>> HOMEpage Winkeluithangtekens LondenBron: The signboards of old London shops, by Sir Ambrose Heal - London 1957/1988, Index of Shop Signs. ![]() Acorn & Star, 136. Adam & Eve, 118, 123, 157. Adam & Eve & Star, 110. Alfred's Head, 154. Amberley Trout, 67. Anchor, 113, 125, 166. Anchor & Case of Knives, 60, 76. Anchor & Crown, 44, 77, 107, 155, 158, 160. Anchor & Dove, 77. Anchor & Key, 104. Anchor & Ring, 76. Anchor & Star, 94, 105. Anchor & Sun, 144. Angel, 32, 35, 36, 53, 54, 66, 70, 77, 79, 89, 115, 124, 125. Angel & Bible, 158. Angel & Crown, 44, 54, 90, 101, 118, 127, 129, 145. Angel & Gloves, 69. Angel & Oxford Arms, 97. Angel & Rose, 92. Angel & Scales, 151, 152. Angel & Three Shoes, 36. Angel & Slipper, 35. Angel & Still, 81, 167. Angel & Tea Chest, 164. Angler & Trout, 67. Anodyne Necklace & Case of Knives, 59. Anvil & Cross Hammers, 28. Ape on Horseback, 90. Archimedes & Globe, 142, 143. Archimedes & Three Golden Spectacles, 142. Archimedes & Three Pair of Golden Spectacles, 143. Archimedes & Three Spectacles, 142, 143. Archimedes & Two Golden Spectacles, 142. Architrave Frame, 45. Artichoke, 91, 100, 109, 113. Artichoke & Three Anchors, 118. Ass & Foal, 28, 29. Atlas, 154. Azimuth Compass, 153. Bail & Glove, 70. Bathing Tub, 57. Bathing ‘Tub & Pail, 57. Bear & Crown, 175. Bear & Ragged Staff, 39. Beaver & Star, 98. Beehive, 100, 113, 121, 179. Beehive & Patten, 58, 174. Beehive & Three Sugar Loaves, 83. Beehive & Wax Chandler, 179. Bell, 29, 54, 55, 68, 82, 105, 140, 159, 161. Bell & Anchor, 37. Bell & Breeches, 39. Bell & Dragon, 47. Bell & Star, 158, 159, 160. Bell & Sun, 55. Bell & Three Sugar Loaves, 84, “5 Bellows & Ball, 108, 109. Ben Jonson's Head, 100. Bible, 31, 32, 33, 34, 65, 112, 158, 159, 160. Bible & Anchor, 32. Bible & Crown, 30, 33, 34, 143, 157, 160, 161. Bible & Dove, 30, 31, 33, 158. Bible & Star, 158. Bible & Three Legs, 31. Bird Cage, 181. Bird in Hand, 28, 99. Bishop's Head, 150. Bishop Blaze, 102. Bit & Crown, 30. Black Boy, 46, 90, 96, 109, 139, 141. Black Boy & Bird Cage, 182. Black Boy & Hat, 97. Black Boy & Still, 169. Black Boy & Sugar Loaf, 82, 87. Black Boy & White Horse, 170. Black Boy & Worm, 146. Black Bull, 163, 180. Black Horse, 149, 181. Black Lion, 44, 48, 101, 104, 105, 122, 125, 157, 169. Black Lion & Anchor, 48. Black Lion & Golden Anchor, 46. Black Lion & Lamb, 114. Black Peruke, 146. Black Peruke & Star, 146. Black Prince, 134. Black Raven, 89, 95. Black Spread Eagle, 158, 177. Black Swan, 126. Black Swan & Parrot, 184. Blackmoor's Head, 12, 54, 71, 79, 84, 85, 87, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, §19, 120, 126, 127, 129, 131, 192, 133, 135, 136, 147; 155, 159, 168, 169. Blackmoor's Head & Star, 115, 121. Blackmoor's Head & Sun, 74. Blackmoor's Head & Whale, 180. Bleeder, 162. Bleeder & Star, 162. Blue Anchor, 41, 113, 116, 119, 125, 132. Blue Anchor & Ball, 126. Blue Anchor & Crown, 39. Biue Anchor & Gate, 30. Biue Anchor & Star, 71. Blue Ball, 62, 109, 180, 183. Blue Ball & Artichoke, 43. Blue Boar, 58, 71, 114, 124, 126, 130, 155, 171. Blue