Exposition' is distin-
guished as being the first book on descriptive anatomy to discard physiological details and hypothetical explana-
tions foreign to the subject. He did much to condense and systematize the anatomical knowledge of his time.':
Waller 10354.
274. Wirtsung, Chr., Medecijn boec, daer inne alle uijtwendighe ende inwendighe partij-
en des menschen lichaems, met alle hare sieckten ende gebreken... welckx ghelijcke, hier
te voren in Nederlandtsche sprake, noijt uitghegaen en is.. . Hier achter is bij ghevoeght,
eenen excellenten, nieuwen, gheapprobeerden cockboeck. 5e verb, druck. Dordrecht, l.A.
Canin, 1616. Fol. Vell. (XX, 676, XLVI, II (blank), XLVIII, XXVI pp.). (Recased. Lower right
corner sl. watersp. Annotations in pencil) 8500, -
BMN 1,71: Ferchl 583: NNBW v, 27: Wirtsung was a pharmacist in Augsburg and Heidelberg (1500-1571) and was
the first to investigate pancreatic fluid. The book was translated by C. Battus (Carel Baten), medical doctor of
the city of Dordrecht, and born at Gent. He was also the translator of Guillemeau and Paré 'He was a well-
skilled doctor, and a pioneer, as well as being the first to publish medical works in Dutch, which has given him
a bad reputation among the more conservative minds (Baumann). With Latin and Dutch indexes. The cookery
book at the end (not in Vicaire or Bitting), has the title: Eenen seer schoonen, ende excelenten coc-boeck, van
ghebraet, ghesoden, pasteijen, taerten, vlaeijcn, saussen, sopen, ende dier-gelijcke: Ooc diversche confeijtueren
ende drancken, etc.
275. --, Medecijn-boeck, Amst., H. Laurentsz., n.d. (Last part w. separate title, dated
1628). Sm. fol. W. portr. of Hippocrates on t.p. Contemp. veil, (XVIII, 600, XCVIII, XXVI,
49, III pp.). 8750,-
See note preceding number. An unusually fine copy of this medical book used by physicians, chemists, obstetri-
cians and people living in country-houses, etc.
276. Wundt, W., Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie. Leipz., W. Engelmann,
1874. W. 155 ills. Hlf. cl., b.g. (Signed E. Hollenstein, Wien) (XII, 870, 11 pp.). 2400,-
Hirsch v, 1004/5: G&M 4976: 'Wundt made experimental investigations of normal individual reactions, reflex
responses and general behaviour and interpreted them in terms of neutral mechanisms. He is the founder of ex-
perimental psychology and the book remains the most important on the subject.': Horblit, 100 books famous
in science 100a: 'Great correlator of mathematical, psychophysical, physiological and experimental principles
in psychology.': Boring, i.l.c.
740. VIII pp.).
277. Wurtz, F., Chirurgie. Tegenwoordigh op nieu. .. oversien door R. Wurtz... Nu
voor de tweedemael in Nederduijts... overgeset... door A.L. Vos, chirurgijn tot Zaer-
dam. Amst., H. Walschaert, 1633. 4to. Contemp. veil. (X, 390, XIv pp.). (W. marg. spot-
ting, ann. in ink, and on flylvs.) 2100,-
BMN i, 290: 2nd Dutch ed.
278. Zimmermann, J.G., Von der Ruhr unter dem Volke i.J. 1765, und denen mit der-
selben eingedrungen Vorurtheilem, nebst einigen allgemeinen Aussichten in die Heilung
dieser Vorurtheile. Zürich, Füeslein & Comp., 1767. Engr. on title. Hlf. clf., b.g. (Rub-
bed). (XII, 544 pp.). 1750,-
Hirsch v, 1042: Waller 10488: G&M 5090: 'First iniportani monograph on bacillary dysentery. Engl, transl.
Lond., 1771 *: H. of H. 615: 'The present work.. . remained an authority on the disease for several decades after
its publication': With many supplementary ms. additions in the margin by contemp. hand.
279. Zinn.-Haller, A. de (pracs.), Dissertatio inauguralis medica sistens experimenta
quaedem circa corpus collosum cerebellum, duram meningem in vivis animalibus institu-
ta ... proponit auctor l.G. Zinn. Göttingen, A. VandenHoeck, 1749. Sm. in 4to. Mod.
hlf. veil. (56 pp.). 1100,-
Hirsch v, 1046: Thesis from this famous prof. of anatomy (Comp. G&M, 1483/4) a.o. Zinn's ligament - Zonule
of Zinn: Dobson 85: Comp. Rothschuh 1521: 'Besondere Bedeutung der Medulla für vitale Funktionen': 1679:
'Zwangsbewegungen bei Verletzung der Kleinhirnstiele.'
280. Vesalius, A., De humani corporis fabrica libri septem. Basilae, J. Oporinus, (Co-
lophon: 1555). Large fol. W. elaborate woodcut title, portr. of the author, 2 double page
pls. and 1 full-page pit., num. sumptuous woodcut ills., some of them full-page, large
historiated initials. Old style pigskin binding, (XII, 824, XIVIII pp.). (Very sl. waterst. in
places, prel. lvs. sl. wash.). 60.000,-
Bibl. Belgica, V, 696: Cushing, VI.A.-3 (pp. 90 onw.): Dibner, 122 note: G. & M. 377: "A better edition of the
'Fabrica"': Garrison, 217 ff.: PMM, 71: Second illustrated edition, revised and more sumptuously produced
than the first one, originally published by Oporinus in 1543. The publication of this work marks the beginning
of a new era in medicine and specially in anatomy, based upon actual dissection; it supersedes Galen, whose
works had been accepted as the ultimate authority since classical antiquity. "A book of revolutionary moment
in anatomy, and in surgery in a format surpassed by no other scientific treatise". (Dibner): Choulant/Frank 182:
"The impression of the woodcuts is often clearer, and more beautiful than in the previous edition. ... The press-
work is more splendid; the fancy initials throughout are larger and more beautiful, and are also adorned with
drawings different from those of the first edition. The second edition therefore has, especially for practical pur-
poses, advantages over the first on account of additions in the text and in the illustrations, and particularly on
account of its more splendid make up.": The splendid woodcuts are ascribed to Tizian, or to a member of Titi-
an's school, probably Giovanni Steph. Calcar; famous are the 2 series of full-page illustrations with panoramic
landscapes in the background. This second edition was printed on larger and better paper and with larger types.
The title of the 2nd ed. is newly cut in wood. New initials were cut and the visibility of the legends on some
woodblocks were improved. The major feature in the revision of the text is the first diagnosis and description
of aneurism of the abdominal and thoracic aorta.
Despite the sm. defects mentioned, a fine copy with broad margins, of a monumental book.
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