Boar & Crown, 128. Blue Boar & Peacock, 89. Blue Boar's Head, 181. Blue Coat Boy, 54, 55, 173. Blue Goat Boy & Quadrant, 153. Blue Curtain, 44, 175, 176. Blue Dog, 55. Blue Flower-de-Lis, 44. Blue Gate, 61, 104. Blue Last, 36. Blue Lion, 80. Blue Lion & Crown, 71. Blue Peruke, 146. Blue Peruke & Half Moon, 146. Blue Spire & Golden Ball, 99. Blue & White Peruke, 146. Boerhaave's Head, 47. Boot, 35, 37. Boot & Breeches, 39. Boot & Crown, 35. Boy & Coral, 79. Brass Lock & Key, 122. Breeches, 309. Breeches & Glove, 38, 39. Britannia, 125. Britannia & Key, 130, 135. Brush & Bellows, 30. Buck, 31. Buck & Breeches, 38, 30. Buck, Breeches & Glove, 30. Buck & Glove, 70. Buckthorn Tree, 47. Bull & Gate, 33. Bunch of Grapes, 127. Cabinet, 44, 72, 137. Cabinet & Chair, 43. Calico Printer, 44. Camden's Head & City Arms, 155. Canister, 65, 164. Canister & Crown, 85. Canister, Rose & Three Sugar Loaves, 85. Canister & Sugar Loaf, 83. Canister & Three Sugar Loaves, 83, 86. Cap in Hand, 97. Carpenters' Arms, 45. Carved Angel, 42. Carved Blackmoor's Head, 119. Carved Golden Angel, 119. Carved Golden Lion, 65. Case of Knives, 59, 60, 61. Case of Knives & Forks & Goldsmiths' Arms, 80. Castle, 43. Cat, 156, 180. Catherine Wheel, 100. Chair, 42, 43. Chair & Anchor, 176. Chair & Crown, 177. Chair & Curtains, 42. Chair & Tea Chest, 41. Chamber Grate & Gridiron, 38. Chandelier, 77. Charles II Porter & Dwarf, 102. Cheese & Star, 46. Chelsea Bun House, 40. Cherry Tree, 62. Child's Coat & Rose, 137, 162. China Jar, 50, 181. China Man & Tea Tree, 84. Chinese Porter, 87. Cistern, 38. City Arms, 61, 149. City & Senator's Arms, 155. City of Seville, 145. Civet Cat, 145. Civet Cat & Three Herrings, 47. Clock Case, 52. Cock & Tobacco Roll, 168. Cock & Turk's Head, 107. Coffee Mill, 40, 82, 83, 85. Coffee Mill & Nimble Ninepence, 173. Coffin, 175. Coffin & Crown, 175. Conduit, 49. Cooper's Tools, 170. Cork Jacket, 58. Cork Tree, 58. Coventry Cross, 97, 124, 128, 133, 134. Cow & Hare, 162. Crane & Anchor, 93, 178. Crispin, 36. — Crooked Bill, 44. Cross Bow, 88. Cross Daggers, 58, 60, 153. Cross Guns, 88. Cross Guns & Pheasant, 88. Cross Keys, 37, 96, 109, 122. Cross Keys & Star, 40. Cross Saws & Gridiron, 105. Cross Stockings & Cap, 101. Crown, 30, 35, 57, 62, 63, 64, 69, 73, 78, 80, 92, 106, 112, 117, 118, 120, 138, 149, 161, 166, 173, 184. Crown & Acorn, 77. Crown & Anchor, 29, 89, 96, 135. Crown & Beehive, 179. Crown & Canister, 85, 165. Crown & Chains, 79. Crown & Coffin, 174. Crown & Comb, 56. Crown & Cushion, 176, 177. Crown, Glove & Anchor, 70. Crown & Golden Ball, 76. Crown & Key, 37. Crown & Mitre, 30. Crown & Pearl, 52, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 165. Crown & Rasp, 168. Crown, Ring & Pearl, 74. Crown & Sceptre, go, 112. Crown & Sceptres, 77. Crown & Seven Lamps, 167. Crown & Slipper, 35, 36. Crown & Spur, 75. Crown, Sun & Seven Stars, 74. Crown & Swan, 184. Crown & Tea Canister, 86. Crown & Three Gloves, 69. Crown (?) & Three Sugar Loaves, 87. Crown & Two Sceptres, 45. Crown & Whale, 180. Cup & Crown, 79. Dagger, 168, 169. Dagger & Crown (?), 60. Dairy Maid & Cheshire Cheese, 46. Dairy Maid & Churn, 46. Dial, 51, 52, 53, 75. Dial & Crown, 51, 52, 54, 157. Dial & Crowns, 51. Dial & Fish, 67. Dial & King's Arms, 8o. Dial, Mill & Hand-Screw, 64. Dial & One Crown, 51. Dial & Three Crowns, 51, 149. Dial & ‘Two Crowns, 52. Dial & Wheel, 51. Diamond Cross, 74, 78. Diamond Cut Lamp, 141. Distillers Arms, 181. Dog's Head in the Pot, 106. Dolphin, 31, 46, 117. Dolphin & Crown, 138. Dolphin & Rose, 55. | Dolphin & ‘Three Sugar Loaves, 82. Doublet, 105. Dove, 41, 62, 130, 150, 157. Dove & Point, 147. D'Oyley's Head, 114. Drayman & Jacket, 163. Dripping Pan, 42. Drum & Colours, 138. Dryden's Head, 111. Duke's Head, 29. Duke of Montague's Head, ror. Dyers' Arms, 63. Eagle, 61, 144, 159. Eagle & Child, 56, 125, 130. Eagle & Crown, 75. Eagle & Pearl, 73, 74, 78. East India House, 45. Elephant & Coffee Mill, 173. Elephant, Hand & Comb, 56. Elephant & Rising Sun, 171. Elephant & Star, 173. Erasmus' Head, 32. E.T. & Crown, 61. Ewer & Swords, 72. Fan, 66. Fan & Bible, 33. Falcon, 148. Feathers, 33, 51, 136, 137. Feathers & Ball, 43. Fig Tree, 87, 164. Fig Tree & Sugar Loaf, 88. Fig Tree & Tea Canister, 84. First & Last, 175. Fish, 67. Fish & Case of Knives, 67. Fish & Crown, 67. Flaming Sword, 59, 60. Fleece, 101, 182. Fleece & Beaver, 97. Fleece & Case of Knives, 61. Fleece & Crown, 108. Fleece & Woolpack, 182, 183. Flower-de-Lis, 140, 185. Flower-de-Lis & Star, 75. Flower Pat, 50. Flower Pot & Indian Queen, 90. Flying Horse, 81, 140. Fork & Crown, 61. Four Brushes, 40. Four Coffins, 174, 175. Four Coffins & Heart, 45. Fox, 114. Fox & Cap, 98. Friar Bacon's Head, 142. French Horn & Violin, 137. Frying Pan, 37, 106. G. and Crown, 60. G. and Star, 59, 60. G.R. and Crown, 59. George, 101, 110, 132. George & Gate, 49. George & White Lion, 42. Glauber's Head, 47, 48, 49. Globe, 149, 153, 154, 157, 159, 161. lobe & Compasses, 34. Globe & Quadrant, 153. Globe, Quadrant & Spectacles, 154. Globe & Sun, 153, 154, 185. Gloucester Arins, 167 Glove & Breeches, 39. Glove & Fan, 69. Goat, 107. Gold Ring, 74. Gold Laced Hat & Fame, 98. Golden Anchor, 53, 81, 106, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 123, 132, 163, 165. Golden Anchor & Key, 106. Golden Anchor & Sun, 121. Golden Angel, 75. Golden Artichoke, 99, 120, 122. Golden Ball, 29, 34, 43, 53, 58, 65, 73; 75, 80, 90, 94, 95, 96, 100, 101, 105, 110, 129, 130, 1391, 136, 145, 149, 151, 156, 160, 161, 173, 178, 180. Golden Ball & Crown, 73. Golden Ball Only, 72. Golden Ball & Pearl, 75. Golden Ball & Star, 70, 102. Golden Beehive, 179. Golden Bell, 38, 130. Golden Bible, 144, 160. Golden Blunderbuss, 88. Golden Boar's Head, 109. Golden Boot, 36. Golden Bottle, 68, 69. Golden Boy, 62. Golden Boy & Woolpack, 183. Golden Buck, 149, 150. Golden Canister, 82, 83, 87, 88, 164, 165. Golden Canister & Sugar Loaves, 82. Golden Canister & Unicorn, 82. Golden Chair, 43. Golden Cock, 109, 151, 182. Golden Cover, 147. Golden Cross, 125. Golden Cup, 52, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 103, 171. Golden Cup & Crown, 71. Golden Cup & Key, 80. Golden Cup & Leg, 103. Golden Dish, 146, 147. Golden Door, 170. Golden Eagle, 42, 76. Golden Ewer, 38, 71, 79. Golden Fame & Pine Apple, 56. Golden Fan, 66, 165. Golden Fan & Seven Stars, 66. Golden Fish, 67. Golden Fleece, 79, 100, 102, 103, 104, 127, 133, 135, 146, 163, 183, 184. Golden Fleece & Glove, 89. Golden Globe, 149. Golden Hammer, 71. Golden Harp & Hautboy, 138. Golden Head, 45, 47, 48, 49, 56, 64, 65, 73, 96, 143, 148, 150, 154, 155, 156, 175. Golden Heart, 54, 91, 158, 159, 162. Golden Horse, 37, 151. Golden Key, 31, 37, 45, 46, 47, 48, 65, 77, 90, 115, 118, 123, 164, 173, 184. Golden Key & Star, 130. Golden Key & Three Sugar Loaves, 82. Golden Lamb, 179. Golden Leg, 34, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104. Golden Lion, 41, 61, 75, 76, 80, 82, 87, 88, 110, 123, 127, 134, 143, 144, 150, 151, 159, 162, 169, 175, 178, 182, 183, 184. Golden Lion & Ball, 111. Golden Lion & Case of Knives, 59, 104. Golden Lion & Crown, 40, 82, 120. Golden Lion & Three Sugar Loaves, 87. Golden Lion & Unicorn, 47, 48. Golden Pallet, 143. Golden Pear, 119. Golden Pen, 184, 185. Golden Pheasant, 56, 57. Golden Phoenix, 93. Golden Plough, 177. Golden Pole, 49, 50. Golden Roebuck, 129. Golden Salmon, 76, 78, 79, 80. Golden Salmon & Pearl, 73. Golden Spectacles, 72, 141, 142. Golden Spectacles & Sea Quadrant, 142. Golden Spur, 162. Golden Standard Bushel, 123. Golden Star, 48, 74. Golden Stirrup, 151. Golden Sugar Loaf, 84, 86. Golden Tea Kettle & Speaking Trumpet, 166. Golden Tobacco Roll, 169. Golden Turk's Head, 158. Golden Unicorn, 53. Golden Urn, 73. Golden Vase, 79, 155. Golden Viol, 138. Golden Viol & Hautboy, 138. Golden Wheat Sheaf, 116. Golden Wheat Sheaf & Crown, 131. Good Woman, 55. Grand Duke of Tuscany's Arms, 140. Grasshopper, 80, 87, 164. Grasshopper & Tea Canister, 165. Great Golden Spectacles, 141. Great Golden Spectacles & Quadrant, 142. Great Knife Case, 76. Great Wheatsheaf, 128. Green Canister, 83, 85, 101, 165. Green Canister & Three Sugar Loaves, 82, 164. Green Dragon, 140. Green Man, 62, 63, 125. Green Man & Still, 167, 168. Green Parrot, 170. Greyhound, 33. Greyhound & King's Arms, 86. Gridiron, 105. Gridiron & Trowel, 105. Griffin, 47. Griffin & Chair, 43. Gun, 88. Hadley's Quadrant & Visual Glasses, 153. Halbert, 59. Halbert & Crown, 61. Half Moon, 89, 115, 124, 134. Half Moon & Star, 6o. Half Moon & Seven Stars, 135, 178. Ham, 141. Ham & Lion, 95. Ham & Oil Jar, 141. Hammer & Crown, 70. Hammer & Hand, 71, 75. Hampshire Hog, 50. Hand & Beads, 76. Hand & Bible, 160. Hand & Crown, 42. Hand & Crown & Star, 42. Hand & Flower, 139. Hand & Glove, 69, 70. Hand, Glove & Crown, 178. Hand & Golden Pen, 185. Hand & Hammer, 70. Hand & Lock of Hair, 95. Hand & Locks of Hair, 95. Hand & Pen, 93, 184, 185. Hand & Pencil, 145. Hand & Pen-Knife, 159. Hand & Purse, 150. Hand, Ring & Crown, 75. Hand & Scales, 151, 152. Hand & Shears, 183. Hand & Slipper, 35, 36. Hand & Spur, 77, 157. Hanging Bible, 31. Hare, 98, 113, 116, rar. Hare & Woolpack, 97. Harlequin, 74. Harlequin & Pierrot, 58. Harp & Crown, 138. Harrow, 31. Harrow & Anchor, 34, 156. Hat & Beaver, 96, 97, 98, 99. Hat & Bonnet, 97, 98. Hat, Bonnet & Stay, 97. Hat & Cross Daggers, 96. Hat & Dagger, 97. Hat & Feather, 96, 98, 99. Hat & Mitre, 97. Hat & Plume of Feathers, 98. Hat Press, 30. Hat & Star, 58, 96. Haunch of Venison, 57. Hautboy & Two Flutes, 137. Heart & Scales, 151, 152. Heart & Star, 59. Hen & Chickens, 78, 90, 92, 112, 114, 116, 147, 121, 122, 128, 132, 135. Hen & Chickens & Seven Stars, 128. Hen & Chickens & Star, 116. Hercules, 153. Highlander, 167, 168, 169, 170. Highlander, Thistle & Crown, 170. Hog & Porridge Pot, 167. Hogarth's Head, 150. Hogarth's Head & Dial, 33. Homer's Head, 32, 34. Hoop & Grapes, 181. Hoop Petticoat, 53. Hoop Petticoat & Grown, 114. Hope, 91, 93. Hope & Anchor, 119. Horace's Head, 32. Horn, 149 Horn & Trumpet, 137. Indian King, 51, 123, 131, 133. Indian Queen, 51, 62, 63, 65, 66, 112, 113, 124, 127, 128, 130, 132, 148, 161. Indian Queen & Star, 127, 129. Indian Queen & Tea Canister, 50. Industry & Indolence, 172. Ink Bottle, 160. Japan Cabinet & Cistern, 43. Jar, 141. Jar & Three Pigeons, 140. Johnson's Head, 32. Jolly Sailor, 53, 156, 163. Judge's Head, 34. Juniper Tree, 62. Justice & Scales, 151. King's Arms, 31, 40, 45, 49, 57, 64, 65, 68, 69, 72, 75, 77, 80, 81, 83, 92, 96, 100, 106, 111, 114, I19, 120, 136, 143, 144, 148, 156, 161, 163, 166, 172, 1°79, 175, 177, 179, 180. King's Arms & Anchor, 113. King's Arms & Beaver, 96. King's Arms & Bird Cage, 182. King's Arms & Blue Coat Boy, 55. King's Arms & Globe, 154. King's Arms & Golden Bottle, 164. King's Arms & Golden Head, 49. King's Arms & Leather Doublet, 106. King's Arms & ‘Three Rabbits, 68. King's Head, 12, 77, 83, 113, 126, 129, 135s 139, 144, 155, 160, 175. King of Diamonds, 148. Knave of Clubs, 148. Lace Maker, 107. Lamb, 46, 70, 93, 100, 101, 103, 104, 117, 126, 129, 130, 134, 135, 158, 182, 84. Lamb & Beehive, 103. Lamb & Black Spread Eagle, 126. Lamb & Breeches, 111. Lamb & Crown, 109. Lamb & Dial, 64. Lamb & Dove, 119. Lamb & Glove, 70. Lamb & Queen's Head, 101. Lamb & Shuttle, 110. Lamb & Star, 53, 89, 162. Lamp, 166. Lamp & Crown, 166. Laughing Painter, 149. Leg, 176. Leg & Beaver, 60, 101. Leg & Garter, 100. Leg & Hat, 98 Lemon Tree, 67, 68. Lillie's Head, 144. Lion & Lamb, 44, 115. Lion & Lamb & Star, 122. Lock & Hinge, 105, 156. Locks of Hair, 95. Looking Glass, 32, 42, 43. Looking Glass & Cabinet, 43. Lute, 32. M, & Star, 61. Mace, 59. Maidenhead, 65. Man & Mill, 64. Man & Still, 61. Mangle, 123. Mariner, 153. Mary Queen of Scots Head, 136. Mill & Hand-Screw, 64. Mill, Hand-Screw & Blue Ball, 64. Minerva, 111. Mitre, 33, 157, 160. Mitre & Breeches, 38. Moor & Slipper, 35. Mortar & Pestle, 38. Mulberry Tree, 134. Musical Clock, 52. Nag's Head, 159. Naked Boy, 53, 116, 161, 178, 183. Naked Boy & Coffin, 174. Naked Boy & Rose, 184. Naked Boy & Seven Stars, 125. Naked Boy & Shears, 185. Naked Boy & Three Growns, 139. Naked Boy & Woolpack, 182, 183. New Adam & Eve, 183. New Balloon, 115. New Exchange, 112. New Royal Point & Star, 94. Nun & Anchor, 107. Oil Jar, 140, 141. Old Angel & Bible, 30. Old Bell, 112. Old Black Boy, 118. Old Black Bull's Head & Star, 163. Old Collier & Cart, 54. Old Compleat Angler, 67. Old Crispin, 35. Old Hen & Chickens, 117. Old Highlander, 169. Old Indian Queen, 124, 126. Old Knave of Clubs, 144. Old Star, 94. Old White Swan & Roll, 126. Olive Tree, 140, 141. Olive Tree & Colour Barrel, 55. Orange Tree, 107, 169, 170. Orange Tree & Two Oil Jars, 107. Original Good Woman, 55. Original Grasshopper, 86. Orrery, 153. Orrery & Globe, 154. Ostrich, 146. Otway's Head, 32, 111. Oyster Girl, 66. Pack Horse & Fustian Roll, 119. Packhorse & Star, 95. Padlock, 105. Painted Floor Gioth & Brush, 174. Pallas, 79. Paper Mill, 158, 160. Parliament & Judge's Robe, 150. Parrot, 92, 105, 125. Parrot & Pearl, 8r. Parrot & Star, 171. Patten & Crown, 53. Peacock, 33, 36, 37, 63, 78, 102, 103, 109, 119, 179, 180. Peacock & Bible, 31. Peacock & Star, 108. Peacock & Turk's Head, 108. Pearl, 75, 76. Pearl & Ring, 81. Perch, 67. Peter Boat, 174. Peter Boat & Doublet, 174. Peter &. Key, 97. Pewter Dish, 146. Pheasant, 56, 57. Phoenix, 47. Pheenix & Locks of Hair, 146. Pigeon, 63. Pinchbeck's Head, 52. Pine Apple, 56, 57, 139. Pistol & L., 59. Plough & Harrow, 132. Plough & Still, 62. Plough & Sugar Loaf, 87. Plume of Feathers, 78, 119, 167. Pope's Head, 111, 112, 177. Porridge Pot, 152. Porter & Dove, 135. Post Boy, 66. Pot & Pine Apple, 57. Prince of Wales' Arms, 81. Prince's Arms, 31, 70. Prince's Arms & Glove, 70. Prince's Arms, Three Bells & Golden Lock & Key, 29. Princess's Arms & Statue of Queen Elizabeth, 131. Printing Press, 148. Prior's Head, 32. Quadrant, 752. Queen Charlotte's Head, 127, 130, 137. Queen Elizabeth's Head, 117, 122, 134. Queen's Arms, 97, 134, 138, 147, 148. Queen's Head, 41, 42, 50, 68, 78, 90, 93, 102, 103, 124, 125, 129, 161. Queen's Head & Half Moon, 157, 160. Queen's Head & Hen & Chickens, 134. Queen's Head & Leg, 102. Queen's Head & Seven Stars, 130, 134. Queen's Head & Star, 46, 48, 126, 131, 133. Queen's Head & Three Tents, 178. Rainbow, 144, 185. Rainbow & Anchor, 63. Rainbow & Bush, 63. Rainbow & Dove, 62, 63, 64. Rainbow & Fan, 89, 93. Rainbow & Three Pigeons, 64. Ram, 101. Rasp & Grown, 168. Raven, 140. Raven & Anchor, 114. Raven & Sun, gt, 179. Red Bull & Case of Knives, 59. Red Cow, 46, 58. Red Cross, 48, 49. Red Lion, 118, 169. Red Lion & Anchor, 128. Red Lion & Seven Stars, 182, 184. Red Lion & Star, 128. Red Lion & Three Sugar Loaves, 83. Red M. & Dagger, 171. Reflecting Microscope & Spectacles, 142. Rembrandt's Head, 149. Ring, 74. Ring & Chain, 81. Ring & Cup, 72. Ring & Pearl, 71, 74, 77. Ring & Pearl & Case of Knives, 81. Rising Sun, 30, 73, 93, 98, 102, 108, 133, 135, 145, 147, 148. Rising Sun & Fox, 177. Rising Sun & Hat, 98. Rising Sun & Locks of Hair, 146. Rising Sun & Woolpack, 94. Rocking Horse, 173. Roebuck, 39, 58, 99, 111, 129. Rose, 41, 68, 102, 145, 183. Rose & Crown & Fowler, 173. Rose, Crown & Garter, 65. Rose & Fan, 68, 69. Rose & Woolpack, 91. Rose & Woolsack, 91. Rosemary Branch, 28. Royal Arms, 56, 88. Royal Bed, 175, 176, 178. Royal Bed & Star, 176, 177. Royal Bed & Sun, 176. Royal Biscuit, 56. Royal Boot, 36. Royal Falconer, 148. Royal Fireworks, 66. Royal Oak, 184. Royal Point, 92, 94. Royal Point & Anchor, 95. Royal Tent, 177. Royal Widow, 136. Royal Widow & Sun, 136. Saddle Royal, 150. St. Andrew, 121. St. Luke, 55. St. Luke's Head, 54, 143. Salmon & Pearl, 78. Sampson & Lion, 34. Sash, 69. Saw & Bag of Nails, 106. Saw & Crown, 61, 67. Sceptre & Heart, 60. Sea Quadrant, 153. Seneca's Head, 34. Seven Stars, 34, 44, 60, 89, 95, 103, 109, 123, 128, 162, 171, 178. Seven Stars & Crown, 171. Seven Stars & King's Arms, 182, 184. Seven Stars & Woolpack, 132. Shakespeare's Head, 31. Shakespeare's Monument, 32. Shears, 60. Ship, 33, 34, 50, 58, 59, 65, 68, 73, 112, 113, 120, 122, 140, 141, 156, 166. Ship & Anchor, 36, 93, 108, 112. Ship & Ball, 126. Ship & Black Boy, 168. Ship & Black Swan, 32. Ship & Star, 121. Ship & Sun, 101. Shoe & Slipper, 36. Silent Woman, 55. Silver Lion, 72, 73. Sir Isaac Newton's Head, 44, 45, 141, 154. Sir Isaac Newton's Head & Golden Spectacles, 142. Sir Isaac Newton's Head & Two Pair of Golden Spectacles, 143. Sisters, 121. Smoke Jack, 156. Spectacles, 142. Sphere, 154. Spinning Wheel, 117, 118, 180. Spotted Dog, 54. Spread Eagle, 81, 99, 146, 159. Spring Clock, 51. Star, 43, 48, 64, 73, 76, 79, 102, 114, 197, 171, 178, 180. Star & Blackmoor's Head, 122. Star & Falcon, 89, 93, 95. Star & Garter, 69, 81, 180. Straw Hat, 99. Straw Hat & Wheatsheaf, 99. Star of Mystery, 71. Star & Pearl, 78. Star & Ring, 79. Star & Sugar Loaf, 84. Statue of Queen Elizabeth, 131. Still & Juniper Tree, 181. Stove Grate, 104, 105. Sugar Loaf, 56, 83, 87, 185. Sugar Loaf & Tea Canister, 87. Sun, 41, 48, 49, 63, 65, 80, 81, 90, 95, 100, 102, 109, 114, 115, 118, 120, 139, 147, 163, 180, 181. Sun & Anchor, 117. Sun & Crown, 89. Sun & Falcon, 91, 92, 94, 95. Sun & Fan, 66. Sun & Feathers, 49. Sun & Half Moon, 182. Sun & Key, 65. Sun & Mitre, 31. Sun & Peacock, 91, 92. Sun & Star, 180. Sun & Wheatsheaf, 161. Sun & Woolpack, 92. Swan & Golden Fan, 66. Swan & Sun, 94. Tabor & Pipe, 138. Talbot, 161, 176. Tare (?Tear), 60. Tea Chest, 43, 83, 88, 164. Tea Chest & Canister, 165. Tea Chest & Sugar Loaf, 83, 88. Tea Kettle, 37. Tea Pot, 50. Tea Tub, 165. Tea Tub & Canister, 84. Tea Tub, Three Sugar Loaves & Crown, 85, 86. Tear (see Tare), 60. Temple of the Muses, 32. Tent, 44, 177. Thistle & Crown, 139, 145. Three Anchors, 106. Three Angels, 92, 125, 127, 128. Three Arquebusade Bottles, 145. Three Bells, 29, 38, 106. Three Bibles, 34. Three Black Lions, 134. Three Black Lions & Wheatsheaf, 134. Three Brushes, 40. Three Brushes & Crown, 40. Three Canisters, 50. Three Chairs, 174. Three Chairs & Cabinet, 177. Three Cocks, 151. Three Coffins, 175. Three Combs & Powder Flask, 56. Three Compasses, 28, 54. Three Covered Chairs & Walnut Tree, 41. Three Crowns, 35, 107, 108, 110, 117, 119, 120, 124, 128, 133, 150, 158, 159, 179. Three Crowns & Key, 120. Three Crowns & Naked Boy, 139. Three Flower-de-Lis, 90, 158. Three Golden Anchors, 71. Three Golden Lions, 111, 137. Three Golden Sugar Loaves, 84, 85, 165. Three Half Moons, 167. Three Hats, 97. Three Herrings, 171. Three Horse Shoes, 46. Three Keys, 106. Three Kings, 53, 55, 99, 100, 117, 179. Three Kings & Golden Ball, 72. Three Lamps, 167. Three Neats' Tongues, 141. Three Nuns, 117, 122, 135, 178. Three Nuns & Wheatsheaf, 126. Three Pigeons, 91, 92, 93, 94, 103, 115, 121, 136, 163, 169. Three Pigeons & Mitre, 165, 166. Three Pigeons & Sceptre, 90, 118, 166. Three Pigeons & Star, 92. Three Pigeons & Woolpack, 80. Three Planes, 170. Three Protestant Queens, 94. Three Rabbits, 68, 171. Three Roses, 115. Three Spatterdashes, 35, 157. Three Squirrels, 103. Three Sugar Loaves, 32, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 164, 165. Three Sugar Loaves & Canister, 164, 165. Three Sugar Loaves & Chinese Mandarin, 8 5. Three Sugar Loaves & Crown, 86. Three Tents, 176. Three Tents & Lamb, 144. Three Tobacco Pipes, 147. Three Tobacco Rolls, 168. Three Trunks & Blue Boar, 172. Three Trunks & ‘I'wo Buckets, 172. Three Tuns & Rummer, 35. Tobacco Roll, 65, 167, 168, 169. Trumpet & Horn, 137. Trunk & Bucket, 177, 172. Trunk & Buckets, 172. Tully's Head, 31. Turk's Head, 29, 62, 116, 118, 119, 124, 130, 131, 132, 133, 162. Turk's Head & Cock, 108. Turk's Head & Plume of Feathers, 116, 122. Turk's Head & Sun, 121. Turk's Head & Woolpack, 29. Turners' Arms, 174. Two Axes, 170. Two Black Boys, 170. Two Brewers, 49. Two Brushes, 40. Two Candlesticks & Anchor, 37. Two Candlesticks & Bell, 104, 105. Two Candlesticks & Key, 37. Two Chains & Buckles, 46. Two Civet Cats & Olive Tree, 107. Two Eagles, 96. Two Fustian Rolls, Rose & Crown, 116. Two Gold Candlesticks & Blue Coffee Pot, 72. Two Golden Pens, 185. Two Jars, 141. Two Olive Posts, 106. Two Spies, 181. Two Trunks & Chest, 172. Two Wax Dolls, 112, 113. Tycho Brahe's Head, 152. Unicorn, 41, 60, 62, 79, gi, 115, 116, 129, 158, 171. Unicorn & Case of Knives, 61. Unicorn & Pearl, 72. Unicorn & Star, 107. Vine, 176. Viol & Flute, 137. Viol & Pipes & Flute, 138. Violin & Hautboy, 137, 138. Violin, Hautboy & German Flute, 138. Virgil's Head, 34. Virginia Planter, 168. West India Planter, 87. Whale & Raven, 68. Wheatsheaf, 37, 56, 77, 112, 115, 116, 120, 124, 128, 133, 161, 162. Wheatsheaf & Bird, 94. Wheatsheaf & Bodice, 162. Wheatsheaf & Dove, 183. Wheatsheaf & Speaking Trumpet, 167. Wheatsheaf & Star, 89, 93, 108, 121, 127. Wheatsheaf & Sun, gt, 124, 127, 129, 130. Wheatsheaf & Trumpet, 166. White Bear, 160, 175. White Bear & Star, 66. White Hart, 54, 91, 109, 110. White Hart & Coffin, 174. White Horse, 47, 149, 151, 169. White Lion, 54, 63, 119, 126. White Lion & Blackmoor's Head, 131. White Lion & Golden Key, 106. White Lion & Sun, 55. White Lion & Three Flower-de-Lis, 105. White Peruke, 30. White Peruke & Star, 146. White Swan, 41, 42. Wine Press, 181. Woman Chimney Sweep, 50. Woolpack, 93, 98, ror, 178, 182, 183, 184. Woolpack & Anchor, 103. Woolpack & Crown, 139, 140. Yorick's Head, 150. Young Civet Cat, 145. >> begin |